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Everything posted by Rally

  1. OK,I better max out on Stamina to, lets say 1500, so i can lose ~354 Stamina/s instead of losing 230 Stamina/s when I leave my Stamina completly unlvlt. Way to go!I realy hope I will see u in ESO, but not on my team!
  2. Oh ffs Mark Target, Weakness to Elements, Blinds... Yea, but u can bet it will cost some sort of resource to break out of CC. I guess Stamina. How do u want to make up for 21% less Magicka costs and 24% more Magicka regen by just skilling more Magicka in the first place? Your build is Magicka only with the exception of ONE skill.
  3. Entropy as your only Magicka regen is not going to cut it! I bet you cant play a well rounded Magicka using Character in Heavy Armor only. Soul Strike imo is a very weak Ultimate, I would got with Dragon Leap for that build, as u only have DoT skills and u need some burst.
  4. I was reffering to Musclemagic saying DoTs ain't OP and there are no other debuffs worth stripping than Deadric Curse...
  5. Didn't the Nobel price go to some IT guy who invented the PM function for forums? I guess it was sometime around the early 90's....Such a great idea!! Play PvP without any kind of dispell and u'll get facerolled... @irons:I overred the only effects restoring light ability part :(Steadfast Wand is a ~600 HP shield, when close to 13%HP, plus this also depends on how this skill is effected by +% healing.
  6. On the topic of healerbuilds:I think there is no other way to build a good healer, than to take a Templar with Cleansing Ritual. It's apart from Purge the only skill, which can dispell. And Purge seems pretty expensive. The Restoring Light passivs boost your healing too much, to not consider using them.The problem will be Magicka regen with a Templar.
  7. Hmm i don't think you will need both Entropy and Dark exchange in one skillbar. If i had to chose one skill to remove, it'll be Entropy, because i doubt Might of the Guild will enhance healing skills. Otherwise I could just doubletap Entropy and get 15% more Magicka. I would also switch Blessing of Protection for Steadfast Wand in one skillbar for the situation, where you'll need an oh shit button for single target protection.Overload should work nice with Essence Drain/Cycle of Life
  8. Has anyone thought about the PvP passiv Reach?If it also works on radius abilities, then there would be some nice combinations. Encase, Warhorn, Rapid Maneuver, Regeneration + maybe some 12m AoE skills with + radius morphs like Repulse If u increase the radius from 20->25m, u get 56% more area covert.15->20m 78% And more area=more targets effected=hopefully more ultimate
  9. I was talling about PvP.That's something that should also be in the builddescription.A pure healerbuild might work in Raids, but not in small scale PvP, where u get instant focused. Etc. To make sure that u can save ur healer with Ash Field and/or Dark Talons means he has to stand close to u. Not always a given in certain boss encounters. The healer might want to be his max 12m away from u to evade some AoE around the boss. And Immobilise will probably not work on bosses.
  10. It would help if u wrote ur thoughts about ur builds down. f.E. same build irons was talking abt: Ash field is almost useless if u dont have any gapcloser to get into enemys or save ur healer from those 2 melees poundering on him. I also would take an Ardent Flame skill into the 2nd skillbar for the Magma Armor movementslow.
  11. Another question: How do we built ultimate, does it degen after a while? I know we will get some for hitting aa and skills, but what about heals/prot/buffs?Can i just spam molten weapons / obs shield in base and wait for max ultimate? Btw what is max? Capped for the current active ulti?
  12. Keep in mind that all the info in the spreadsheet is not 100% accurate and most likely outdated.The resist passivs from ebonheart do scale to lvl 50, but we dont know abt the others. just wait a bit.
  13. Hehe, i had that calcutation myself :)But i have some problem with the dmgscaling. The rationumbers were quite different from some skills. But overall i think it was 17.7x the amount of the lvl1 value. But it went as high as 24 i think.Another scaling topic:Does kindling multiply all fire dots like searing strike by 3, or is burning a different effect then continuous fire dmg?
  14. Just to clear things up for me:There is a passiv dodge chance and an active dodgeroll?If there was an active dodgeroll, Shadowcloak would be almost useless against good players, as u can predict a heavy strike in the next few secs and just dodge.
  15. That depends on weaponpocs and thier power. If there was a stun/Silenceproc at 5% rate i would rather play d/d than d/s.
  16. Or just "Uhr yea someone piss on him!" if u spot a low hp target in PvP
  17. If you have 8 Skilltrees to chose from: 3 class, 1 weapon, 2 guild, 2 PvPyou only want one skill of each tree to get the maximum out of those passivs. If 1 skill gives you 3-5 passivs, you end up having a ton of passiv bonuses if u chose right.p.E.: Fiery Reach, Spiked Armor, Shield Charge, Entropy, Caltrops, Magma Armor would make a decent tankbuild with the maximum amount of passivs used for tanking. plus HA ofc
  18. +1It's not just the beta leaks, its more general knowledge of mmo when it comes to theorycrafting I like about this forum. On the Topic of no-lifer: Most top players i encountered in several AAA mmos were actually university students with a lot of time to spare. Or IT folk who were working from home.I rarely met unemployed people who invested much time and could play well at the same time.
  19. I was thinking about the 2 PvP Assault skills (840 stamina), as i dont know how much other staminaskills will cost at lvl 50.And that leaves u with 303 stamina for weaponswaps, dodge, etc
  20. For me it comes down to how many magicka skills i can use with full hp/stam and full heavy armor. and vice versa for full magicka/hp and light armor. Keep in mind: Unskilled stamina was at around 1k at lvl 50. NOT much. And HA doesnt provide any regen at all.
  21. I dont like ur last build. Rest is fine thou The first weaponset is clearly made for kiting and then u chose a 5m Ulti? Especially with Mark Target slottet, u dont want to get hit...The secound weaponset seems to be made for surviving. But u have to get a lot of skills off, b4 it starts to work like u want it to. Force Siphon on target->Haste->Siphoning Strike->Autohit... And I don't know if Blessing of Protection heals and buffs the caster aswell, as this is ur only direct heal.
  22. I thought abt some build like that aswell (Dark Talons, Ash Field, Inferno, Inhale) I would have put a DW Sorc with Lightning Form, Lightning Splash and Mages Fury in the Mix. Should work well to finish ppl of faster with DW Passivs Death Stroke and Ruffian.So in the end u better get a complete 4 man grp with 2 of the above 1 dedicated healer and 1 DW SorcThen Just Bomb Ppl
  23. If u went high magicka/decent stam, you should be able to have some stam management with the use of "Helping Hands".Overall i think the Earthen Heart passivs make a good stam and magicka build. Depends on "Deep Breaths" thou.
  24. So i can skill ability/passiv A before i have to unlock ability/passiv B and vice versa?I am pretty sure u wont be able to spam that much Magicka skills with only 1/4th of ur points going into magicka.Reason: The lvl 50 char with no points in Stam had about 1.1k stam. that would be one use of caltrops/rapid maneuver. i guess its safe to say it wont be any different for Magicka. With 1/4 spent into Magicka you will still have some pool to use skills from, but u will certainly not be able to use skills whenever u feel like it. i think u will be using full heavy armor with maybe some cloth here and there.Some skills are just too powerfull with no cd on them. so there must be a restriction on the amount u can use them. Hence lots of stam/mag costs with a pretty low pool and low regen.
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