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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yeah. It's ok, don't worry about it
  2. Oh...no, I don't think I was. I was with TRR, then I quit RS for nine months, then I came back to TRR.
  3. By that I meant that I've been always been playing Runescape, so no I haven't. I knew what you were talking about :/
  4. Axe Sunscorch and add Bionic Yoshi.I'm hittin' this with my main.
  5. I've been a scaper forever , and thanks
  6. So...I'm back. Name and everything now. I've swapped membership back to Yoshi. The only reason I was using Sunscorch was part of an experiment to see if my levels were achievable in a shorter period of time than I acquired them before. As it turns out: no. Thus, I'm revived Bionic Yoshi from its absence and will be using it from now on!Good news: Yoshi had crazyawesome stats (well, compared to Sunscorch at least).Bad news: I only have 417k after I funneled it all into the Sunscorch experiment.So...hi!
  7. If everything goes smoothly I'll be able to make it.
  8. I've finished both of them now, but I still need to do all the standard unlocking ones (DT, LD, FTP2) I do quests as I need them. There's really not much else to it.
  9. My two favorite games (Sonic Adventure 2 and Pikmin 2) both had good stories, but the gameplay blew it all out of the water. As far as story goes, I love Halo. It's just...Master Chief is so badass, and the story is like something you'd find in an actual book or movie. Nothing irks me more when developers think they can get away with a shoddy story just because it's a game. SA2 and P2 were the exceptions, due to excellent...everything else. I've beaten Pikmin 2 at least ten times and it's still not boring.
  10. You can always take out the guitars or donate them to my brother, who would love to have them. Jazz is nice though. What do you listen to?
  11. Finally grabbed 43 prayer, after deciding not to AFK through three and a half hours of homework that's still not quite done >.<. Well, off to do Jungle Potion and Shilo Village. Then I'll be on the fast track to 99 fish...eventually.
  12. I need:-Master Harmony, Salvation and Corruption-99 att-99 farm-99 pray OR 99 construction OR 99 runecrafting. Any of the white skillcapes excluding summoning and hp.After all of that, then I want:-99 fishing-99 woodcutting-99 cookingI'll probably get the stuff I listed for 'after' before, simply because I'll need the $$.Then I need all the blessed d'hide. I'll get that as I get skillcapes.There's no way I'll be able to do this all in one year, but once I get it, I'll feel like I beat the game.
  13. Count me in on the runehead, i'll be crushing everyone in construction and farm before long.Sunscorch.
  14. Thanks, and there's an issue with the sigs at the moment, I'll fix them eventually.
  15. Two things: got 6 sc hammers for construction (I'll save up until after the bxp to use them), and finalized farming runs (see farming section for details).
  16. Thanks! I'd been considering that but I never got around to it.
  17. I'm training on pyrefiends again to see if my luck comes back. I haven't exactly been very lucky with clues lately (nothing over 100k, even on level 3s)
  18. They were, maybe one other one from the pyrefiends.
  19. I ought to specify that they weren't consecutive, I did about six clues in between.
  20. One day I was at pyrefiends and I got a clue, I was bored, so I did it and got ranger boots. They were worth 15 mil at the time 0.0.Then I was at pyrefiends again and I got a clue. I decided that I ought to do it again, and lo and behold, another pair of ranger boots 0.0.I sold both and got 85 construction, along with other things.
  21. Thanks huygens . I'm starting to rethink crafting. I'm on a tight budget and my bxp time will be spend 2.7-2.0 on Cons then 2.0-whenever I run out of wergali unf pots and wimpy feathers.WC might be a better idea. I'd get a little cash from it and I'd be able to get more planks.
  22. Thanks guys . I'll update if anything big happens.
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