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G3mini328 last won the day on October 19 2011

G3mini328 had the most liked content!

About G3mini328

  • Birthday 03/28/1991

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G3mini328's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. If anyone wants to play BF3 you can hit me up on 360. GT = Gemini328
  2. trying that out right now. Thanks Monopoly
  3. Aw Man. Im the only one who voted for PC
  4. The IRC client on the site isn't working for me!!! When i log in with my name it goes to the client and then just says unidentified string and won't do anything. Help Me Please!
  5. the only reason that we require paypal is so that we can compensate our staff in the future.
  6. im actually going about it the dumb way lol. I bought 310k willow logs and fletching them all to willow longs.. . . gonna be a journey.
  7. Heres my current goals. Gonna have more on the way once i get these finished up
  8. Hey there everyone, Just letting everyone know that I did get permission to post this on here from Traaginen. I am in no way trying to steal members from this site or community.Anywho,I am one of the 2 co-owners of www.finestladders.com. We are a gaming ladder site (kind of like Gamebattles). We are trying to be bigger and better than all the other ladder sites out there. We strive to have a fun/competitive atmosphere where gamers can come show off their skills, meet new people around the world, and just have a good time.We have a range of games that covers all the popular systems.-Xbox360-PS3-PC-WiiWe also offer tournaments with some pretty cool prizes. We have some pretty cool sponsors who are wanting to do some big stuff for us in the future. I'm not sure if any of you have heard of it but one of our biggest sponsors is a company called Game Juice. Its more located on the west coast of the USA as of right now.Anyways the reason I am posting this is because we are looking for Staff. We are looking for some trustworthy personnel who we can count on to be there and get the job done. I couldn't think of a better place to find those kind of people than right here.We have a range of positions available-Forum mods-Site Admins-Event Coordinators-Referees-Human Resources-Advertisers-Platform ManagersI know there is more but my mind is drawing a blank right now. There will be more staff positions opening as well. We have a new site we are working on Right now. We are hoping it gets to be big. We will have all new staff positions opening up also. So stay tuned for those. Our new site will be called Gaming Socially Connected(www.gamesoco.com).We just have a few requirements for our staff.-Must have a Skype and Paypal account-Must be able to maintain a Mature Professional attitude -Must be available for Weekly meetings-Willing to have funIf your interested just shoot over to www.finestladders.com and apply for the staff. Don't make it your entire reason to be picked but make sure that your put in there somewhere that Gemini328 sent you and you are from TRR. Thanks All! Hopefully see an app from you guys -Gemini328
  9. I have GOW3 if anyone wants to play hit me up. Gamertag = Gemini328
  10. Actually its a funny story how I came around this clan. I was searching around on zybez and youtube and I came across the recruiting video for this clan. I happened to be watching the Pirates of the Caribbean and the songs from the video and the movie played at about a one second difference. It was like a sign that I was supposed to apply. It was the craziest creepiest coolest thing that has ever happened to me. Also completely random. Thanks for letting me in and no worries I will attend as many events as I can and I will be getting P2P soon enough.P.S.- Huygens the quote in your sig is my favorite movie quote of all time.Once again thank you and I hope to see all of you around and form a great relationship with the guild.
  11. Hey there!!I'm G3mini328. I am a long time RS player. I have been around RS for about 9-10 years. This is my second account i have made. I wanted a new start on the game. I am extremely happy that you have let me join the ranks of The Rebelz. I am currently F2P but planning on being P2P once I am higher in level. I hope to meet a lot of new people and have a good time. See you guys around!
  12. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? - G3mini328 Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: - 4 Total: - 41 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? - Yes. G.U.I.L.D.S, Crimson Templars, (a few others as well but been so long I don't remember the names) Where did you hear about TRR? - zybez.net recruitment forums What were your first impressions of us? - I was amazed. I first saw the recruitment video before I read about you. The site is amazing and it looks as if there is a great community to back it up. Why do you wish to join our clan? - I am looking for a fresh start in Runescape. I love clan life and this clan seems to be a very good fit with awesome community and just centered around having a good time and being a family instead of focusing on combat.
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