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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Welcome back internet I suppose... haha, but in all honesty, we can't do much until people start stepping up and attending events.
  2. Alrighty, but I believe we need some more practice in warring. I'm all for making a legit GWD team.
  3. Thanks I'll keep it in mind.
  4. I know there's a similar thread that's pinned at the top, but it seemed a little outdated. As the new events coordinator, I'd love to get some feedback on what you guys may enjoy as a clan - I'm coming from a different background; every clan I have been in has been high level warring/PK'ing clans, so i was wondering what you guys are interested in, both high level and not and I will try as hard as I can to schedule and fit in a big assortment of different events.Thanks for the feedback guysMentioned -God Wars
  5. http://users.telenet.be/glodenox/Charms/CharmPattern.htmlCheck this out - It'll tell you exactly what to make, how much xp you'll get with the charms you have, and how much money it will cost with tons of different options.I didn't make this, nor do I know who did. I found this a long time ago, book-marked it, and that's about it. Enjoy!
  6. Woo, good stuff. Time to turn this clan around for the better.
  7. No.. Only reason i'm doing a quest is for the rewards, and I just want those as quickly as possible lol.
  8. You should try training here, I've been maxed for years now but I feel like this would be good cmb xp/hr
  9. If i'm online i'll be there, have to check my work schedule though!
  10. Welcome to TRR! Hope you like it here!
  11. Agree'd all around haha. Been doing some staking, made about 65m in 15 minutes
  12. Yeah, it'll just make me appreciate those capes that much more.
  13. Howdy. Well, this is where I'll be keeping note of my progress throughout 2011. Basically my goal for this year is to max out combat, which really won't be hard after achieving, in my opinion, the hardest goal of mine to date: 99 Slayer. I'll be keeping a log of all my tasks from my start level, 78, until the end of my goal, 99. If anyone feels the need to donate, which would be cool, i'll make sure they get recognized here as well. This is going to take a lot of motivation and determination but I know with you guys backing me, i'll be able to do it Once 99 slayer is achieved, I should have enough charms for 99 summoning, as I have around 89-90 banked at the beginning of this thread (10/29) from 82. Along with 99 summoning after slayer, I am going to estimate that I'll have made enough profit from 99 Slayer to achieve 99 Prayer through Frost Dragon Bones on a Gilded Altar. If I don't make enough, i'll RuneCraft for some extra cash or something, but as far as gameplanning, this is how it's going to go. Lets get it going. GEAR: BANK @ START Probably around 15-20m in food and other supplies as well. BANK - CURRENT (10/29) The Log: 10/28: 206 Bloodveld - 79 Slayer 10/28: 148 Hellhound 10/28: 96 Steel Dragons 10/28: 46 Skeletal Wyvern
  14. Jimmy


    So, does anyone else find it weird that it's October 29th, and where I'm at, Philadelphia, is getting hammered with like 4 inches of snow..?Shits crazy, where do you live, and are you getting snow?
  15. 99's:Attack, Strength, Defence, Range, Mage, HP, Dungeoneering, RuneCrafting, Cooking, Firemaking, 200+ Quest Points130+ Combat...and I think that's it
  16. Hey guys. My name's Jimmy, but you can call me.... Jimmy.. Or Rkt.. or anything you want, just give me a heads-up . My IRC nick is Rkt, so feel free to say hi whenever ya see me!I enjoy playing RuneScape a lot more now that there's no bots, and I also enjoy meeting and talking to people. I've been in and out of various clans, but I have to say this is my first real community clan. I hope to meet and chat with a lot of you soon!
  17. I know I probably don't have much say in any of this, but I do have a lot of experience with clan's;Every clan hits a rough-spot - It's the ones who pull themselves out of that truly shine.
  18. Unfortunately, the only thing RS has done has taken down the option to use reflections for botting - All they have to do now is figure out another way, but apparently RSBots.net is releasing information soon that'll give everyone a better idea when they'll be back.
  19. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? FB_GM Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 135 P2P/125 F2P Total: 2202 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Yes, I have been a member of many clans in the past, ranging from pure to main clans. Pure clans I have been apart of include: Mayhem Makers Final Ownage Elite Valhalla Higher Force Inner Odium and Main Clans: Reign of Terror Kill Orgy The Crew Corruption< Where did you hear about TRR? I heard about TRR by browsing through RSC's recruiting board and found your post on a member's looking for a clan post. What were your first impressions of us? I always say make a good first impression, and go with it. That's what you guys have provided for me - I saw your recruiting topic and browsed through your forums unregistered a bit, and everything I saw I instantly fell in love with. As I was saying to |Brad on IRC, I am sick of being a number when it comes to RuneScape, and I feel when you join a warring or PK'ing clan, that is all you ever are. Well those days are over, although I still do enjoy PK'ing, I realize my bank doesn't as much, so it's time to make some new friends and actually enjoy playing RuneScape again Why do you wish to join our clan? I wish to join your clan because I also made a "Looking for a clan" Topic a few weeks back, searching for something just like this. I'm very experience when it comes to clans, having been apart of the clan world for a good 5-6 years, and I love the atmosphere of a clan who has their stuff together - and it seems like you guys do. It seems there are a lot of cool people in this clan, just by looking at IRC while typing this application up. I hope to be a part of you guys soon, and make a ton of new friends
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