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Everything posted by Scout

  1. Meh well, I went... didn't get paired up with a 114, he was 119. FML 500k down the drain and one minigame you will never see me return to.
  2. So the main reason I stopped playing RS was the start of my new job at that time working as a tank builder in refineries/plants, that job had me consistently working 10-11 hour shifts, plus an hour drive home... but with the start of my new job which I have officially got today, I will have time for runescape, work, and my girlfriend... meaning I don't have to sacrifice any of them.P.S. the job is a Dish Network installer =] congratulate me <3
  3. Any word on how well these guys match you up? I don't want to get in there and be matched up to a level 114 or some crap... Hoping it's better than fog
  4. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Getpkerslapd Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: 775 (its a work in progress) F2P/P2P: p2p Combat: 71 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? YES this one <3 Where did you hear about TRR? Im an old member What were your first impressions of us? I used to love the clan, but real life got serious, and when I was on for an event no one would attend it... so I left the clan and took a rs break. Why do you wish to join our clan? I hear (and can tell by cc) the clan has gotten much more active in my absence, and I am pumped to be a part of it again.
  5. Haha yeah everyone who was active was cool as shit =P remember this aint a break up, it's runescape =P
  6. Well everyone I enjoyed my time in TRR, but the extreme lack of activity (I not once attented an event with more than 5 people, 5 people should not be considered an event...) has led me to start jumping back into the clan search in hopes of finding one that can pull 15+ active members to events on a regular basis, wish me luck? Anyway I still plan on dropping by the forums from time to time and raise hell and will join cc every now and then as a guest... or that is the game plan, as I like to consider a handful of people I met on here friends (i.e Bwad, fergalicious, destiny, warriorsc and a few select others), but of course if all i get is flamed and troll'd on for leaving (which theres a couple people i am pretty sure will hate for no reason) I can just as easily disappear from forums, after all in the long run it's still runescape?Anywho, everyone take care and I'll catch you around.
  7. sorry I was a no-show at SW last night, real life got in the way at around 5 pm my time (an hour before the event) and I wasn't able to get everything settled in time. =\
  8. dont hate the cowboy hat!! Best halloween costume ever, almost made me glad to work that day.
  9. okay, to sum things up my name is TJ, you know me in game as getpkerslapd, and I have the 100% most terrible luck in the world... I am so unlucky that I won't even be lucky enough to get lung cancer even though i aam so devoted to it I will go outside to smoke in 30 degree weather wearing shorts and crocs... I am so unlucky that when dicing I roll a .5... hell I am so unlucky that I couldn't even get lucky with Brad (no homo)...So, I have decided to start posting daily the bullshit things that don't happen to most people, I figure this will give clan members something to laugh about, and most likely end up in unrelenting torment of me and cc, but it's all goodto start things off, last night: unlucky #1 of the day, after buying a new battery for my truck it died again the next day, and #2 I got called in to come an hour early so my manager could get some stuff done she needed done that day, then #3 my coworker didnt show up at all, leaving me to work the entire dinner rush myself, 56 sandiwches in 3 hours, by one person? like a boss (I work at subway as an assistant manager btw). at close I had to lock up the front door with the gas station we rent our store out from because #4 I was going to be there significantly later thann they were, so after taking the key back over cleaning the store up to look beautiful, stealing a few cookies I set the alarm and went to leave out the back door when #5 an alarm sounded, so I went back inside called the owner and waited for the police to show up... after about 30 seconds of being inside #6 another alarm sounded then the police called my store to find out what was wrong... I found out later #7 that the first alarm had been the gas station next to me, the employee working there was training a new guy after close and had set his alarm, forgot about it, and tried to go back inside.. so the alarm I originally heard was a safety alarm in our store to alert us if somehting is happenign next door to hide... meaning that #8 I could have left after the first alarm went off and everything on my side would have been perfectly fine. ... that was a good nightToday: I had to walk to work again, seeing I was scheduled to open and got home around 1am last night, I was unable to take my truck to a mechanic to get him to check it out, so after working my day shift I left at 3pm only to discover my keys had been left inside, considering I didn't grab them because I dont have my truck atm... didnt tihnk about it, and my phone was dead because I listen to music on it while im at work. so I was locked outside for 3 hours until my roommate and hsi girlfriend got home from the mall/movies to be able to get in, so I was sleeping on a lawn chair on our porch with neighbors probably wondering why the subway guy is passed out on a lawn chair. (we live in a townhouse, which is like kinda like fancy 1 story apartments, but only 2 are connected with a 10 foot or sp space and the another 2 connected) ... that is my adventure up until I posted this... lets see what else can go wrong today <3
  10. WTF GTFOOO, kidding lol I aint been here too long either, but I caught on quick this clan is very very chill. Don't sweat it lol runescape is nothing but pixels and e-friends.
  11. I notice no ones commented on this, but for everyone who didnt notice it... it is TOMORROW, I will definately be there, and I am hoping to see quite a few more, I would really love to see this clan start being active!!I am off tomorrow so count me in, I might get called in but I'll tell them I've got something planned at 7.
  12. "The runescape rebelz is an awesome clan. very helpful to it's members... and we even have real life females!"^win?
  13. I would love go back to my glory days and virtually live in the wild with friends and clan members, pking events would be nice if they could be coordinated, but I realize this clan is an all level clan and the active member levels vary a lot. Do what you can do though? lol.
  14. indeed, you could do the same method on membs server, also with no skills with green d-hides (assuming you can afford them) for a much greater profit
  15. hola, just got accepted into the clan, im a mage/melee hybrid (well atm im more mage pure... but mage/melee is my goal)combat level 36 with 54 magic atm.I must admit though I am worried. Upon browsing through the clan forums i am seeing more posts complaining about the lack of turnouts for events, and I am in the clan friends chat as I type this... and have been in there alone for almost 2 hours...Hopefully this clan will prove to be more active than it seems right now.As an offnote I DO NOT go to school, but I do work... my usualy shift is 5pm-10pm but occasionally I will be working a 5pm-11pm, or if im lucky a 12pm-8pmI will do everything I can to attend all events possible... any wars that permit magic if I am not working, you can almost bet your ass I'll be there
  16. Alright first of all I apologize for the lack of pictures and videos, I typed this up to assist in passing time while training magic on the lesser demon in the wizard tower.But it is actually rather simple, first of all I would suggest have at least 11k to start with, if you don't have that much go kill chickens in lumbridge for a short period of time, as their feathers currently sell ~10gp on GE so it should be no time to get your first 11k, however the more money you have the more profit you can make (as is the curse of being broke irl as well)Just buy cowhides at the G.E, they currently sell for -5%:110 mid:114 +5%: 120 (i believe) but save same same amount of cowhides you have in gp also... fpor example if you buy 700 cowhides, save 700gp in cash.Now go to the al kharid bank, withdraw 27 cow hides and all your gp, and go talk to the leatherworker, he is right on the other side of the furnance, tan all your hdies into regular leather (they sell for more) go bank the tan hide, withdraw more cowhides... and do this until they are all gone... then go to the G.E and sell all your leather... I did 1k hides in about 45 minutes, and that was on a laptop using the lame built in mouse and texting... so you can easily do it in 40... maybe 35 if you reallllyyyyy focus...the leather sell for approximately 90-110gp more than nthe hides, that means in 45 mins you get a 75k profit... making it about 100k an hour... in f2p and not needing any skills at all... that is good money.
  17. Well then, my new account (as my old account got hacked during my 3 year absence) is going to be a mage/melee hybridGoals for combat are:attack: 60strength: 85+magic: 85+prayer: 52my goals for skills are:75 wc85 mining76 fishing77 rc38 herblore ( money making purposes)Quests I want to get done are:Desert treasure and the lost city are the only ones atm, as I don't know what all new quests runescape has to offer, nor do I remember the old ones that would benefit meLikely all my skills will be worked on at any rate, those are just the ones I really am looking forward to getting. I am also f2p, otherwise I could get my herblore one up now
  18. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? getpkerslapd Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 35 (pure mage) Total: 199 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Negative, just got back on runescape after a 3 year absence. I was in a few small time clans, but none that i can even remember the name to back in the day. Where did you hear about TRR? Runehq forums! What were your first impressions of us? Organized, runescape being the more casual mmorpg that is is, I was amazed to see that you have a dedicated vent. Why do you wish to join our clan? I loved the fact that I posted on runehq with complete honesty behind my character (low skills, low combat, and pure) and not only did I still fufill your requirements, but someone actually posted on my thread, actively trying to recruit me. That is good stuff.
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