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Dark Mana

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Everything posted by Dark Mana

  1. Ron Paul is our only hope
  2. Nah not yet. Blizzard isn't quick to give release dates cause anything can happen. But I'm pretty sure it will be out early next year. Most likely Jan or Feb.
  3. Umm im not sure what other games it's like. Not really like WoW.Here's a pretty good gameplay vid of a boss fight.Pretty sweet at 2:20
  4. Awesomenessshttp://us.battle.net/d3/en/
  5. lol wow.ya nothin wrong with it but thats kinda surprising.
  6. D3 will def be worth buying in my opinion but D2 probably not so much worth it.
  7. damn youngster :)Your probably the only person in the clan that should actually be playin RS xD
  8. Sucks... maybe Santa will get you a new one xD
  9. Anyone else gonna get Diablo 3 when it comes out?I know I am (:I remember back in the day playin Diablo and Diablo 2. Seems so long ago
  10. Are you going to vote?if so for who and why?
  11. or not lol I can't find you
  12. lol k well ill add you anyways
  13. Hey RS is pretty old too
  14. Happy Birthday (: sorry a little late haha

  15. Is RuneHead all members or just top members or what?
  16. Ya i know. But im saying he isn't a super hero at all maybe a hero but not a super hero. He's a fuckin pirate, a bad ass pirate at that but still a pirate. He doesn't go save people for any one but his own interest.
  17. Jack Sparrow isn't even a super hero
  18. super hero = Batman villain = The Scarecrow
  19. Dark Mana


    I got the gravity 3idc about having a smart phone
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