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Unknown ProbLem

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Blog Entries posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Unknown ProbLem
    Well, First off Dawnguard is amazing. and definitely has a wide variety of choices. The only problem, is basically to activate it, you need to wait. The Dawnguard will find you. you get in, find some coward who is nervous and what-not and asks you to walk with him.
    First Thoughts: Not a bad DLC, and the fact that Arrows were added (maybe due to 1.6, i don't know) makes it much better. off the bat, Base versions of Dragonbone are around +1-+5 damage to Daedric, putting Dragonbone at the top of the damage scale (though slightly unappealing to myself)
    Upon completing the first quest and awaking the Daughter of the Vampire Lords, you return your damsel in distress back to her father and are given a reward, and an ultimatum basically.
    You accept his gift and become a vampire (He is a strong enough vampire to actually overthrow any Lycanthropy you may already have)
    Or you turn him down and become "prey"

    To me, on my first playthough, I decided to follow the way of Vampire Lord and to all of you who currently do not have it, your perks are as follows:
    [th]Perk name[/th] [th]Perk Description[/th]

    [td]Power of the Grave[/td] [td]50 point bonus to health, magicka and stamina as Vampire Lord[/td]

    [td]Blood Healing[/td] [td]Killing a person with a power attack bite restores all your health[/td]

    [td]Uneathly Will[/td] [td]Night Powers and Blood Magic cost 33% less[/td]

    [td]Poison Talons[/td] [td]Melee attacks do 20 points of poison damage[/td]

    [td]Night Cloak[/td] [td]In combat you are surrounded by a cloud of bats that feed on enemies within melee range[/td]

    [td]Detect All Creatures[/td] [td]Night Power: Detect all creatures, even dwarven automatons[/td]

    [td]Mist Form[/td] [td]Night Power: Transform into an invulnerable mist, while health, magicka and stamina regenerate[/td]

    [td]Supernatural Reflexes[/td] [td]Night Power: Everything slows down while you move faster[/td]

    [td]Vampric Grip[/td] [td]Blood Magic: Can pull a creature to you from a distance, and do choking damage once it's close[/td]

    [td]Summon Gargoyle[/td] [td]Blood Magic: Can conjure a gargoyle to fight for you[/td]

    [td]Corpse Curse[/td] [td]Blood Magic: Target is paralyzed[/td]

    This is all so far, still need to complete more quests while i bake in my room *sigh* it's hot in here... x.x
  2. Unknown ProbLem
    Well as some of you know, I enjoy hardstyle music, and the melbourne shuffle dance. I decided to go the extra mile and duct tape my shoes "like a cool kid". It worked amazingly, to my surprise, however today i felt i should remove it and apply a new layer. My shoes are somewhat fine, little stickier right now without the tape but you may be wondering about the title now.
    here's the fun part, while removing said duct tape, i was holding my scissors incorrectly (because it's all i could think to use) and I accidently squeezed down a little on them and cut the top and bottom of my little finger. Turns out it isnt too bad, just a little unusualness to my very casual day and figured I would share with you guys, and warn... don't cut duct tape or remove it with scissors.
  3. Unknown ProbLem
    Well I can't believe the past couple weeks or months. I haven't been active here in such a long time. Well, I made my first welcome back guide for a post 1.9 update power-leveling. Recently I got back into Magic:The Gathering and have been playing Borderlands 2 like a cocaine addict. My main Assassin has over 19 days of game time and about 1,000+ items in my bank. I hope to get around to more builds for Skyrim and even Borderlands 2. I hope somebody can beat my record for hitting 251, as I currently sit at 81-252 in 3 hours and 55 minutes.
    short entry, pain and love mixed in my life, no idea what to do with the dawn of official adulthood looming.
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