The Idea is to build a 2h "In Your Face" Marauder:Nightblade Heavy Armor2H/S&B High Stam/HP, low Magicka Coreskills: Drain Power, (Cripple, Agony), Momentum, Immovable, Shield Charge, Uppercut, Crit ChargeUse Immovable to get into many enemys unhindered, then cast Drain Power->Momentum. Afterwards pick a target and Shield Charge->Cripple->switch 2H and just CC/DPSBasic Idea:All those + Powerbuffs(Drain Power, Momentum, Juggernaut, Sword Heavy Weapon) are %-based, which should make a Topgeared Player even better. I consider playing this with my guildmates, so heal and CC/support will be given. I only picked 3-4 trees to use skills from, because I dont know how many Skillpoints are available at maxlvl. Same goes with Stamina and Magicka management.Otherwise those following skills would be optional: Haste, Power Bash, Aspect of Terror, Veiled Strike, Death Stroke