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Everything posted by rebelmal

  1. You don't have to do a lot of resources to get a clan ring. This would boost your xp on the surface for a small while so, benefit can be gained by doing them.
  2. Thanks Coty. A few more like you and we will soon be climbing the tiers. Again, thanks.
  3. Yep, Agility has to be my least fav to train. I always find it tedious.
  4. I max every week. The Citadel is our home and we should look after it is my opinion.Yes, it's boring to do. But, let us be honest, it's not difficult and not everyone has to do a max every week (it would be helpful though). Between all clan members, it should not be hard to get what we need to do done. A simple quota for each member?
  5. Excellent work, well done to you.
  6. Another busy week! My target was to at least match the 20 lvls that I upped last week.Got the following which I am very happy with.Prayer: 62-63Crafting: 59-60Mining: 84-85Construction: 36-40Herblore: 53-55Firemaking: 60-61Woodcutting: 70-72Thieving: 45-46Dungeoneering: 6-23Plus 1.2k Citadel cap.Overall lvl: 1372So,30 lvls, not only matched but, an extra 10. Phew! I'm knackered. I don't think I can keep that up.
  7. I make a point of doing my cap at the start of the week. Completed my 1.2k cap today (it's gone up for some reason). I can't always be there for the 10pm (GMT) slot but, will be there a bit later sometimes.As has been said, the future is unknown as to what might happen for Citadels. Personally, I find the clan ring useful in grinding out my mining xp on the surface and i's also something different from the norm.
  8. Thanks guys. Mono, you are right. I spent far too much time on RS this week
  9. Had a busy but successful RS week.I wanted to go up 10 lvls and got the following:Prayer: 60-62Constitution: 73-74Combat: 92-93Crafting: 58-59Mining: 83-84Construction: 30-37Attack: 73-74Strength: 73-74Defence: 73-74Slayer: 40-41Magic: 46-47Herblore: 52-53Cooking: 76-77and also 1k Citadel cap.20 lvls in a week, I'm very pleased with that.
  10. Here's mine for the week
  11. Don't know if it's been posted elsewhere but, how many members do the weekly cap? Should we create a thread or something that lets us check in that we have capped? I know I have only been a member just under two weeks but, I think it's needs everyone to do it. I do mine without fail as it helps the clan, just my opinion.EDIT: poor spelling
  12. Yep, great group. Saw them live in Italy way, way, way back in the late 70's. They were awesome live as well.
  13. Overall: 1324Attack: 73, Strength: 73, Defence: 73, Constitution: 73,Ranged: 51, Prayer: 60, Magic: 46, Runcraft: 50,Construction: 30, Dungeon: 6, Agility: 48, Herblore: 52,Thieving: 45, Crafting: 58, Fletching: 51, Slayer: 40,Hunter: 9, Mining: 83, Smelting: 65, Fishing: 73,Cooking: 76, Firemaking: 60, Woodcutting: 70, Farming: 55,Summoning: 4QP = 53_______________________________This week lvl ups: Prayer: 59-60, Magic: 45-46, Construction: 29-30, Dungeon: 4-6Crafting: 57-58, Mining: 82-83EDIT: Combat Level: = 91
  14. Yep, I have found the quality of people in TRR to be high. This is my first clan after playing solo for over 3 years. I turned a few down but, this one "felt" right.
  15. Welcome. I will second what everyone else says above. I have only been in TRR for a little less than a week and I find all friendly and helpful. You have joined a good bunch.
  16. I have never botted and don't intend to do so. It would take away any sense of achievement in gaining lvls etc.
  17. rebelmal


    Well, not really that knowledgable about the intracacies of the game. I am certainly not that up on quests and tasks. I am slowly building up my levels so that's a good thing. Oh, did my weekly cap for citadel but, still have a bit to learn about citadels. I will certainly ask when I need some help.
  18. rebelmal


    Many thanks for the kind words and warm welcome guys. I am more than convinced that this was the right clan to join and will certainly need the offers of help.
  19. rebelmal


    Hi guys and gals. A short intro.Have been playing RS for about 3 years without really being serious at all. Although I'm told that at my age I'm far too old , I do enjoy it and that's what counts IMO.I thought it was time to join a clan so, here I am. From what I see, it's a very friendly one which is important to me. Thanks to those that have helped me in my first day as a clanmate.I am mainly a skiller more than a combat player and am also a bit raw on several aspects of RS so, please be patent with me. Us old farts tend to be a bit slower on the uptake.Anyway, looking forward to being a part, of what on first impression looks a very good clan.Am happy to be called Reb, Rebel or Mal. Whatever suits you is OK by me.Cheers.
  20. Application RuneScape Name: Rebel Mal <li>Forum Name: rebelmal <li>Combat Level: 91 <li>Total Level: 1315 <li>Your Timezone: GMT <li>How You Found Us: Forums <li>Previous Clans: None <li>First Impressions: Looks a very organised clan and, most importantly, friendly
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