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Posts posted by Anarchy

  1. We're still waiting for your specs/games ;)


    I haven't gamed on a PC in a long while D: last time was probably 2010, I sometimes game on my laptop...but the specs are not even worth posting LMFAO


    I only started this topic to get a general idea of what people are playing and what they're using to play.

  2. there's something like 6 main classes with 40 sub classes, and you can pick 3 sub classes or something so its 120 combinations :P


    that's crazy, I think I watched people a couple of times on twitch playing

  3. Havent tried it yet, it's a new one just finished its alpha stage, it's one of the first sandbox MMO's with over 120 class combinations, looks decent enough.


    Either way beta sign up is free!


    120...... why is this REAL!!!!!!! to many options are bad xD

  4. The gang's all here. :)


    If only there was an MMO that was just released we could all play...


    I wish David, I wish...




    aw pal, you dont need a gaming pc :P get Teamspeak 3 and get on it, a few of us chill out play league mostly, but mix it up with other games. 



    I do need a gaming PC D: I miss pllaying actual good games. Alright I'll get on teamspeak :D






    Sign up for beta on this fgts




    Do you already play Archeage and is it a normal MMO? Or is it completely something different!?

  5. I'm good buddy thanks, keeping busy :P


    How you doing?


    Games you on now, if any?


    I'm doing good, just wished I had a gaming PC again D:

    I'm currently playing a game called Aura Kingdom, it's alright got bored really quick

  6. I found her to be the most annoying Council member of all time.


    When was she council? D: Under who's leadership?


    Annoying is an understatement. But she was never a Council member, somehow an EC before, jumping to take position as leader and from the way it seems, founder of that newer version of TRR which collapsed in a matter of hours after I couldn't put up with any more of her shit, lol.


    I know she EC when I first joined TRR , NVM according to her signature she came way after me, and then again when I was the Leader D: but this whole Leader thing I was never there for.


    Who took over the clan after me Deathirst?

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