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Everything posted by Rally

  1. Resto Staff heals did scale with weapon dmg. Dunno abt the attacks thou.
  2. Restoring focuy has a rather small aoe i dont think Ruffian is effected by snares
  3. PvP- armor different to the HA-set: sry for low quality
  4. 1on1 it might be good, but otherwise -> Purge/Cleansing and ur done for
  5. just made an account to provide false information? Well done!
  6. I can't understand why the most off-putting, homo race has the most sexual appeal?
  7. We definetly need some more mobs with dispell and pull!
  8. http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/lorebooks-locations-map/ enjoy
  9. like the quests, the drops and rewards scale with ur charakterlvl in cyrodiil
  10. I had +6% as on a 2H lvl 14 blue Axe I think it might scale with the rarity of the item.
  11. interesting armor Edit: and sry for doublepost. didn't see it
  12. seems to be PvP armor due to the Rank requirement? so we dont know what charakterlevel this armor is equal to. On the Topic of soft and hardcaps: I would like to make the caps accordingly to the basearmor of my gear. If the sum of my armor is ~600, i will have a softcap at 1.66 times my armor, so i end up with 1000. If i go full HA and have 1.4k armor, i can buff up to 2.3k. Or we can just push it 1000 armor from our basearmor. dunno...
  13. i recorded some autohit and skillanimation with and without attackspeed (6% 2H). still need to analyse it thou, but i didnt see much difference.
  14. Almost did the same, but i could cast deadric curse and mages fury way earlier, b4 i was inrange for critcharge. Then the target was charged by me and another partymember to instagib them most of the time. Life's good Will be even better once i can prebuff with Surge.
  15. i was lvl 14. only played with a mate, so there were no 1on1s. but we had some 2on4s and 2on3s, which we won. I could use curse, fury, charge and melee him. maybe use lightningform. the same rotation for the 2nd target. the rest was kiting and waitung for regen...
  16. Tested the 2h sorc with curse, mages fury, charge and lightning form. went pretty well in PvP. I skilled full HP and abit Stam, also had full HA. Things i still have to test next beta: -Does overload still count as an melee attack, when a 2h is equipt? -does the magicka reg from mages fury morph and overload morph not scale in PvP?
  17. I didn't get far on PvP due to server issues, so i have a few questions: Do the assault and support passivs work, when i dont have a skill of that line in my skillbar? Coz they lvled just playing PvP Can i somehow craft the PvP setbonus armor, i only saw it in chat.
  18. I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!! tbh, idc
  19. Destructive touch: -15m range -Adds bonus status effect (Stun for fire, chance to offbalance for lightning) skillchanged:Force Shock: range 20ish medium dmg target burns, is slowed for 3-4s
  20. And maybe u could use Force Shock to kite them a bit better and deal more dps
  21. Nevermind Slaughter and Ruffian only effect DW skills... A similar build i was going to try out next beta: The only thing i wanted to test in PvP was DW Mage's Fury, But the idea to use a 2h aswell was nice guys. LA/HA 5/2 or MA/HA 5/2 depends on how good the + attackspeed is Twin Slashes Mage's Fury Lightning Form Encase Immovable Overload Surge Momentum Daedric Curse Critical Charge Bolt Escape Negate Magic The main goal was to abuse the dmg increase to targets under 25% HP. When the Target drops under 20% HP, has Mage's Fury on him and is Immobilized by Encase, that's 14%critchance and 36% more dmg (Exploitation, Slaughter and Ruffian) One might be able to Immobilize the enemy right before Deadric Curse. The manareg on Overload with DW should be pretty solid. Downs: No capcloser in Bar#1, but 30%ms from Lightning From and a slow on Twin Slashes. I would like some PvP skill in there somewhere to make use of those awesome passivs. (Maybe Rapid in #2 and Catrops in #1, dunno) No Bolt Escape in Bar#1...
  22. Well AoE/PBAoE!! U go invis and eat my Encase right into ur face, Or u get insta revealed, coz i stand in my Inferno,and the list goes on....
  23. ur first bar doesnt make any sence: 3 stamina based attacks u wont be able to use the mana u generate from overload. no possibility to keep the target inplace for the whole channel of flurry. why is surge not on ur dpsbar?
  24. of u ever played an invis char in other mmos, u would know that good players instantly dmg u out of ur invis. So shadow cloak isn't the best pvp skill for a nightblade! Bolt escape is a different story. U can't counter it as easy as shadow cloak.
  25. The kd from destr touch is several meters. its used to know s/o away and not down.If u want an on-the-spot kd take stonefist. While those 3s he will probably use his CC break. I personally wont use it on the kd from destr touch. Just searing strike as ur only magicka dps skill (2ndbar) is wasted and doesnt make use of ur 30points into Magicka. Imo u need one more frequntently used magicka skill in that skillbar. Maybe Inferno, aoe slow and dot dmg.
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