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Posts posted by Buttons

  1. light and lighting are two different things. you can add a light source, like a candle or torch, but in many cases the light itself has to be added separately. and uh, its also a little tricky, seeing that you cant delete actual light once you have spawned it like you can with objects like furniture and torches. So getting the right light to match the light source can be painful. need to save before each attempt so you can go back to that save point if you get the lighting wrong. 



    so yeah, for light itself, there is a whole list of different codes.

  2. For starters, stop buying spell books for crying out loud, you can pretty much loot them any old place. And yes, the dark brotherhood pays ok. But yeah, the best way to make money fast is 1. Steal from the dead, kill more and take whatever the victim has, right down to their underwear, then sell it all! 2. Hunt and sell your goods. Pick flowers if ye have to, and sell them too. Hold onto the bare minimum. Raid a few Giant camps, Bandit camps, take from them, take from their chests, and do over some tombs and defile the bones that rest there, knock down a few mammoths and rip out their tusks. Go crazy running around Skyrim killing, hunting - and most of all, selling all the plunder! No holes barred! 


    *clears throat* 


    Just don't steal from the living for quick cash. They tend not to like it and selling it is hard unless you are a member of the Thieves Guild. But if you are a member, steal there stuff as well and sell sell sell! Just be careful of the thugs that come look'n for ya on account of being a low down dirty thief..... 

  3. an option you may not know about... hmm. Have you picked the vegetables at the farm there in town and sold them to the farmer who could have just as well done the job himself without costing him any gold? Cuz apparently picking someones own crop and selling it to them is considered help, even if its just one lousy vegetable.  

  4. Enchant your sword or bow or whatever weapon you use with the Soul Trap enchantment. Stick an empty soul gem in your inventory. Go out and kill something. Anything will do. And that's about it really.... Um, but I should also point out that some souls gems won't be big enough to hold some souls. for example, a humanoid soul requires a Black soul gem. But I'm you'll figure all that out. 



    If you need more info, here: You can always use a weapon that already has a soul trap enchantment on it. but if you wanna enchant your own weapon you will need to disenchant a weapon with soul trap on it in order to learn how.... errr... Uhhhh.... and you will actually need a full soul Gem to enchant a weapon in the first place... but yeah. Oh! and btw, an enchanters table helps too! Go see that annoyingly arrogant wizard in Dragons Reach for that. 


    However, a friend of mine recently mentioned the Mystic Bindings perk in the Conjuration Tree that automatically enchants any Bound Weapon of your own with Soul Trap,  but meh... he sounds like a crazy man to me. 


    There is one other thing though, if all else fails: You can us magika to trap someones soul (there is a spell for it I believe), but I don't get into magika much, I'm more of a beat-you-over-the-head-with-my-wacking stick kinda player. So someone else will have to tell you about that magika stuff.  



    David, ye there? Hello!



    In any case, if Dave takes a while to get back to you on account of eating too many sweet rolls to care, try Google. 

  5. Keep in mind David is correct.


    David is always correct. Except for this one time when he wasn't, but I think that it was my fault, being that my question was a little weird.



    Anyway, I agree with Dave... and my only wish is that I had of got here before he did to tell you the same thing, only in less complicated terms.... "the higher your own enchanting level, the stronger your own enchantments will be" (and yeah, perks, soul gems and potions help as well).



    I mean heck, Dave, you weren't around for ages, then when someone finally asked a question I could smartly answer, there you are again, stealing another part of my could-have-been glory ;-;

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  6. 1. Don't think I've ever found the sword first so that might make a difference. Normally the quest is available very soon after one sees Braith bullying Lars. The only reward is two septims so it's not really a big deal to miss it out. Only real reason to do it is because it's satisfying to subtlety threaten to orphan her before the DB actually does brutally murder her parents. As an alternative there's the sarky dialogue mod, there's an option where the DB threatens to make her an orphan in a much more explicit fashion. It's glorious!


    2. Best way if you want to do it secretly is to use fury while hidden and then watch the guards hack them to death. Amren does hang around the castle sometimes if one can't find him. Pretty sure one can be seen and still adopt Braith. Murdered Braith's parents in front of her before and the adoption dialogue came up after she'd been sent to Honourhall.


    Anyway hope you get it to work. Making the worst kid in the game into the DB's slave! Now that's true Skyrim justice!


    Yes, I managed to work it out, with a bit more patience. But thank you for another way of doing these things. 


    As it turns out, Braith is the worst daughter ever, gives the worse gifts ever. So I've decided, if she ever asks me for an allowance, I will give her the minimal amount, while her sister gets a 1000 Gold. Take that, you mean little.... 

  7. 1. Braith's Parents are still alive, for now.... But Lars refuses to give me the dialogue allowing me to go and talk to Braith about not bullying him anymore. As far as I can tell there are no prerequisites for this quest. I have however found Amren's family sword for him already, if that makes a difference? 




    2. On another note, once I finish that quest, I'm gonna kill Braith's parents so I can adopt her, but the first time I tried this Braith was aware of me doing so, and so I couldn't adopt her. The last time I tried it, I successfully killed Saffir secretly (her mother) in bed, but then afterwards couldn't find Amren anywhere.... Sigh.... Any tips on the best way to pull off this "kill the parents and adopt the kid" thing? 

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