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Everything posted by Battleheart

  1. I've never botted or even tried. I just use 2 screens; One for RS and One for Netflix
  2. That's about the same for me. Figured they were just grinding xp by simple clicking and doing something else.
  3. Battleheart


    Hey guys, I'm a big YouTuber and figured I'd start up a topic where we could chat and share videos. I'll start with this one. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4
  4. I'm loving them, thanks man!
  5. Welcome to TRR. Enjoy your stay and if you need anything I'll try my best bud.
  6. Hey guys,Just curious if somebody out there could make me a more specific Runescape signature. All I would really want is it to say Battleheart and really the rest be on your creativity. maybe also have The Runescape Rebelz on it? So thought I might request it.Thanks, Battleheart
  7. Favorite Band: Thin LizzyFavorite Genre: Old school rock, and Big Band Jazz/Funk
  8. Hey,Just wanted to introduce myself and let everybody know I'm new to the clan and have just come back to runescape after about 5 or 6 years roughly. I'm combat level 68 at the time of this thread but plan on really getting some levels and learning all that has changed in runescape. I'm a member and enjoy playing on member worlds but will play on any world so needed. I do use Ventrilo and have already set myself up on the Clan Vent. My real gamer name is Baz and its what I mainly go by, and its shorter than Battleheart so it is a 2 in 1 special. If you want to know anything feel free to ask or message me whether it be on here on in-game.Thanks
  9. RuneScape Name: Battleheart Forum Name: Battleheart Combat Level: 68 Total Level: 654 Your Timezone: Central How You Found Us: Spoke to Tragic Previous Clans: Dull Night First Impressions: Looks like a great clan! Very excited to meet new people and have fun playing the game
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