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Everything posted by Hollykins

  1. Just wait until I get started =P
  2. Both really Fergal, will let you know first
  3. Just to keep you all updated I'm constructing a feasible plan of what to do first etc and how to go about doing it all.
  4. Need to change but not change who we are.
  5. It's cool people it's not just gonna start immediately but what we need to be doing is literally doing clan training. It's just boring talk in IRC and training so we find a decent place, decent world and we train our arse's off and then get better practice with warring etc. If we war more and get more wins other people with come. IRL right now for me I'm applied to Uni and I need something to take my mind off the waiting time so we can do this ya know? I'll be like the whip cracker because right now I'm finding the game boring and stuff, so let's stop me from going bye bye. Oh and my boyfriend decided to un-retire from his clan and it's like great so your now going to go to mandatory events and I'm stuck doing nothing the whole point was to you know spend time with each other and not have all these obligations so screw it, I'm gonna give us all the push that we need. Spesh as I said the thing about big clans, he's in one and every now and then I've heard him reference us as not a proper clan so let's be a proper clan and do stuff that we enjoy. None of that you have to meet these requirements to join crap but we may have to limit all the peeps we accept etc. Btw if you all don't do as I say, I'll kick all your arse's XD
  6. Back, no matter what now. Will explain better in IRC and stuff.
  7. Lets gets some mass training going on, leveling up on all the levels we want. Focus slightly on combat. Get people the 99's. Let's get practicing on Clan Wars etc. Get more active, get more members. The more active we are the more people we get. Let's rival some of these up themselves clans. I for one am essentially coming out of 'retirement' let's do this properly and get ourselves some wins! Practice, practice, practice!Most importantly is to stick it to the big clans who are so up themselves that I cba to let this clan die. Fuck em all, beat em!Can someone move this to TRR discussion as well?
  8. 4 months RS membership for 6 and Ice mask.May have bought it, it's good thinking I don't have to worry for another 6 months.
  9. I still want the most amazing Holly award XD
  10. Well I has no 99's =( but 80+ combat so whatever award for that urmm...Total level 1200 and 50 quest points. Thats it, unless you want to make one for the most amazing Holly of the clan, I would be willing to accept
  11. After chrimbo I shall hopefully be back more because lets be frank I'm crap at activity even on RS atm I'm barely on and I want some 99's in Combat skills.
  12. Hollykins


    Anyone seen the JCB phone? In a way I wants because I won't break it. XD
  13. Not gonna lie I shall try and be there. I'm up for some KBD cause I can range and shizzle. Btw you spelt shield wrong
  14. No work over chrimbo or college so I shall see ya'll around for a bit
  15. Hollykins


    Nokia Lumia 800, came out in Engerlanddd the 16th I got it like 2 weeks later XD on contract though so I didn't have to fork out £500.
  16. Heyy just a quick update I got in a lot of crap at college and shizzle but my friends okay now but unfortunately my original post still applies =(
  17. Past week has been hectic and basically my college is bitching at me about attendances and the likes.Then I had to call the police on my friend cause he was about to jump off a car park etcI'll be around just not majorly until all this crap is sorted.
  18. Hate to break this to you all but give it a year, Jagex will stop updating the game to kill bots and bots will come back.
  19. 27 days 6 hours over just over a year. Banging.
  20. Thing is with the clan world atm, it's dying so activity in most clans are rubbish. The top clans are crashing each other and stuff so yeah it's not massively good atm.
  21. I'm Holly. I'm 20 and I'm awesome! Well 20 next month but may as well say 20!
  22. Apparently RSBuddys going to be back online soon.
  23. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Holly kins Might change in like a month though XD Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 85 Total: 1300 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? LoL with Fergal =D Where did you hear about TRR? Through LoL but this time was someone asking for a friendly clan on Zybez and Fergal posted so I was like ooooh *click* What were your first impressions of us? You're all friendlys and shizzle. Why do you wish to join our clan? Because LoL was good to be in and I generally had fun and I expect this clan to be fun too!
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