Then these people should fall into the community member category in my opinion. No because your attempting to make the events, how ever maybe you shouldve put your problem across to an EC, to have some more friendly times for you?
Sure i check it out I have a lot of friends that use huppit, gamebattles for good players lol I'll let themKnow see if my mate will post it on his YT aswell he's got 600+ subs :DGood luck
Tbh we need to step up the ingame recruiting and do a period of 3 activity check events over a 2 weeks period to actually see who is active? We also need to practice warring a lot more, so we could recruit at clan wars? I know that's how I found my first clan :DMaybe we should also do trial members when they apply and they have to attend 3 events/wars to become a full member??
Okayyyy BRAD'S goals: Goal for double exp: Current long term goal: Also going for all skills over 70 "/ Then next I guess its the Max cape "/ Okay theres the goals LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!