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Posts posted by Buttons

  1. General Tips


    Power-leveling early on in your game can make your life a living hell. Enemies level with you until level 50, meaning if you power-level skills that don't greatly increase your combat effectiveness you can find yourself unable to defeat ANYTHING in a hurry. I personally would advise holding off on power-leveling non-combat skills until high levels, maybe around level 40. Just be careful - being overpowered by even the weakest NPC enemies is a very frustrating ordeal. If you're not sure if your plans to level are too excessive, you should use our help forum for advice.


    I recently cheated my way (leveling) within the first hour or two of play with a character i recently created, just to see what would happen. But i didn't want to eliminate all the challenges of gaming either (although i almost did). What i did was (after killing my first dragon) is use console to add 1000 gold ingots to my inventory. Then i went to the blacksmith forge in Whiterun and made myself several hundred  gold necklaces, which brought my smithing up to 100. Then i went up the Dragonsreach, acquired myself an armor enchantment that can be applied to a necklace, console coded a few hundred filled black soul gems, and then proceeded to enchant my necklaces until my enchanting was at 100 as well. After this I leveled up all at once, increasing my health then stamina each time while carefully selecting my perks until i was at about level 28. Then I sold all my unwanted necklaces to the annoying wizard in Dragonsreach and to a few other places around town. So, i ended up damn near invincible and feeling like a real Dragonborn. Surprisingly there are still a couple of enemies i struggle battling with, but not many....  Now this particular Dragonborn concentrates mainly on increasing one handed/archery/sneak/pick-pocketing etc. I'm still playing that character off and on, She's very cool! I think you may have heard of her... The Bitch?


    A good thing is that this cheating method was practically glitch free.

  2. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

    That depends on whether you're me or my ex  




    ...And what the fuck?




    Anyone plan on doing something special with someone? 


    Looks like a Zucchini is the best that i can hope for this year.... Am i aloud to say that?
  3. How much money will be spent? Will David react to Buttons' advances? Is Buttons even a real girl? Had Wall-e cuckolded David?


    Tune in to the next episode of Eldersouls to find out.


    Francis, how lovely of you to join the party. Always a pleasure. Although some might say that four is a crowd or, in a perfect world, much more satisfying... mmm


    Anyway it's good to hear from you again  :smile:

  4. Valentines day is the day where you waste moneys


    Oh, yes, now i recall why my ex is my ex. Tighter than a bloodsucking fleas ass! And after all i did for that dirty......  still got the taste in my mouth



  5. Valentines day... what's that?


    I had completely forgotten about Valentines Day.


    Damn you, Wall-e.


    I'll be your Valentines, David... O, my David  :wub:


                                                                    It's just a pity about my face....


  6. You upload them directly from your computer. Its basically the same thing as Imgur.


    Anyways, I'm pretty sure I know what the issue is. The pictures you were adding to the thread the other day are pretty large -- 500-800 KB. The image size limit for regular members in the gallery was ~250KB. I've increased it to 800KB, so you should try again.

    Thank you Dave! Thank you thank you thank you! That worked!  :thumbsup: I tend to have large pics as my hobby is photography... and therefore surprising that i don't know more about it.... It's the computer stuff that confuses poor, sweet buttons. Can i change the size of my images without going into lightroom?

  7. To upload more images, you can go to your album's page and click the upload button (upper-right). Alternatively, you can click this link directly. Anyways, you'll arrive at an upload page. There's a fairly small "Upload" button on the lower-left that you have to hit to select your files. After that it's pretty self-explanatory.


    You have plenty of file space left. However, there is a 250kb / image size limit. You might be hitting that, but I doubt it.

    Dave I cant recall how i did it the first time, I've been trying to take pics straight from my computer files (pictures) but that wont work and, alternatively, I cant get into Imgur from upload. Am i meant to be uploading from Imgur or my own computer files?

  8. To upload more images, you can go to your album's page and click the upload button (upper-right). Alternatively, you can click this link directly. Anyways, you'll arrive at an upload page. There's a fairly small "Upload" button on the lower-left that you have to hit to select your files. After that it's pretty self-explanatory.


    You have plenty of file space left. However, there is a 250kb / image size limit. You might be hitting that, but I doubt it.

    yeah tried that, went in to My Gallery and hit the Upload, then i went to Choose Files (lower left), hit Upload (lower center) , then a red bar came up on screen saying:  Error, no room blah blah blah....

  9. I think I've ID'd the culprit.




    Look at him, trying to simultaneously hide and take a leak on that poor tree...


    But yeah, the cart will just keep resetting its location. You'll need to duplicate it with console codes.


    Try these...

    • 00103445 
    • 00090048

    The first may be a bit more than you bargained for. The second, well, I'm not sure what it is.


    I really enjoy the images I get to see alongside these questions now. Helps ID the object, and also allows some insight into the world of Buttons. 


    LOL! Thanks for pointing him out, i didn't even notice!


    Well, this lady, "The Bitch" found your first code (103445) somewhat disappointing. She wont be going very far in this:


    On a more positive note, The Bitches daughter and horse were very entertained by her misfortune:



    Moving on... The Bitch however already had the second code (90048). She nevertheless wanted to share another pic to show off her great butt. Very nice:



    Sadly Buttons is still in need of a two-wheeled cart code, which most of my 7 Dragonborn characters would be happy to know:


    In any case, this is The Bitch, the hottest gal in all of Tamriel:



    Here are a few more images of the front yard to The Bitches family home:




    By the way Dave, I'm glad you like the pics. It's a shame i don't know how to video my game, i could give you all a tour of my houses.... In the meantime, here is proof that Norn Women shave: 


    ...sorry, I was going to add this to my images in the gallery album, but it wouldn't let me?

  10. Ok, so a few days ago i spent a good ten minutes  pushing a cart from just outside of Falkreath all the way up the road to my Lakeside shack (i know, i expected it to take longer too). I even had to fight off a bear and a couple of bandits to get the job done. Today, however, i went to inspect the new improvements to my shack -  only to find that some smart-ass had pushed it all the way back to where i found it! So I had to go and lug the damn thing all the way back up the hill again... See images below


    Does anyone know how to make the cart stay at my Lakeside shack? Or does anyone know a two wheeled cart code to save me the trouble?  


    Carts original position:



    Carts new home:



    My Lakeside Shack:




  11. AWESOME!!! Thank you for explaining the "side-step" part to the power attack. I read the journal, had an idea what to do but couldn't get it. Watched a YouTube video that was helpful but couldn't figure out how to do the horizontal lines. I use a bow all the time so power attacks are foreign to me, lol. Thank you! This helped A LOT!

    You're welcome! have fun with the new blade  :smile:

  12. I recently acquired the Riften house for my thieving Dragonborn, but after obtaining my housecarl i found that Talsgar the Wanderer had also made himself at home. He is acting as if he is my own private bard; taking requests and giving training in speech - but there is no option to ask him to leave! He just stands by my bed playing his lute and singing. What's his problem? What, is he trying to serenade me or something? I tried leaving the house and returning later, but he is still there, and now Tythis Ulen (the Lizard) has come to the party as well, drinking his ale and cheering him on. Pretty soon the whole town of Riften will be in there partying on!!!


    I never did like Talsgar the Wanderer, in fact i think i killed him earlier.... It's like some twilight-zone nightmare. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! 


    Does anyone know why he is in my house and how to get rid of him? I tired killing him again but the guards keep coming in to arrest me. 


    There were no console codes involved, i swear! 

  13. I'm glad you were able to figure it out, because I wouldn't have ever guessed that the timescale was adjusted (who does that?). I think Buttons may be getting a little bit too deep into this whole console business. ;)


    Thanks for your efforts Dave. I know, the timescale thing didn't seem to be doing any harm, except for a few delayed reactions, so I really didn't think it would have been causing the problem. But I had eliminated all other options so....  


    Now that i think about it, it kinda makes sense, right. :yes:


    And yes, I do far too many commands these days I think, especially when building houses. I don't take the challenge of the game away though, there wouldn't be any point in playing if there wasn't any challenge. But i do like my dragonborns to have a few additives that the game usually makes me work for (things i cant be bothered with when there are more exciting things to be doing). I cant remember the last time i played a new game without using console..... I might have to try that again one day....

  14. Ok, so..... I found out what the problem was, and just for anyone else who cant figure out why their "Diplomatic Immunity" quest won't get past the embassy door: keep your timescale on default! default timescale is 20. I had mine set at 1 (1 is real time). Don't Do That! IF YOU CHANGE THE IN-GAME TIMESCALE "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY" WILL NOT WORK! (It won't even let you wait in that location, if you could you would be able to wait for the guard to arrive and take your invitation, but you can't...) Nothing works except setting the timescale at default. 


    PS. changing the timescale to 1 will also cause a delay in response time in many other areas of the game, meaning that you will have to "wait" more often then normal. I'm unhappy about this because I like the game set at real time, but i just can't live with the frustration any more.....

    • Upvote 1
  15. Now none of my characters can finish Diplomatic Immunity!!! I just started up a new Dragonborn, keeping strictly to the main quest line and killing no Thelmor along the way. It was a time consuming experiment, but it did prove that my game wont let me do the Diplomatic Immunity quest any more.... I always get stopped at the door with no guard to take my invitation and let me in. I need to get this fixed because it seems stupid to have to do the completequest/setstage commands every time a new character arrives at this point!


    I'm very upset because Diplomatic immunity was one of my favorites. Who wouldn't want to infiltrate and kill Thelmor? 


    If anyone has an answer please help!!!!!!

  16. Dave, thanks for cleaning the above mess up for me, but I'm still a little concerned about the issue. I did the "setstage mq201 100"  for the Diplomatic immunity quest to begin properly and the guard did appear at the door to take my invite, but then the drunk outside wouldn't come in to cause a distraction. So then i had to do "completequest" code as well, and then another setstage code for the beginning of the "Cornered Rat" Quest because Delphine was being a stubern bitch, living in the past, you know? Then i had to use another code for Esbern to open the door in the ratway. Very annoying! So yeah, things were a little jumpy at first but it seems to be running a bit smoother now that I'm holding a peace conference on top of the mountain with the Graybeards and the two Waring factions.


    But here is my question/questions:


    Is it possible that I'm having problems with the main questline because i started the Dawnguard quest-line too early? I started Dawnguard before i even got the horn of the windcaller for the graybeards, so....???



    You probably don't need to know the following part, but I just wanted to say: It's just that i wanted to get dawnguard done so i could get Bran (the husky dog) as a follower for my newest character. See, she suits a husky, don't you think?



    ps. she is NOT a vampire

  17. Still cant get in the embassy. Even tried beating up the drunk sitting on the rock near the steps. Still no guard to take my invite! But hey, even if the guard at the door is dead in both those two characters games, preventing her from taking my invitation and letting me in (no matter how unlikely that sounds), why is the game preventing me from being able to wait from that point onward, no matter where go in Skyrim? Wiki is talking about this glitch being solved in some 1.5 edition (whatever that means), but i think it is referring to xbox's and PS's, it doesn't give out any codes for people who have the same problem on pc. 


    I'm very fuckn frustrated right now. so much so that i even started up a new post for Dave to get upset at me with. Sorry David....I'm very upset

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