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Everything posted by Vocaloid

  1. I'm not getting along with one of the members, I can't stay in this clan.
  2. I think a good award might be Firecape club :Dand maybe if some people in this clan have it the tokhaar thingy alsooo from kiln
  3. The grossest thing that I have ever experienced. I used to live in LA, then our little apartment got bed bugs. they are terrible things that ruin your life, so my brothers in LA made me stay in Chicago. I have lived here for a little over a year now, and from what i know that whole apartment complex block got knocked down.Since most people have gone into detail with their disgusts, i may as well also. If you live in a house with Bed Bugs, you have to accept your going to get bit. The bites go away after a while, but obviously if you live with them your going to get re-bit every night. They are so disgusting, and they are everywhere. They are also virtually impossible to get rid of. Once they bite you, if you look at the one that just bit you... you can see that they're red with your own blood. I lived with that for one night, got 0 sleep, and flew to Chicago. at least 10s of thousands have to deal with that reality every day of their life, at the very minimum. for all i know it could be 100s of thousands or millions, I really don't want to look up the numbers.
  4. My springbreak was awesome. I stayed at my friend's house for most of it, and we had a blast. As far as going out goes, we watched the hunger games with a couple more people, and did some Chicago stuff such as blue man group and the second city comedy club. Yea, we had a great time. Ofc my spring break was only a week long, and was a couple weeks back... long gone X_X
  5. Vocaloid is a Synthesizer program that imitates a human voice. Since it has come into existence, it has become very popular, more so then most other programs of its type. After Vocaloid 2 has come out, They started turning certain "voices" into pop idols by giving them avatar's and whatnot. There's a lot of inside jokes and themes a lot of them carry, and it makes them very lovable. I found a Vocaloid video that doesn't have that great of a song, but I think the video part sum's up most of the Vocaloid's themes.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN0jpTwNcFg&feature=bf_prev&list=PLAE5E8725219FFDE4&lf=results_videoIf my explanation wasn't clear, you can wiki Vocaloid for a better explanation.
  6. I did a couple f2p dung's, it's much easier dealing with people who don't know what they're doing. dunging in general is not terribly faster, but it is a bit faster. The dung part of the update generally just helped stopped very annoying things from happening i guess, which is a good thing! the ability to have a better hatchet/pickaxe is a little useful, but i don't think people will use it for much other than opening skill doors or doing challenge rooms.
  7. Haha the vocaloid sig looks fantastic, tyvm!
  8. Image: http://i43.tinypic.com/s2w80p.jpg Colour: Blue Main Text: Hatsune Miku Main Text Colour: Silver Subtext (if any): Vocaloid 01 Subtext Colour (if any): silver ES Logo (yes/no): one with and one without Additional Comments: make it purty! tyvm XD [COMPLETED]
  9. Fishing is a great 99 to get because you dont need to pay attention when you do it.
  10. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? PrettyFlower, but i will change it in about a week Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat:126 (f2p) 137 (p2p) Total:2205 will be f2p in about a week Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Ive been in 4 official clans, and 1 group of friends clan the first clan i joined was a group of friend, left due to inactivity the second clan i joined was call The Death Monkeighs, i joined them 2 years ago. since then i have left and rejoined them twice due to nasty members, i left for the third time a couple days ago and dont plan on going back i have tried 3 other official clans in that time all for about a month each, and left them all because i didn't get along with members these clans are Avon, Nova, and Titans Revolution In all of these cases thier was 1 or 2 members that wouldn't leave me alone, in 2 out of these 3 clans, the members arent their anymore Where did you hear about TRR? RSOF What were your first impressions of us? My first impressions are that you guys were really nice and talkative, and just fun to be around Why do you wish to join our clan? i would like a place to talk with people that are fun to talk to, and just do stuff in general with them in runescape
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