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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. Dovahkiin is a word that refers to the draonborn, yet does not translate to it, it translates to two different words,Dovah meaning DragonsAnd kiin meaning Born as or within
  2. I agree completely, but I also try to colect all the Dovah names that I kill, to see if maybe I can collect all the revived dovahs namesIts not just Dovah that are inportant to the game, take in also the dov, the dragon priests, yea they barly give you anything, but the mask always helpsDov is DragonkindDovah is Dragons
  3. If your a mage being a vampire would definently be for you, my friend is level fourty sumtin but he still makes werewolf work dont ask me how of course, hes not really even my friend, used to be though, I seen him tear through like thirty guards, I was suprized
  4. I am happy with being a vampire, the nightvision is very useful seing as to hw is like th only power you can turn on and off, of course it has its downsides too, turn it on during the day if you want to blind yourselfI like using it in nordic ruins it brightens ip the place
  5. The noise that horrible noise that they make, It makes my skin crawl.
  6. I always start off getting my butt kick because of my weakness to the sun, and also the challenge, I'm new to the game but I've already killed Alduin and defeated Ulfric, I've only had the game four like a week, I've been through three profiles, Now I just run around doin small missions hunting game and dragons, then I go sell all my scales anywhere I can. Thats Why I Kill Dragons
  7. I can only think of one that even plays the game, but I will tell him about it he might join, I'm trying to get other people to get the gsme if or when they do i'll also throw in the website
  8. I kill dragons for the fun but then i find myself trying to carry 75 more pounds of useless scalesWhat about you
  9. Being a vampire is far more exiting, but sometimes I start to mis becoming a werewolf, the reason i got rid of it was because i didnt use it a lot, bein a vampire has more abbilities, but having to feed becomes a dragI had Forgotten about making this topic, then when i remembr i come and see the exact thing i was thinking of naming it, i got on and seen my post, srry, and thank you for starting the topic
  10. well at least its humorous, LoLI like keeping my names serious
  11. Hey I'm going to start a topic about vampires and werewolves, what is your opinion
  12. Always have my Nightingale sword and bow, and my Deadric hammer, But sometimes I'll carry around the Wabbajack, or the Sanguine Rose, Sometimes both, but they weigh a ton so I cant do it very often Well swords do less attack but are faster, that doesnt mean that they are better, dual wielding maces would be the same as dual weilding swords, just a little slower, dual weilding swords would be the same, just a little weaker, but the enemy woul die about the same time either wayLike I use the slowest weapon in the game, the warhammer, but that doesnt mean its any less deadlier than a greatsword
  13. u confused me there for a secondI guess ima leave guys
  14. LOL I bursted out laughing when I read thatSadly I dont recall a word for shock in the dragon tongueBut Belle in the Ayleid language is thunderous
  15. I want to help people find cool names for their weapons or if you have a cool weapon name please share it, Making names is easy, take letters from other tongues (Each word will have a meaning) such as the dragon word Dovah this is translated to Dragon, Using words like these (Normaly three) you can make a name that has meaning, My Deadric Hammer is named Dovahdrogal Dovah, Dragon_Drog, Lord_Al, Destroyer I named My hammer this because it was the hammer i used to kill Alduin, in other words, it has a meaning, You can have a name like that so if you have an idea of what you want I might Can Help make you a name
  16. Well my friend gets upset whenever i say anything about argonians
  17. Well yea ive been tryin to dip into conjuration, but the only thing givving him magic bonus at all is his vampirism, and even with that drag i still lose half my powers in the sun, pluss that fire IR-resistance gives those big dumb Dovah a powerfull advantage, esspesially during the day
  18. My current is an Orsimer, I wanted to be an elf, that looked at least a little similar to a human, but i also wanted to be strong, I went through four or five Races but I wasnt happy without the superiority of an OrsimerBesides the High Elves Looked too horse faced, please no offence to anybody, they are atill three times better with magic that the OrsimerI may be the only one here that has not played OblivionBut did u guys know that the simbol used on the case of oblivion is actually a deadric alphabet O
  19. I dont feel like making a list so ill come out and say itthe Orsimer are my favorite race,the Berserker Rage is the main reason but theres also the natural blood right to the Orc Strongholds and the attack bonus if they have one i heard they did so im runnin on possibility, the orcs also look very strong, intimidating if you may, green..., but intimidating
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