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Everything posted by Areodon

  1. Irons , I am here. Changed to DC. I'll play most probably Breton NB and alt will be DK ( i will start alt only if i dont feel good with main or if i become really good with main and that is after 50++ ). Unfortunately i will not be able to squeeze in more than 3 hours online in average. I played wow as u did. My focus was hardcore PVE. After initial 6 month period ( adjustment period )i can't remember that was out dpsed in dungeon ( played at least 3-4 per day) and always between first 3 on raids ( 25 man raids) . My dungeon play style ? i am on my tanks back all the time ( when i pick his pace and habits ) like shadow and having other eye on healer, paying a lot attention to cc's and interrupts. Wiping is not problem at all. Don't complain ever. I speak during dungeons rarely and if i do that's just to coordinate some detail. If u are interested i am in.
  2. Obviously all us us can't get beta keys so at least we can put together questions for guys who get lucky with keys so they can test it. Ill shoot first one : What damage is done by white hits ( normal and power attack ). Make comparison ( percentage estimate like - normal atk with that weapon does 80% of that and that spell) class spell ( pick one ) / magic weapon and weapon skill ( pick one ) / physical weapon ( all that if possible to light , medium and heavy armor ). That will be best if done on low levels before passives jumps in.
  3. New beta test in on for the weekend
  4. I can't pinpoint source right now but if i can recall correctly that what u say Muscle was before they changed crafting system. After they went to spending points on crafting think they specificaly said that crafters will have perks in sense of upgrading armor, weapons, alchemy effects which can be used only by them ( they also said that soulbound system will not be in the game but ofc there are many ways to skin the cat)
  5. In my opinion only way to balance significantly different pve and pvp builds of same player is to provide large chunk of stats on armor , enchanting and mundus stones effects. More stats we get on those more versatility ( based on resources ) we will have in creating our builds. I expect to see that implemented. If that is fact then from resource management point of view it will be important that our chars are specialised in armor and enchanting if they get additional stat slots. If thats a case than obviously we will need more time and grinding to be fully ready for top level.
  6. Huh.It means that real value of immovable we can know only when we know cost of getting out of stun by simply using stamina. U gave interesting insight in kiting. If my opponent is blinded does it mean that i am stealthed ( he can't see me ) ? I suppose that he can't break out of it except dispelling it. If answers are yes yes then i suppose sparks will be extremely important. Thanks man.
  7. How do u get out of "disoriented". Do u use stamina like if u were stunned ?
  8. @Musclemagic On basis of your suggestions i came up with this build. Just couple explanations : 1) Teleport strike is on side of bow because general idea of attack is this - mark ( wait 5 secs if possible),poison arrow, teleport , power attack, scatter shot ( disoriented target for 5 sec) , swap to DW, haste, flurry, power, power - he should die and i go shadows. 2) Shadow cloak is still there to get in crouch and stun them from crouch so i can do haste, siphoning. Race: Breton Class: Nightblade Armor: 5 Medium, i will see rest Attribute distribution: H 5 – M 22 – S 22 Pots ( probably magic coz ill need it and NB has good passive for it) Enchants ( enchanter ) - magic and health reg + Damage power Mundus stone :will see Dual Wielding loadout (daggers)( finishing , casters ) Assassin's blade/Hidden blade Haste Death Stroke (UL) Siphoning Strikes Shadow Cloak Flurry Bow loadout ( Start, against melee) Teleport Strike Summon shade Soul shred Mark target ( if lowering res and armor ) if not then Volley Poison arrow Scatter shot
  9. Perhaps something like this ? My Build Race: Breton Class: Nightblade Armor: 1 Light , 5 Medium, 1 Heavy Attribute distribution: H 9 – M 25 – S 15 Pots ( magic coz ill need it and NB has good passive for it) Enchants - magic and health reg + Damage power Mundus stone Magic regen or max magic Dual Wielding loadout (daggers)( finishing , casters ) Teleport Strike Haste Death Stroke (UL) Siphoning Strikes/ Flurry Shadow Cloak Veiled Strike Bow loadout ( Start, against melee) Assassins blade Cripple/Strife/Agony Death stroke Mark target/Immovable Poison arrow Scatter shot
  10. Like u said I will base my damage on white hits so i need medium armor and use crit passives. First load out doesn't need to be backed up with significant spell power because all spells are utilities. On second load out if mark target will just open space for spell damage then yes i can change it for something better and that will be something like drain power, cripple or agony. Both bars do have damage enhancers ( haste and momentum )for white hits and can work in combination. I agree with fact that i would need to look for perhaps more balance with flurry or some stamina based hit on first bar. But i have one thing which could improve balance as such - every second fight i will use deathstroke which will boost my damage for free in terms of magic and stamina. I don't see what's so unique and specific if u decided to make run and gun build based on stealth/invisibility ,stuns and lots of burst damage. If we say that assassin chars in general will not work then i understand your arguments. In my opinion this build will work well if u back it up with tank and/or pick your own fights. If u think this will not work why u plan to use in your builds magelight ?
  11. Guys i have question about this build - what do u think and how i can improve it. Race: Dunmer ( or Redguard ) Class: Nightblade Armor: 1 Light , 5 Medium, 1 heavy Attribute distribution: H 9 – M 25 – S 15 Pots ( magic coz ill need it and NB has good passive for it) Enchants - magic and health reg + Damage power Mundus stone Magic regen or max magic Dual Wielding loadout (daggers) Assasins blade ( Teleport strike ) Haste Death Stroke (UL) Siphoning Strikes Shadow Cloak Veiled Strike Two-handed loadout (probably sword or mace ) Mark Target Charge Death stroke UL ( coz of morph i have every 7 kills one shot with DS ) or Soul shred to get+8% magic ( specially if i can have passive combat frenzy all the time in the PVP ) Aspect of Terror Momentum Immovable How / Why: Resources will be saved for main priorities ( Haste , Momentum ( will be activated 5-6 sec before fight ) , Shadow cloak or Aspect of terror ). If still resources doesnt work then i will swap some magica based spells for some weapon subs, Damage will be produced with white hits after haste and momentum . Escape i have with shadow cloak and aspect of terror. CC Veiled strike and Aspect of terror. Immovable if i am paced out.
  12. Thanks mate, I know resources are major problem with DK. Its really difficult to setup something in balance except tanking. I tried and tried a lot of variations and still am stuck with pvp balance which is determined with PVE setup as my priority. I have some idea as well and it goes in direction of your build but still i am totally unsure can that work regarding resources: Dunmer ( + 6% max stam and magic ), point distribution 25 magic;10 health;14 stamina and armor will be 1L,5M,1H ( if neccesary ill drop one light and take 6th M. Ill go enchanting and probably will get 2 enchants per piece of armor and in pvp i distribute ench between resources, melee power and life steel. Mundus stone if i have something like stamina/health would be great Shield and sword Shield charge Puncture Evade Fiery breath Obsidian shield Magma armor 2 Hander Charge Momentum Immovable Fiery breath Ash cloud Dragon standard I plan to produce most damage with 2H white hits after ( puncture + momentum) and slow them down with fiery breath ( actually i will use most cost efficient spell there with dot to slow them down and eat up all health regeneration they may have ). Regarding defence i will have obsidian shield all time up ( to compensate for medium armor ) if it is feasible regarding resources. All other resources spending will be reactive. Edit : I am not sure about survivability if i am between several enemies coz regen and armor so i didn’t want to bother with aoe (all aoe i have is short range). And if this is ok in practice it means that i will work very hard to get 3 lines in armor and weapons ( pve + pvp ).
  13. @Irons How does this tanky bruiser looks like regarding skills, weapon , armor, ench ? Edit : Main question is what is his job ?
  14. Swapping bars - around 1 second. Regarding reflective scales i am not sure but if i have to guess i would say includes all except white hits.
  15. And power of melee attacks will be probably multiplier for weapon damage and weapon abilities.
  16. I understood your question for sure and i am interested as well but also sure we can't at this point have reliable answer ( coz we don't know anything about that guy - his passives , weapon multiplier if any ( perhaps weapons damage scale with some other formula or percentage ), a lot of math in behind of combat mech .... We can be sure that spamming is not possible - so obviously there we have to have strong white damage. I tried to run some numbers on that and again i am definitely sure that we suffer from lack of information. Still If i have to make wild guess - white hit will make 40-50% of one average class spell damage( if u convert those with 15 as multiplier from lvl 1 to lvl 50) .
  17. Its impossible to estimate what damage force shock does in comparison to power attack. We simply doesnt know what weapons ( normal and power attacks )in general does damage wise. Force shock is not spammable. Because it will cost around 280 mana on level 50. If u invested majority of your resource points in mana u will have around 1400-1500 mana pull. So u will be out of mana in 9-10 secs.
  18. I hope they are going for more complex activity based system. In general strokes i suppose it will be more or less like Irons sugested. Still it would be more fair if it is based on contribution and that means that healing and taking damage should come into equation. Besides that involvment in sucessfull offence , deffence. counting elements which are bases for finesse . Why - all that will bring balance to the game and basic system of values will be much better communicated.
  19. Its simple - armor should provide for dps uptime. So even if u cant outburst lighter armor u can stand longer in fire .-). DPS uptime + resource balance should be significant element in overall dps output. If your math regarding armor protection ratio ( in previous threads somewhere ) was right then simply health pool is not large enough to make possible enough dps uptime and i will not even mention dps resource availability. I am not saying u are not right i am saying that if u are right straightforward melee ( that is not related to NB ) is deprived. Times of knights and Cinderella are long behind us ..... its thiefs time. What a role model .-)
  20. actually heavy armor ( 7 pcs ) is 7 % not 3.5 %. What i am saying is that crit and haste may be beneficial to DW and power to 2H. Math like that u had in WOW for example.
  21. Heavy armor increases power with melee attacks ( juggernaut which actually gives u x3,5 power more than molten weapons if u are casting it)as well. It could mean that dps in heavy can push numbers as well as on other side medium. Perhaps heavy armor when u use 2H can make similar damage to medium armor when using 2 w. That can be math as well.
  22. Are u sure regarding MA = melee dps and HA= Health/Armor . In most games i played MA is haste / crit dps and HA is dmg power dps. In other words MA => DW ; HA => 2H . If u look at HA passives u'll see Juggernout is providing for power of meele atacks.
  23. I like your build a lot. Besides regular staff we discussed i believe u will have option of "mundus stones" which might be interesting and not that marginal.
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