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Everything posted by Areodon

  1. Completely different nature of those spells. In general, not considering specific situations, lets say most useful obsidian ( shield , group buff ), dragon ( health recovery and regeneration), scales ( reflects spell projectiles - offensive and defensive spell ).
  2. One is increasing range and other adding additional effect like knockback + stun ( fire staff )
  3. If i recall correctly u will have for completing your alliance quest leveling and sky shards around 90 skyshards. For other alliances for sure u will have for each at least 40. So in total u will have at least 170 skill points.
  4. I would use flurry instead of whirlwind coz flurry is single target and will give u 15% white attack speed increase. Actually u can start with strife, teleport, flurry and couple more white and he is down. I would add shadow cloak instead of drain power ( if u are single target oriented ) Cripple/agony u can use better on kiting side and instead of it u can use assassin strike on first loadout ( Specially harder opponents like bosses). Death stroke is powerful specially if u go after morph which will provide stun, extremely reducing enemy reception of healing. More or less u can use it on every third opponent.
  5. Morphs are most tricky part of game. I some situations when u chose morph u actually chose between PVE and PVP optimal options.
  6. Perhaps u are right we should coordinate better. We started DC. We mostly did several chars each. I had 2 chars one lvl 5 and one lvl 16 . We didn't do quests as group coz some of us started 6 hours before the others and we were all eager to figure it out most as possible.
  7. Yes u can - thats not an issue though i am not sure what happens with points u invested in morphs.
  8. We were on chat most of time and comparing notes still. We haven't formed dungeon group coz of fact that we leveled at different pace. From my perspective i was really impressed with the game as such ( bugs were there but i expected them )- specially combat mechanics and dungeons.
  9. I would like to know morphs on siphoning strikes :-)
  10. Light armor + S&S => 75% mitigation ? Are u sure - it sounds too good to be truth . If thats a case than any light armour if wears S&S can fight in melee range against melee.
  11. No u will not lose any of those. @Muscle - if u have same toggle on both bars then it stays - u don't need to cast it again after swap.
  12. That's what i hear. Haven't tried it so i am not 100% on that one.
  13. No, he will not lose those buffs. U lose with switching only pets, shades, toggle spells and weapon dependent spells.
  14. Its reducing just white hits. All other questions u answered .-)
  15. Strife does moderate and instant damage and heals u for 30% of damage u make in 10 seconds. And if u use one of his morphs then strife heals in addition for same amount 2 party members. White hits are very significant. If u make some math u will see that u can hit average spell every 3 secs ( without active defence ). It means that u have lot of gaps in between so obviously u need fillers like white hits. U certainly want to have some white hit enhancers -one of them is haste. Obviously u will not need it on short bursts but as fight prolongs your gaps will appear and grow - then u need haste and not just for siphoning.
  16. I am interested in any stats, morphs, impressions about dps dk's (besides database stats ). In particular i am interested in searing strike, fiery breath, inhale, dragon blood,stone fist, petrify, obsidian, molten. I know some about NB.
  17. This will be my NB before second loadout Medium armor / DW Shadow cloak / Assassin's blade Teleport strikeStrifeFlurryTwin slashes Death strike
  18. Thats why i asked :-)
  19. Same here just name is Areodon :-). What's your estimate what level we can reach in those 3 days ( cca 40 hours )
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