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Posts posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. Posted Image


    1. Goes into horrible, and maybe a tad unrealistic detail about the killings

    2. Stashes bodies in basement.


    Old guy is crazy or something else is going on here. Either way, the "Castle Law" (whatever you called it) is a bit stupid in itself. The majority of Americans are afraid of everything, which is why these kinds of laws exist.


    Though if I had a gun, I would probably shoot the trespassers. Maybe in the leg or some shit.


    I'm afraid of guns.

    im not afraid of guns, for one i own a few and love target shooting.. but yea that old man was a lil bit over the top.. i mean shit.. shoot them to disable them and call the cops.. killing them was too far... and leaving them in the basement is just plaine retarded.. so yea Blex i agree... but damn squishy?.... a lil bit twisted sounds a stretch too short..

  2. I voted for you, Blex. Honestly, the only ones who are really doing much for the site at the moment are Traag, Blex, me, and Anarchy. I wish we had some more dedicated members.



    -.- alright look,... i would do something if i could, but the blockers in school wont let me do anything and i have no internet at my house..... sooo.. yea,... this makes me a lil angry... maybe if there were more people that actaully get on,.... the only people i have EVER seen online is Squishy Tragg, Blexun, Eric Bloodaxe, and Deathirst.. and hats off to you Tragg... your online everry single time i log on.. much appreciated for all you do

  3. Rocky Horror Show (Fun fact, went to my first RHS showing at the theaters this weekend, was actually extremely fun/weird. Would recommend. Hazing was not as bad as expected)

    just sayin i went and saw a production of this and i didnt know what to think about it lol. im gonna say i enjoyed it i guess lol
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