Nevermind Slaughter and Ruffian only effect DW skills... A similar build i was going to try out next beta: The only thing i wanted to test in PvP was DW Mage's Fury, But the idea to use a 2h aswell was nice guys. LA/HA 5/2 or MA/HA 5/2 depends on how good the + attackspeed is Twin Slashes Mage's Fury Lightning Form Encase Immovable Overload Surge Momentum Daedric Curse Critical Charge Bolt Escape Negate Magic The main goal was to abuse the dmg increase to targets under 25% HP. When the Target drops under 20% HP, has Mage's Fury on him and is Immobilized by Encase, that's 14%critchance and 36% more dmg (Exploitation, Slaughter and Ruffian) One might be able to Immobilize the enemy right before Deadric Curse. The manareg on Overload with DW should be pretty solid. Downs: No capcloser in Bar#1, but 30%ms from Lightning From and a slow on Twin Slashes. I would like some PvP skill in there somewhere to make use of those awesome passivs. (Maybe Rapid in #2 and Catrops in #1, dunno) No Bolt Escape in Bar#1...