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Everything posted by Rally

  1. Play ranged and in a group. mark target best spell!
  2. Burst and CC is King! An other thing that is King in OW PvP is movement/movementspeed. Rapid manuvers or higher stamina reg/pool for sprinting Another thing I encountered in many games is the uncoordination of opponents, when they start to panic This often happens when u fight lesser experienced groups and its one of the main reason, why u can win highly overwhelming scenarios. 2v5+ Things that lead to panic: [*]Thier healer dies -> No more heal -> Panic [*]The dmg output is very High -> Panic [*]Some ppl of the enemy group die fast -> Panic [*]Almost everything that makes them scream and cry on thier voice tool (Crying for heal/help several times, Blameing s/o while the fight is still on) To some extend the same happens on our teamspeak, but very rarely. And in some games bombing was a possible way if the enemy# is high enough. But in this case, it is alaso a burst of some sort.
  3. If u played some Moba like HoN or DotA, u often see a BKB on carrys.The main reason beeing no CC and then no magic dmg for ~6s. Just to pump out as much dps an possible.IF u use cc Break as a melee dps char, u loose precious time u could dps.
  4. Dk in my opinion is the tanky bruiser and CC Monster, if played correctly.I would also pair him with a squishy DD, to just CC/slow the enemy for max DPS output. CC is also a form of dmg migration. A stunned/slowed/immoed player cant deal high dps, but will take a lot more hits.
  5. anyone has morphs on DK? mostly draconic power skills, fiery breath and obs shield.maybe dragonknight standard and draconic leap aswell.in return u will get some other dk morphs
  6. 1) heal for 30% of dmg dealt after duration; deal more dot dmg, with highest tick at the end from what i have heard and so forth
  7. If there is no decent german guild, i would be up for it too. and daggerfall. need the bonus dmg/ex for underdog
  8. How about the same Dot from a different caster?In some games they stacked, in some games they didn't...does burning work the same way it did in gw2, stack in duration, or will dots stack in intensity? If they stack at all..
  9. Nothing is more frustrating, than beeing pulled/stunned/snared at a high rate and u cant kill the person, coz hes pretty durable. Shield Charge and Low Slash and a few white hits will fuck most DDs up Pulling healer 24/7 is also very annoying I'd just get full HA and a mix of Mag/Sta reg stones depending on race. Just to spam my "ill fuck u up" spells infininetly.Put some nice support spells in the mix and that would be a fun build to play.
  10. Aoe spells that were not looked at:Caltrops - Usefull when the zerg is at a keepgate or something similar Unstable Familiar /w Volatile Familiar morph - just "send" in to die for cc and dmg Mage's Fury - Only if the aoe dmg still aplies Impulse - Depends on the effect of Chilled/Concussion
  11. But Musclemagic thinks/reckons/etc...therefor its almost a given fact in his opinion.tbh the groupsetup he described wont work in OW. Its seems like he has close to no experience, when it comes to OW playstyle. Like alwaysU cant stand toe to toe with a zerg if u are <10 players. And the above groupsetup is clearly designed to do that. Frontline,Backline etc
  12. Its not abt how many ppl u can find at the keep!Its abt how many u can hit with aoe abilitys.There were many mmos in the past that had a maximum targetnumber for aoes. Even thou it was not in the tooptip....
  13. ^Thats a little kids phantasies about ow pvp... If they played daoc, they want something similar to bombgrps, or mezgrps. And at this stage of the game, you dont know how many targets can be hit by ur aoe.in OW u CAN'T just form a battlefront towards the zerg if u are the underpopulated grp. u have to play hit and run. As soon as u plan with this many healers to heal the incomming dmg, u are fucked.OW works like this:->Catch them on the wrong foot ->Bomb as many as u can->retreat to los->rinse, repeat
  14. For future tests: 1st: Can u MotionCancel of some sort? 2nd: If a skill is interrupted, are the resources still used? 3rd: Can i outrange/los abilitys with casttime? 4th: Is there NO Buffstripping skill in ESO?
  15. just look up the spreadsheet w/o the recent changes and u will have a close the accurate value, if u consider the new tiers scaling for passivs (0/3...)With the recent changes they left out the base percentage dmg mitegration and put in base armor or spellresist stats.Which brings me to the skill Blessing Protection. If u compare it to the recently changed skills like Immovable, Spiked Armor and Lightning Form, it would be close to 25% dmg reduction for 8s. And in a rather large area of effect 20x4m for 49magicka on lvl1Seems pretty nice to me.
  16. weaponswitch seems to be one of esos main features. And u can't gimp it by removing a dot/hot when u switch bars.gw2 also was based on weaponswaps and the conditions didn't disappear.
  17. If the 10% as increase is general animation increase like in most mmos, it would make lots of sense.Faster blocking, faster follow ups, etc. In the end u might end up with better tankyness because u can time ur block way better.... I do really like the idea of going 5/2 MA/HA, but i might miss out on those 7/7 armor bonuses we don't know yet and don't know how strong they are.
  18. If you want to raid in ESO, u probably wont be able to do end tier dungeons in 2/5 HA/MA.Low tier dungeons wont be a problem with this setup. And PvP would work with 2/5.
  19. every 5 secs would be a regen of ~45 S/s, which is totaly doable.45 S/s is basereg for 1500S and 3% regen.If u go full HA and s&b, blocking costs will be 45% reduced, at best.Nothing more to do as a tank...
  20. A tank has to do a few main things: Hold Aggro and Mitegrate Dmg If u can taunt for 15s with a low cost skill, i think the challenge for tanking doesn't come with holdig aggro/dealing dmg. Ur reason to get 5 pieces of MA would be the dmg increase/stam regen, I'd assume. But a tank has to mitegrate dmg effectively.If u can tank in MA, where does the challenge to be a good tank come from?Hope u know what I mean.
  21. And i wouldn't realy give too much abt the majority of those users, if u consider their forum entrys.and pbaoe ftw. most invisplayer are to dumb to juke efficiently
  22. If the skill animations are well animated, a Dark Exchange sorc ain't going to last long in PvP. Even if he stops channeling it after 2s. Half the Stamina gone=Less stamina for evades, cc breaks
  23. Lets say you have max HP:1500 at lvl 50. Then u get [*]21% HA [*]7% Orc [*]5-30% Elder Dragon passiv (10%) every 5%=2,25HP/s [*]38% total With 10% from ur passiv, u'll end up with 4.14% HP/s = 62,1 HP/s If u slot full HP/s enchants in ur 7 piece armor, u have a 132,1 HP/s build. ~12s for full HP Restoring Aura from a Healer would give you another 27 HP/s for 6s Incase u dont go full hp and stay at 1000HP at lvl 50, you will end up with (41,4+70) 111,4 HP/s. ~9s for full HP Maybe those flat HP stones are worth looking into, but i doubt it, as 70 HP/s is massiv compared the amount u get from ur %-based regen.
  24. Does a shield from s&b count as Armor or as Weapon?Will there be 2h enchantment, which will be better than 1h enchantments? Or will the procrate on ur offhand be way smaler?
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