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Status Updates posted by cheekychips

  1. The amount of effor i have to put forth to find the irc chat is too damn high

    1. David


      Isn't it in the same place? Top left corner? If you mean #Rebelz I'd be surprised if that even existed still, sadly.

  2. Got on RS for the first time in a long time, and its like a wasteland. There are so little people, I honestly wanted to cry

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      Fortunately, we have the Deathirst, master of all two sites.

    3. Nathan


      lol. That made my day.

    4. cheekychips


      Dear god ive missed you all.

  3. balls

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      ^^Unless you are a sexy chick

    3. Jake


      If you're a sexy chick, you may not play with your own balls.

    4. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Well, I was replying to the last sentence.

  4. Running the Nearly Naked Mile on my campus tonight, gonna be fun. TMNT boxers. Perhaps pics to come.

    1. Blake


      Posted my most recent status, then look at at yours. YOU AREN'T HELPING!

    2. cheekychips
    3. Jake


      You two give this clan style.

  5. Meow meow meow meow

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      well meow to you too lol

    2. Jake


      *starts licking cheeky*

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      woah squishy... that was a little gay.. just saying...

  6. Went to midnight release for borderlands 2, so freaking worth it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan


      that articles weird, the way he he keeps comparing it to an FPS, Borderlands is more of an openworld RPG than an FPS and is completely different from Halo and COD.

    3. Jake


      Scroll down and read the comments. That guy could lose his job over this.

    4. Nathan


      I didn't go down that far at first, I read part way through the article and went "this guy has no idea what he's talking about" and stopped but wow, the complaints from people are amazing, and actually surprisingly reasonable for the internet XD. I kind of feel bad for him if he does lose his job, but at the same time how the hell did he even get the job, hes clearly a casual gamer at best.

  7. was hoping there would be someone still up to talk to, however there is not.

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      whats your rsn? i tend to be on obscene hours


    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      wooo glad to see ya man

    2. David


      Damn it. Better fire up the chat room.

    3. Blake


      I don't believe it.

  9. Miss you all, I'll be back soon, i pwomise

  10. Tomorrow I begin the moving process again, oh boy oh boy

  11. Just got interviewed by the news about videogames at a cafe next to my college, might post the interview if i can get it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cheekychips


      Some kid apparently spent 4 days straight on his xbox playing MW3, so the local news agency was doing a "gamers reaction" on the situation. I was at a coffee bar/gaming cafe and they asked how long i've played straight, am i a hardcore gamer, what are gamer stereotypes, and how i react to the situation etc etc

    3. Jake


      Modern Warfare 3 is for casual gamers, you should have said. Also, I apparantly heard that there was a teenager who died of starvation from a 40 hour Diablo 3 marathon.

    4. Blake


      "how long i've played straight"

      There is a gay joke in that somewhere.

      Also, a gaming cafe I don't even?

  12. Enjoying whats left of the summer, before everyone gets busy again.

  13. I know everyone has been working hard recently, we need to keep it up!

  14. Oh where oh where has my blexun gone, oh where oh where could he be?

    1. Saucy


      i know he's missing out on so much fun!

    2. Blake


      With his internet cut short

      And his penis cut long

      Oh where, oh where can he be?

    3. Jake


      Blexun, you are the most brilliant mind on the face of this Earth.

  15. Oh where oh where has my blexun gon, oh where oh where could he be?

  16. scary how fast life moves

    1. Nathan
    2. gotab0ner4xmas


      'life is a blast just its moving really fast/ better stay on top or life will kick you in the ass' good luck with whatevers got your concerns

  17. just hasn't been a good week..

  18. Broke out Majora's Mask today. Its not even funny how many times I've completed this game

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blake


      Emulator on laptop. I only got the mod we had to work when we were in the same room. Though some emulators allow net play.

    3. Jake


      I tried to get into the game, but the time mechanics turned me off. I guess I should give it another chance?

    4. Blake


      It's a lot different than Ocarina of Time and the other Zelda games. While on the other games you had all the time in the world to explore and have fun, on Majora's Mask, you know exactly what's going to happen, but only have 3 days to fix whatever problems you want. Plays more into time management and focusing on the task at hand and coming to grasp with the idea that you can't help everybody in the time allotted.

  19. That point early in the morning when you feel as though you're the only person awake on earth.

    1. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      I get that feeling daily, lol

  20. Finished my blog! Go check it out! (shameless self plug)

    1. David


      The one started on the 6th?

  21. Gonna finish dat blog tonight. I think I can I think I can

  22. Just saw the Dark Knight Rises. My. God. Perfection. Bane was just as badass as he is in the comics. I'm very pleased, very very pleased. Incoming blog entry

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      It says on the poster that it will come out today, but in the program it says 25th... Well I don't have time this weekend and the 25th I'm away. I'll watch it when it's been going a while. Less annoying people then.

    3. Nathan


      Glad to know they did Bane well, I was kind of unsure about him from what I'd seen in the trailers.

    4. Blake



  23. If you havent noticed, i've been absent a lot recently. Currently having some life issues, but i'm trying my best to find time for the site.

    1. Nathan


      Hope things get better for you soon :)

    2. Blake


      I know that feel bro

  24. Whats on your mind?

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