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Everything posted by Scout

  1. 70 range! not that impressive, but by God I got it and expect at the least an honorable mention!
  2. It's really hard for me to say, it depends if I will work or drill that day, if I will have internet in my apartment up by then, and if the girlfriend will be willing to let me sit on runescape while she is home (if she's home).Also what time is that central time?
  3. So I doubt anyone has noticed in particular my extreme inactivity in the last month or so, but I don't want to be the clan member who kind of fades in and out and no one remembers me... so here is the scoop on my life, why I am so inactive, and when I should start being active againThe girlfriend moved out of her home with her parents and I moved out of my old apartment because they wanted to raise the rent too much (I am no longer on a lease) for her to move in, we renter out a hotel for about a month while we started apartment hunting for our own placeI went to new mexico and left her with the hotel for a couple of weeks while I was gone.Came back and started my first week of training with Dish Network away from homeCame home to work out of my office for a week of hands on trainingWe found an apartment during that first week and got lights and water turned onCame back to Dallas for another week away from home trainingI am now in my 3rd week of Dish training, after this week I got a week in austin for the national guard then I come home to my apartment for good.My work schedule every week is at least 50 hours, usually closer to 60+ (and my office got a cost of living raise so I got a $1.75 raise... yeehaw)We plan on paying our next month of rent and our electric/water bill (and the deposits for the electric/water) before we intend on getting internet at our apartment.So within the next month you can expect my activity to increase a lot as I will be able to play at home, but I also work a full time+overtime job so I wont be as active as I would like.Anyway thats the story of my last 2 or so months, hoping to be able to get in game and post on forums on a semi frequently basis soon. For now however, I will have internet and be active most days between 6 and 10:15pm up until friday
  4. Soon I will have internet cut on in my new apartment, and then I will get MotM... mark my words!
  5. I may be able to make this, I am in Dallas and now have internet again, and on that note I should have internet next month. We are moved into the new place and that is our first priority after next months rent
  6. Haha I'm not back yet, in the middle of a two week training mission with the National Guard and moving into a new place, so the internet will be hairy for 2 weeks to a month at least I would imagine, I will drop by the forums from time to time when the chance arises though.
  7. Sorry I havn't been on in a while guys our internets messed up and between work i havn't had time to call time warner and get it fixed, but i jumped on my phone to leave some love!
  8. ^^ I thought it was next week =P
  9. Lookin very doubtful with my new job I don't think the odds of me being off (much less home) by 4pm is going to happen... but I'm not here saying for sure that it's not either. We will see =]
  10. Ty traagin, I didn't realize I could change my display name myself and my log in is just fine how it is =D
  11. Okay guys, I have changed my name to TRR scout in rs, and would like to do two three things with this post.1. alarm everyone that getpkerslapd is now TRR scout2. get my name changed on the forum from getpkerslapd to scout3. if anyone here is good with photoshop/making forum signatures let me know, I am wanting a sig for the forums, I can give you better details on what I am hoping for =]
  12. Scout


    It is time for a celebration, perhaps a tale of Blexuns bravery and cunning!! (jokes only jokes)
  13. Dont worry fergie... i got 99 problems, but a bitch aint one.... but get your punk ass back into clan chat sometime, I miss you =[ (no homo)
  14. Sounds like mage is about to get raped, even with a dual casting. The main idea of mage in the combat triangle is to keep melee at a distance, and their armor makes the magic spells hit harder... but with melee dual wielding if they so much as get near a mage, it's game over... having two d scims reigning blows for even 3 seconds will almost KO a mage. So unless you are dual casting with an ancients freeze spell and blood spell then they are going to get on you eventually and eat you aliveDual wielding crossbows won't make it any better considering the high hit rate a crossbow has, two crossbows hitting you at the same time is gonna hurt...Mages, prepare to be bent over.
  15. Scout


    Well I am not afraid to step up to the batting plate my lady. I was the pker guy you were talking of. I was originally just trying to jerk your chain about joking around with blexun (if you hang out around clan chat you will notice blex is arguably the most well known TRR member). If you will notice blex never said anything out of place, people were saying it for him. That's just how we act. Blexun is the closest thing we have to a gentleman so we poke and prod at him consistently trying to get a reaction all in the name of fun.I don't know your situation and I am not concerned, your drama is not my drama, however when you go to our clan chat demanding answers like everyone is trying to hide them from you then I believe you crossed the civil line well before I did.With that being said have a great day, a speedy recovery, and may God(s) bless you.GETPKERSLAPD OUT!
  16. I think we could try to kick back old school, If I remember right when I first joined I had t get 3 referrals, sign up on the website, and post an application before I could join. Now I see people getting invited into clan before they even realized that we have a website... bring back the damn near week long application so by the time people get accepted they feel like they earned it. =D
  17. IDEA!! perhaps make a sticky titled events for today and have the initial post updated routinely as well as the regular posting of events? this way there will only be 1 extra topic that can cover all events, and if someone have details more specific than time and event type (such as how to do the event, meeting place, meeting world and any various other questions)
  18. I have noticed that most of our clan events are posted in the even section the day of the event, that makes it very hard for people to plan ahead of time to be able to attend them. If we started posting events a week ahead of time and kept bumping the topic so it would keep being seen, I think it would help people be able to attend a lot.
  19. I highly doubt I will be making it, it's my girlies only day off, so runescape wont be goin on a lot as soon as she wakes up.
  20. Thanks everyone =D I'm pumped to be back.
  21. Scout

    Clan Citadel

    I was still on the runescape probationary period thing so I couldnt this week, I'll be game next week though =D
  22. I'm excited, as an ex highly rated arena player on WoW, button mashing has a very nice skill of mine. I am just worried about the lag.
  23. Meh, I'm still not sure how I feel about this tbh... I'm either going to start playing runescape a lot more, or never at all soon...
  24. Hell yeah, now I won't be getting 100k worth of 1k prizes, I'll be getting 500k in 1k prizes. JACKPOT
  25. It don't suck when you get it for free =D
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