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Posts posted by Buttons

  1. This is not a bug, there IS actually a door you need to close. When you follow Delphine from the main tavern hall into the room where the wardrobe is located, it is the door to that room she is referring to. Close the door to that room and she will say, "that's better" and then she opens the secret entrance to the basement: 










  2. I tried spawning Lisette but she just walks out. I'm assuming she's on her way to Solitude. And when i click on her she just turns to me and says, "sorry, i have to concentrate on this". Then she just continues on her way again. 


    Is there any way to contain her in my house and make her respond as she would in her natural environment?

  3.                                   The Ups....



           NlrwaDX.jpg          aAOXPPw.jpg           CvWtFxP.jpg     


         OntWEsk.jpg         a0f9X7c.jpg           E1BFyLH.jpg  


                J5IDDIJ.jpg          exR5YOV.jpg   






                                         The Downs.....




        6kuWT4L.jpg        LXbMnmR.jpg        xtHO1kg.jpg     

         DIzzA5i.jpg          kx1SQsW.jpg            syWiidS.jpg   


                                     wp321hH.jpg                                  0YWJJO2.jpg

  4. Ok Casey you inspired me with your post, so i spent yesterday working at creating the youngest looking character i could. The only problem is that i did need to use skin texture, hair style/color and eye color mods (all available on Steam) to try and deceive my eye into believing the character looks younger even though - if she had any of the standard Nord hair and eye colors, she would pretty much look about the same age as any other Skyrim character.  However, I don't know if you go for the whole hot-pink-pop-culture look, and if you don't like it then you could probably create someone even younger with regular coloring by using an Anime or child-face mod of some kind. But Buttons wouldn't go that far.....


    So anyway - she's not exactly lore abiding - but thanks to your inspiration here are a few pics of my newest character. Her name is Angel:


    YArTH9n.jpg      641mOSC.jpg     uJOvzBS.jpg                                           4BHYRLF.jpg   











    Here are the mods i loaded, but i didn't use them all:


    1. Radioreggae's Hair Workshop 2

    2. Purple eyes

    3. Geass Eyes

    4. All eyes for non-beast races

    5. luscious faces - photo realisctic

    6. Milva - nord face preset

    7. More hair colors

  5. No worries, just wanted to put it out there!


    There really is nothing wrong with throwing the Steamapps folder in your documents when re-installing Steam, because it shouldn't remove the directory if it's not in the correct place. (Or am I wrong? Did it?)


    With regard to the GPU, a NVIDIA GTX 650 or higher is required, so if unsure, I'd double check if it supports Shadowplay - so that will cost you something like at least $100 I guess at the bare minimum new. Not terribly difficult to install (assuming your motherboard is new enough to support PCI-express slots - not (just) PCI), but it would be inside the tower. Good luck with both of your slots. ;)


    As for the removing of the directory, I'm not sure, I tried putting the steamapps back in their original place after the re-installation of steam (just in case i needed to do that), but it didn't take, which was when i realized that i did the copy-and-paste rather than the cut-and-paste when i moved it. in affect i guess i really didn't move it at all, just duplicated it... So I'm guessing that is what caused the issue. oops...


    Hmm, my computer is only a year old, new enough. But i was hoping i could just "stick it in a slot" rather than open up the tower, as that sort of operation makes me nervous. Well it would make me nervous if i got someone else to do it, especially in a small city like this where it is really hard to find someone to do a decent job of anything at all. Seriously, its terrible here. but if its not a difficult operation then i guess i could try it myself. At least id only have myself to blame if something went wrong. Be a bit like a dermatologist performing bypass surgery....

  6. You really have to have patience with these things - This is a community forum, not customer service. I'm sure of those thirteen post viewers, had they known how to solve the issue, help would have been extended, but this doesn't appear to be a common issue - I sure has hell don't know how to fix it (also haven't seen it until now).


    Anyway. If you want to keep your games when re-installing Steam, back-up your Steamapps folder (or delete everything besides it, I guess). That folder is usually found at C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps (or Program Files (x86)). Just for future reference really; I'm not sure if it would still have solved your problem if you hadn't re-installed Skyrim in the process.


    Thank you, Fergal. I've been a lil cranky lately. I know it's a support forum, but i don't really have a life beyond this chair... (sulk-sulk) However, and as you suggested and as i found out on the web, i did actually remove my steamapps from c:\ program files (x86) before uninstalling steam, but the only problem is that i didn't really know where to put them.... so i just stuck them in my Documents folder instead of onto an external hard-rive. I'm a dumbass!  Fortunately it wasn't too much an issue re-installing Skyrim; i have it on a disc so i didn't have to pay a shitload of credit on my prepaid rip-off account. The other fortunate thing is that i didn't lose all my saves; but i just kinda took a chance on that one... 


    My bad, but thanks again for replying. I appreciate it. By the way, I'm going to be buying one of those graphic cards you mentioned in my earlier post about videoing game-play with that shadow-thingy. I'm hoping it will be as easy as just plugging it into a slot in the front of my tower....  Speaking of sticking things in slots, I'm pretty certain I'm gonna have to get laid soon ;)


    And one more thing, I apologize if i offended anybody else with my cranky-pants posting yesterday. Please, feel free to punish me... i don't mind a little slapping back there. haha....

  7. Well thanks for the feedback. appreciated. always good to know we've got friends online right?

    So, seeing I don't know what I'm doing, i decided to uninstall/re-install steam. It fixed the issue, at least for now, but i did lose the game in the process, not to mention all my mods, and so i had to download everything all over again. But like i said, thank you, all thirteen of my posts viewers were a tone of help. really. 


    I know, but I didn't really have the time to wait for whenever someone decided to get around to it....

  8. Alright, the only part of Skyrim i don't like and really just rush through because it annoys the sh*t out of me, is anything to do with Hermaeus Mora and his little bitch, Miraak. I'm quite happy to finish the "Dragon Born" Quest and then "The Temple of Miraak", but once I read "Waking Dreams" the first time it loses me. I hate going to Apocrypha. and I hate doing the five chapters of  the Black books "Apistolary Acumena" and "Waking Dreams". and I have ABSOLUTELY no desire to go through the whole Nchardak experience with Neloth either, the guy is a twat, his quest area sucks, and he cant shut up to save his life!

        It's not that i find the black book quests difficult. they are quite easy actually, but they annoy the honest f**k out of me. In fact I hate these three points in the game so much that I usually just go into console, hit the tcl command, and fly around to try and cut back on the time it takes. This time, however, i couldn't even be F**ked doing that much. 


    Could someone please send me the codes to bypass all the following crap:


    1. Everything that takes place inside Nchardak with Neloth in the "The Path Of Knowledge" quest.

    2. Apocrypha and all five chapters in the "Gardener of Men" quest.

    3. Apocrypha and all five chapters in the "At The Summit Of Apocrypha" quest. 


    If this means losing out on my "Bend Will" shout, it doesn't matter because i will simply console command that shout. 


    I don't expect anyone to research these codes for me, that wouldn't be fair seeing that I couldn't be f**ked going through all the work of doing that myself. But if you happen to have those codes on hand somewhere, maybe written down in your own black book by your desk or stashed away beneath your unmade bed, then please feel free to send them to me. It would be very much appreciated. 


    Thank you for reading. This has been the very first installment of BUTTONS IN A BAD MOOD.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Today Steam has been giving me some dramas. these dramas only started a few hours ago. whenever i click on the game, to play, a grey box comes up that says "Updating the Elder scrolls V: Skyrim". below this Updating Elder Scrolls" title is an empty triangular outline/box. below that it says, "ready to launch". below that is a tick-box option to "Launch game as soon as its ready". and below that it has two other options 1. View updates, and 2. Play Game. 


    I am unable to click on the Play Game option, so the only choice i have is to click on the "launch game as soon as its ready" box. and then i have to wait like 5 minutes before the game does launch. Steam also says it "has" updated, past tense, yet this new interference suggests otherwise. Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on???? its really pissing me off. 


    Also, for the last couple of days, i've been getting some writing at the bottom of the Steam home page which says, uploading 0 0f 1 item complete....


    Update: Here are images of the download page. it keeps saying that it is "starting" the download, then it changes is mind and re-schedules a new time to commence the download. and then it just goes around in circles changing back and forth between these two pages, each time revealing a new re-scheduling prediction.





  10. Unfortunately i think Skyrim only allows for a minimal age bracket when it comes to appearance.  I think there might be some mods out there that can help someone look younger in game, at least a little bit. Sorry, i don't know what mods they are because i hear that they may create a few glitches. but that's only what i hear. Now, im not a computer wiz, but i also hear that there is software available that allows a person to generate their own face in-game, in affect, allow a person to play as an animated version of themself. Don't ask me how its done, i don't know, all i know is that the technology does exist. 


    What i can help with is some pointers on what features makes a person look younger, that way you can try and manipulate the games program as best you can.


    So here we go:


    1. generally a younger person will have bigger eyes, this is because their eyes grow very little in their life, while their head starts off a considerable amount smaller than it will be. 

    2. from the time of birth a persons jaws will also have more growing to do than their cranium, meaning that the younger the person the bigger/taller their forehead, and the smaller their chin/jaw. 

    3. cheekbones also become more dominant with age. so make your face rounder and softer if you want a youthful look. this means you should make the cheekbones narrower and lower for a younger person. generally speaking. 

    4. noses never really stop growing  so the older you are the bigger your nose is. same with the ears but the Skyrim game doesn't allow to change the ear size so...

    5. freckles also help to portray youth.

    6. putting lipstick and eye-shadow or any type of make-up on a woman, or a man for that matter, makes them look older, not younger. Same goes with dirt and scars.

    7. despite what many people who spend their time basking in the sun believe, a tan or darker complexion also creates a look of aging.

    8. And yeah, try and keep away from the in-game races that automatically show more lines on their face, lines mean wrinkles. wrinkles mean aging....


    There are probably a few other points i could touch on, but most of it is common sense that relates to a persons natural growth pattern. but if i remember any other helpful tips i will be sure to add them here later

  11. Try the following...

    setownership npcnumber

    Step 1: click the bed

    Step 2: type the above code (example below; NPC number is not legit)

    setownership 00003AB1

    May or may not work. 


    Ok so i did as you suggested and as you can see, Gregor now owns the bed...



    However he still refrained from sleeping, and as usual just stood there yawning at me....



    So I decided that maybe a nice green Furn in the corner might help him relax, but i must have been a fool to think a shrub would help....



    Then i thought, well maybe a Bear's Head mounted above his bed would be more pleasing to him, I even increased its size to make Gregor feel like a more Formidable Hunter! But sadly no, he still refused to give in....



    Well then i though, maybe my prowess as the Legendary Dragonborn intimidates him, making him restless and therefore, seeing that I'm a considerate Dragonborn, I placed a couple of healing balls up next to his bed. ....And yet poor Gregor still just couldn't bring himself to relax.



    Last of all, just about ready to give up on this fussy fellow, I figured that maybe all he really ever wanted was a Snowberry Wreath on his wall. But alas, it wasn't to be, the Wreath did nothing to fulfill his dreams of a peaceful nights sleep.....



    So bugger him! He can just stand there - I don't care any more, I've got better things to do with my time!    Places to go, People to see, Dragons to kill. And you can keep your stupid bear head, Mr Gregor!

    • Upvote 1
  12. mm, loving the blue ward ball, and the turn the undead. and yeah, you might be right there, the orange ball i have doesn't look like flames.... and actually i would prefer a healing ball over a fireball any day! 


    Unfortunately, the way i got the code was just spending way too much time experimenting with different number variations in my console. It was random. had i used a "help <name> 0"  command i would at least have a starting point to work from, but i don't. I did try different though similar variations of the item code (number) itself, but nothing...


    But thank you, i will try experimenting with the different names you offered using the Help command. 



    By the way, your comment:   While turn undead and poison rune are interesting alternatives...   Very funny!  

  13. So I was spending a few hours testing new codes to spawn stuff, and got attacked a few times by surprise visits from Hag Ravens and the like, but at some point I did spawn these two small balls of fire (see pic below. code: 36342). I set a couple of them on either side of my staircase outside, and they look ok, I suppose - but I would have preferred Blue Balls! I'm a Frostball lady not a Fireball lady! I want blue balls outside my house!!!! the PROBLEM is that I don't know the name of the orange balls, so therefore I don't know what the Blue Balls might be called either, and THEREFOR I can't go ahead and look up the Blue Balls name to find out their code. See? Apparently, the orange balls look like the balls of fire a necromancer might wield in his or her hands before casting a fire spell of some variety. But what are these groovy little balls called I wonder? Can anybody really tell me? Does anybody really know the answer to this very important question???   ;)


     I've tried many different names in my console, but the answer continues to elude me....





  14. Gregor is really starting to annoy me. I spent a good day making his chambers all sexy and nice for him, but he won't sleep in the bed I gave him. He just looks at it suspiciously and stands there and yawns... and when I run into him, you know, to try and speed up his decision making, he just looks at me and say's; "I Am your sword AND your shield." But i don't care what you think you are! I just want you to sleep in your stupid bed!! It's a GOOD bed! It's the best bed money can buy!!! Why won't you sleep in your bed?? Please.. just sleep in your bed...



  15. I recently added the Ghostblade back into my inventory after having it stored away for quite awhile. I like to keep all my weapons up to par and I had improved it quite a bit. Sadly, I tried to put it on the weapons rack in my Solitude home for safe keeping, and it just disappeared. It's not in my inventory and not on the rack. This has never happened to any of my weapons before. Another bug, JUST MY LUCK. Is there anyway I can find it again? I know you obtain it through completion of a quest line, but I would love to have it back.

    im guessing your on xbox or ps. Why didn't you go back to a previous save and then not put it on the rack? Dave's right, its probably embedded beneath the floor surface or something. some things do that when they aren't placed correctly. 


    this is the code for pc if you wanna know it:   94a2b


    To use the code, open the console and put in the command as you see in the pic below (bottom left of screen), and then press enter for the ghostblade to be added and show up as "Ghostblade Added"  at the top left of the screen:



  16. I know right! i tried a hundred time to place that horse in its hole, but he never went in, not even backwards! which would have been funny at least. I guess i will just have to kill her.....


    By the way, who is that beautybb or whatever her name is that responded to my "incorrect enchantment affects" post? I don't think i trust her. too full on. I'm scared to open her URL. she's not from around here is she....?


    Good to see you back Dave!


    no... that stable horse mod doesn't look... stable ;)

  17. So I ah... I didn't really want a steward for my Falkreath house, because I only built the entrance way so I could make it my Getaway Cabin Retreat. So anyway, I tried console coding a horse for my stable, but the silly boy wouldn't walk into the stable where he belonged, plus he didn't receive a name as my character's horse either. So in the end I decided to get a Steward and had her buy me my horse... after which I killed her while she stirred my stew! But now I regret it, thinking there might have been an easier way. Is there an easier, better or possibly a friendlier way of doing this??




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