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Posts posted by Henry

  1. This happened nearly a month ago, from what I remember:The site was taken over by someone and the SK download was changed to something else that was similar to a keylogger of sorts.Issue was resolved fairly quickly and the SK team came clean and let everyone know what happened.

  2. Posted Image

    Here's everything I got from my Bandos trip.

    Bandos KiteShield which sold for 28M

    Random crap

    Also got an elite which I have yet to do, chances are it'll sit in my bank for a year.

    And yeah, some idiot ran in and tried to take my world from me so I lured Graardors on him.

    Got Dragon Claws/Fury. Best part was, he came back just in time to see me looting his grave and started raging.

    That's all for meow.

    • Upvote 1
  3. @Sum<+[JK]RuneScript> *** [ SUMMONING ]: [Henray] Rank: 28,122 | Level: 99 | Exp: 13,037,953 (6.51% of 200M XP) | Exp to lvl 100: 1,353,207 (0.25% to 100) | Effigies: 29@48,029.85xp | Penguin Points: 547@2,475xp | ToG: 22,554@60xpFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFFUFUFUFUUFUFUFUFUFUFUFU

  4. Could of swore there was one before but here I'll start it off.

    Everyone please post pictures of your loot!

    All slayer drops, bossing drops, and player kill drops are welcomed.

    I'll start it off with a recent one I got:

    Posted Image

    I'll be sure to post more pks/bossing drops

    • Upvote 1
  5. Thanks for your feedback AlmaWade,

    I worked hard during my time in TRR but the immaturity drove me off more then anything, not the inactivity as there was allways people on but the lack of mature adults.

    To be frank. Immaturity is a a common issue in most clans these days most of which is just trolling which at times is hilarious and at other extremely inappropriate.

    Example: Hey guise, did you watch TDKR? I hear it's to die for.

    That will just need a little bit more moderation from staff and clan members. If we allow it to happen or encourage it then we ourselves are also at fault.

    Closing the clan is not a solution, when I was told about the abuse of moderation power done here it seemed the hierarchy was so convoluted that it was nigh impossible to figure out what was going on.

    That's being addressed by more rigid application reviews.

    We wouldn't want to be putting individuals who aren't mature in a position of power.

    If you have any could you please give an example of when said power abuse happened?

    Just for my own personal curiosity.

    While we're on the topic of super hero movies.

    "With great power, comes great responsibility."

    Uncle Ben says it best.

    Maybe you should delete the in numerous ranks, make a leader, officer, member. Simple.

    As far as the current ranks and or positions.

    EC's main focus is to create events

    RT's Recruit and focus on LFC posts and bump our threads on various forums and communities.

    Mod's be moderating.

    Council members do all of the above while being the living the values of the clan.

    Leaders manage and lead the clan on an active basis.

    It's all very simple and straight forward. If there's any confusion could please elaborate that'd be great because I would very much like to know.

    Games wane and grow in popularity, however this one seems to have stayed the course. So let the people who wish to remain remain in TRR.

    I honestly just don't understand where you were going with that or what you mean could you also please elaborate on it.

    And for those like the leader who quit? Then quit.

    You gave up, others apparently have not. Do not punish them becuase you no longer have the will.

    What leader quit? Also, David hasn't given up. If he had this thread wouldn't be in existence. If there was no will to keep going the entire Runescape section would just be a simple community forum not a clan forum. We're here because we want to find the issues plaguing the clan. And we are to address them.

    Sadly it's hard to address issues that aren't brought up. =(

    As far as closing the clan, yes the thread naming is a bit in bad taste but it was needed to grab the attention of everyone.

    Look. The thread was created two whole days ago and how many people have actually read it and bothered to reply?

    The answer is 10 people. Ten. Out of the ENTIRE clan.

    I'm quite sure there are more then 10 people in TRR.

    Clearly there is a problem. Something is broken.

    Here's my closing question:

    What do you think it is?

    Side note:

    F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

  6. Heh, I must admitt I really enjoyed this thread the explanations and "How to find one" are the best part of it.If i were to categorize myself I'd also be somewhere between Casual and Hardcore and sadly with a little bit of MMORPG Gamer.I only add MMORPG in there because I know far too much about to the point where I'm actually saddened :( <-- Sad HenryFor instance think about this:If your brain were comparable to a hard drive, Imagine how much room Runescape knowledge is taking up currently.THINK OF ALL THE THINGS WE COULD HAVE FILLED OUR HEADS WITH INSTEAD.:3

  7. Thanks for your input it was... Bonerific.

    I made an attempt?

    But really, alright. So even though it's not my position or place to say this.

    If you or anyone else got "shit on" or anything of the sort after making an effort whether that was what happened or not.

    I'm sorry that, that is what happened.

    This here is an eye opener for the clan and truthfully I'm glad this thread happened.

    Alright. So there are issues. Let's fix them.

    What's holding us back? We have the everything that is needed: Recruitment Ads, Forums, A Great Clan History, etc.... it's all there.

    So again I'll ask it. What's holding TRR back?

    One word: Laziness.

    It's this attitude: "Well fuck, no one else is doing anything or putting any effort into this shit. Why the hell should I bother?"

    Let's take a step back and see where that got us.



    See what I'm getting at?

    On a side note, I'm sorry that you felt like you were being attacked during your application but I'm sure that wasn't the intent. My explanation for the reasoning of that would be because in the past there have been many how to say this... "Rank Chasers" who just want the rank for the rank and don't actually do any of the shit that it entails. Past examples would be ET aka Event Team members who would work hard for about a week or two then once they got the rank they would do honest to god shit all which was absolutely infuriating.

    So, how about it?

    While this is here let's turn this into a thread of any concerns anyone has about the clan and what we can do to fix it.

  8. Oh boy.Since it looks like Anarchy is doing most of these I'll just tell you now that I'm sorry.AttackStrengthRangeMagicConstitutionCookingDungeoneeringHerblorePrayerSlayerTotal Level 2000+Level Milestone 60+Clan VeteranModeratorCouncilHigh CouncilDrags award for war excellenceMember of the monthMember of the yearAnd of course my favorite:Henry Memorial Award Of Trolling.Thanks ^.^

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