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Everything posted by Areodon

  1. Khajiit is getting crit damage bonus for melee attacks ( weapon abilities and white hits ). Problem i see with first loadout is that u dont have melee attacks other than white hits. What i would do is that i would go on second bar with reapers mark instead of cloak . On first loadout i would go with some of weapon abilities ( twin blades or hidden blade ) and/or haste to complement siphoning and to enhance white hits .
  2. in patch notes 0.18 and 0.181 there is nothing about reverse slash. and damage 5 stamina 32 is about right for last beta . Would u be kind and name for me better stamina based executes, weapon executes and class executes ?
  3. In my opinion addons are ok as far as they are approved by ZOS. I think they should allow all addons which are not directly related to the combat and all which are not directly replacing players reactions or may help in doing that. I really don't care for your aesthetics or immersion but as well i dont want to play against some addon.
  4. why we should assume that there is just ring with armor . what if we have ring with some spell resistance as well or ......
  5. If i may jump in ... If i have toggled leaching strikes ( siphoning strikes ) and triggered focused attack( haste) while throwing white hits on opponent i will have : 100 stam per sec out of focused attack + i will have 56 stam per sec out of leaching strikes => 156 stam / sec + natural ( 50 stam sec ) + race ( 19 stam/sec ) + armor ( 10 stam / sec ) . All in all i am looking at recovering 235 stam / per sec and ofc i am recovering from this combo as well 56 mag /health per sec + natural > which is not bad That is not bad especially coz i can set off that weapon damage reducement with power extraction ( hitting every opponent in aoe range i get additional 11% weapon damage for 20 secs) so basically i just need 2 opponents to hit in order to eliminate negative effects of leaching strikes. Note as far as i hear there will be some changes for Siphoning which will increase recovery from 2% to 4% and further decrease weapon damage from 17% to 23 % . In that case i would have recovery of 291 stam/sec and my best 2H skill reverse slash is 260 stam at lvl 50. More or less i can do almost 4 rev slash and one white indefinitely.
  6. No just u have cost when u trigger skill as such
  7. Redguard ; 5 medium and 2 Light ; capped stamina, close to cap magic, rest to health. 2H Stampede Cloak Surprise attack Executioner Impale Death stroke Bow Focused aim Magnum shot Cleanse Reapers mark Rapid maneuver Veil of blades My idea of engaging is Stealth , Reapers mark , Snipe, Charge (gap closer and immobilize ) , Cloak, Veiled strike (Stun ), Death stroke , Execute , Assassin's blade . Against one enemy should be enough.
  8. I like your idea. Think that u may add second loadout to round it up let say with bow .....
  9. i like this build . Dont have much to add except maybe considering searing and reverse/uppercut ( take out evasion ) to put on on stamina side .
  10. Guys read this one http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2014/02/15/the-beta-nda-has-lifted
  11. If u think about sequence i would do other way around tele>flury>white,white>sparks>strife . This way casting time of flurry is within tele stun so u continue with whites coz there u have haste from flury and when opponent starts to wake up u hit him with sparks to increase miss chance and u back up it with strife. At the end u should end up with more or less balanced resources and u will probably be pretty ok with heath as well. If u are with full health strife is not doing much for you and this way u will get all health strife is providing. And morph on sparks will probably increase healing of strife coz its connected hit. Flurry is ok if u channel all the way but if your opponent gets out of your reach u will lose best of it. So if i would go for flurry i would always pair it with tele. I am not sure that flurry is best way to go - its not that flexible in pve and specially in pvp.
  12. They are finally out. Obviously vampire line is stronger but also has one considerable flaw - weakness to fire. I am sure that vampires will be pretty strong in PVE but in PVP they will have strong opponents in dragonknights and templars. Werewolves are not as strong as Vampires but their weakness to poison is not that significant. What do u think about those tree lines ... If u dont know where to look for those trees try with http://eldersouls.com/elder-scrolls-online/skills
  13. I believe u can expect NB to be serious damage dealer. Most probably NB will have best single target DPS . Regarding resources balance will be needed. Each resource will have soft cap so investment in that skill over cap will get u diminishing return. What will be proper resource balance for you will depend on your build/s and your style. Even when u think u got it right then again u have to playtest it .
  14. I will go nb redguard as well. Enhanced white hits will provide for most of my damage. I will max stam up to soft cap. Bare in mind that active defences will spend stam , therefore its better to relly on magica def utilities and probably executes. If u take all that in consideration ull see that magica pool will still be significant.
  15. Guys read this : http://www.gamezone.com/news/2014/02/03/where-is-the-elder-scrolls-online-preview-it-s-coming
  16. @muscle i second u on this one :-) We don't need even to discuss items from package. Just imagine if they put price tag on something what is important to u. Would u then be indifferent or ok with it ? To put it simple - If "they" are screwed today u will be next .
  17. I don't know much about other games in their pre release phase. I am sure that all this negative perception is direct result of ZOS incompetent marketing and promotion. They are acting like bunch of amateurs.
  18. [*]U will have in your guild open minded players who will transfer to you all tricks of trade which is your obligation as well. [*]U will have on your disposal large up to date knowledge database from where u get theoretical knowledge in order to increase your learning curve ( yes - u have to learn ). Your obligation is to submit all relevant papers or info to logistic officer who will clear document and publish it. [*]U will have on disposal to learn by practice opportunity ( guild dry runs and live runs) and following advices from mentors and run leaders. [*]U will have class mentor, role mentor and group dynamics mentor ( run leaders ). Guild runs and other method of practice are not obligation but certainly will define pace of your advancement through our ranks. [*]9th legion will organise and provide 24/7 supply with top notch crafting products and services and u will be charged at cost value (just mats). Our system will save military forces at early stage from investing in skill points and crafters from investing in military skills. Basic premise is that all transactions between guild and player(s) will be at cost value (except gathering raw materials which will be at discount value (10%) if that goods are available in our treasury for transaction. [*]U will be able to use our site features to buy/sell items from our guild treasury, members of our and guilds we have alliances with. [*]U will be able to get loan from guild bank. [*]U will be able to take free of charge available gear from our guild bank. [*]U will get all communication tools needed for effective game like site features [*]and TS3 communication for official guild runs or even socialising. [*]For official guild runs guild will provide buffs (food and drinks).
  19. Areodon

    Guild economy

    Whole guild economy concept is based on the fact that we have to finance our war efforts. Income sources : [*]Guild members tips in cash. On basis of your guild service and support satisfaction leave a tip into guild bank at the end of each day. [*]All entries into guild bank will be recorded when we get add on support. [*]Guild members contribution in kind to the guild bank. [*]Guild will make buy/sell transactions through dedicated person and under supervision of Officer in charge of logistic and crafting.* [*]Other sources are not known in this moment coz of lack of information Guild costs / investments : [*]Guild will invest in crafting recipes and will finance 2 professions advancement for each of six main crafters. Rule of thumb will be that we have to have one Chief crafter profession on up to 15 warrior guild members ( that means when we reach 31 warrior guild members we will have 9 Chief crafters) [*]Support to guild members according to their guild levels through availability of materials, gear, weapons. [*]Financing official guild runs in terms of food and drink (buffs). [*]Financing repair of hard structures in Cyrodiil. [*]Financing heavy weaponry. Guild will use profits ( if any ) only for : [*]Financing of guild costs/investments [*]Increase guild treasury reserves ( cash and items ) [*]Financing war efforts ( repair of the fortifications, guild runs repairs ) [*]Weekly rewards for 1 crafter , 1 warrior , 1 officer contributed the most to 9th Legion (voting pool will be done every week ). It is expected from each guild member to charge guildies without markup when providing service or crafted goods. 6 Chief crafters are obliged to provide services to guild members without markup as far guild member provided raw materials according to recipe or fully paid for materials in cash. Soldiers are obliged to support crafters in their endeavours or quests in order to collect new recipes. All operational decisions in domain of economy will be made by Officer in charge of logistics and treasury. Officer in charge has to keep entry log of main transactions on daily basis. To be noted : Legally or even morally dubious action done (hard evidence is needed) by guild member with any economic/reputation impact on guild or other guild member will be penalised with extreme prejudice.
  20. Areodon

    Guild hierarchy

    1. Guild leader Military wing 2. Officer - ( there are five officers who are in charge of PVE, PVP, Craft, Community, Economy) 3. Commander - ( PVP or PVE run leaders ) 4. Veteran - ( advancement on invitation) 5. Soldier - (after 20 official runs advancement to rank of Veteran) Crafters wing 2. Officer in charge of Crafting 3. Master Crafter - 6 crafters who are in charge of two professions 4. Crafter Advancement in crafters wing will be based upon invitation.
  21. PURPOSE Our purpose is to provide home, through friendly atmosphere , logistic support and material resources, for mature players who want to improve themselves and contribute to our group performance. FIELDS OF INTEREST Our zones of interest are equally in PVP,PVE and Crafting. GOALS Our PVP goal is to become significant and recognised factor in overall war effort, be accountable and reliable partner to other DC guilds in order to win our war campaigns. Our PVE goal is to progress through content as fast as possible and to find enjoyment in fact that we are good by our standards. Our Crafting goal is to raise our professional skills and production capacities on top level in order to fully support our military efforts and to make our guild economy as much stable as possible. How do we see it Small to medium size guild (up to 100 man) with high level of organisation and support to our players who are satisfied and can give their best on battlefield. We, 9th legion will be recognised as good and loyal friends and honored by our enemies. We will not talk about ourself, our results will speak on our behalf.
  22. Areodon

    Who we are

    We are: - Loyal to Daggerfall covenant; - PC and Mac ; - Global ( EU and US); We are moderate and oriented towards PVE, PVP and Crafting. Our set of values : honour, dedication , loyalty and accountability.Our most valuable asset are people. To be efficient group we must follow our values and obey rules. Basic guild rules are not negotiable and apply to every and each member: [*]life before game [*]if u have committed then u deliver and if u cant deliver ask for help [*]promote equality between guild members [*]any kind of discrimination is strictly forbidden [*]no trash talk [*]any disputes between guild members have to be solved in private [*]and/or with mediation of officer Any breach of guild values or rules will be sanctioned by Tribunal ( officers assembly). What 9 Legion will do for you ? You will never walk alone ! We don't surrender and never retreat. Thats how we live and how we will end.
  23. I dont like it at all . Additional race shouldn't be available .
  24. PC RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSOperating System: Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8 64-bit Processor: Quad Core 2.3GHz or equivalent processor Memory: 4GB System RAM Hard Disk Space: 60GB free HDD space Video Card: Direct X 11 compliant video card with 2GB of RAM (NVIDIA® GeForce® 560 Ti / ATI Radeon™ 6950 or better) Sound: DirectX compatible sound card PC MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSOperating System: Windows XP 32-bit Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor Memory: 2GB System RAM Hard Disk Space: 60GB free HDD space Video Card: DirectX 9.0 compliant video card with 512MB of RAM (NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 / ATI Radeon™ 2600 or better) Sound: DirectX compatible sound card MAC RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSOperating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later Processor: Intel® i5 Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 650M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 5770 or better Memory: 4GB Ram Storage: 60GB Media: DVD-ROM MAC MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSOperating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Video Card: Intel™ HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6490M or better Memory: 4GB Ram Storage: 60GB Media: DVD-ROM Resolution: 1024X768 minimum display resolution Source : Elder Scrolls Online Store
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