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Judobreaker last won the day on December 1 2011

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About Judobreaker

  • Birthday 09/07/1988

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  1. http://www.good-tutorials.com/Start easy with basics. Once you get the hang of those go more advanced.
  2. I'm a pro defender. :DI usually was the first one to have his job done in the first 6-8 waves.
  3. Slayer is best expwise if you take in to account the slayer exp for sure. ^^Training otherwise is a bit of a waste of exp. If you're 99 in all combat skills but not in slayer that'd be a whole lot of wasted exp before you reach 99 slayer.
  4. Judobreaker


    Somehow I know someone was going to bring that phone up. xDI like fancyness though.
  5. W00t!Je bent de man Huygens! xD
  6. Judobreaker


    Lol.Buncha noobs.Used to have Nexus 1.This saturday my newest toy arrived though:http://www.google.com/nexus/Now THAT is a phone.
  7. They're late...Downloading is not illegal here in Holland, just uploading.
  8. Balthazar's circus: I already have all the items, but I still do this a lot because it is really good exp. Penguin Hide and Seek: Easy exp. Champion's Challenge: These are so rare you're a frickin' idiot not doing them if you get one. Evil tree: Pretty good exp, although I'm usually too lazy to go search for them. I do them if I stumble upon one. Shattered heart: I've yet to finish that statue the first time. Tears of Guthix: Good exp in your lowest skill, I like this because my lowest skills are usually the ones I dislike most. Also like said before: More qp == more time. I have the cape so a lot of exp for me. Shooting star: Same as the evil tree. Phoenix lair: I don't do this a lot as I'm usually a little too lazy for this but it's ok to do. Not a lot of exp but I still want that second phoenix pet. Fish flingers: Never tried. Court cases: Never tried. Effigies: Exp. It's not like you have to do a lot for them. Troll invasion: Never tried. Familiarisation: Never tried. Treasure trails: Monies! I do all hard/elite clues I get. I leave all easy/medium clues, too much work for too little reward.
  9. You know, judging by the amount of topics exactly like this one created in the last few weeks and the average amount of replies they got I'd say the clan is far from dead.
  10. Hah, real diehard have the NES, not the SNES. :PAs for N64: Banjo Kazooie, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Smash Brothers and Donkey Kong 64!
  11. Yes it is if you know how to use some of the advanced features.For you, probably not so much.I don't expect you're into advanced photo manipulation, professional graphic design or movie/game concept arts. ^^It has a few nice features for low-end users though, the fact that it displays perfectly at every zoom percentage is nice for example.Older Photoshop versions display weird at zooms other than the usual 50%, 25%, etc.
  12. No, I still think Jagex made some pretty epic mistakes along the way. :PHowever, I do understand their strategies usually and this one isn't that bad.The point of this strategy is not just making it harder for gold farmers to sell their gold.Let's be honest, it's not that hard because all they have to do is earn their gold, buy membership and sell the gold before they get banned like Huygens said.However this changes one thing: in order for gold farming to stay profitable for the farmers they'll have to increase their prices to cover membership costs.If Jagex manages to ban a gold farmer within 2 days that'd mean roughly 15 memberships a month for a single gold farmer.
  13. It's also illegal in that sense. :)I have a legal copy of Photoshop CS5 Extended (actually I have a legal copy of the entire Adobe Web Suite ).GIMP is a rather strong tool too although I don't have loads of experience with it, I've always used PS.The biggest problem with GIMP however is it's interface which makes it less obvious to use...Photoshop has the tendency to have loads of options though so I guess it's easier to get lost in them.
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