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Everything posted by Thal

  1. Fraps it is, cheers guys.Hopefully I'll get some good footage to share.
  2. Anyone know of a free relatively easy-to-use game footage/video capturing software?Of course, not going to state what I would intend to use this for but you can hazard a guess. :PWill inconspicuously update everyone if I get any footage of anything of worth. If I do, will be PM only. Definitely nothing to do with ESO though if you catch my drift.Cheers, Thal.(Note: Tried OBS but with not much success)
  3. Too true. I guess perhaps the best thing would be a very rough estimate then or rather simply a "feel" of how it appears to equate rather than anything particularly accurate...
  4. Yeah it would be good to know what a normal "light" weapon hit from a low level weapon does compared to the damage an ability does at the same level.I for one would like to know how much the stat "power" affects damage and heals. I.e. what percentage does it increase your damage by for every 1 power you have. If you stack power - how much more damage can you expect your abilities and even your "light" hits to do compared with someone who hardly equips any power with their gear.That's one question to start, I'm sure I'll come up with heaps more.
  5. My results: Your TypeENTJExtravert(11%) iNtuitive(88%) Thinking(1%) Judging(56%) [*]You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (11%) [*]You have strong preference of Intuition over Sensing (88%) [*]You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) [*]You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (56%) Personally though, I would say that in a social setting I would be more appositely described as introverted rather than extroverted except for very rare occasions where I am in the mood to rant...
  6. Yeah both Magic and Irons have made good points - I do forget that physical damage should be better because of needing to close the distance and the fact that physical damage can often be avoided through kiting. So guess there is no problem with lower armour rating compared with spell resistance.The bow damage, being physical, may indeed need to be reduced since its ranged while staying physical. Because, as already pointed out by others, spell resist is high on both light armour characters due to passives and heavy armour characters and armour rating across the board is lower than spell resistance. So indeed, if bows aren't balanced well, they may be OP for at least the first few months of the game given they will always be ranged physical damage. And there something everyone has equal access to...By the way, I'm probably going DC so I have no qualms about DC being a little more OP than the other two.
  7. Also forgot to mention that Incoming Heal was listed once as one of those "secondary" stats found on armour.Yeah I have to agree in that proper thought about it leaves one wondering how much variety we are going to have in the armour and jewellery between different players at lvl 50 and how it will balance out for PvP. I have a feeling though they may have a lot more in the way of stats that they consider "minor" to vary things and since the game is still a while from release they have simply been focusing on showcasing the more obvious and major stats. Well, I have to admit that's me being optimistic at the very least in believing that though.I can see many specific resistances becoming available stats - cold, fire, lightening resistance amounts on armour pieces for example are the most immediate to come to mind. Crit bonus damage is listed as an effect of one of the passives in one of the Nightblade Class lines from memory - so it too could be a stat to be seen in future on armour and jewellery.So perhaps there will be more variety than we feel there is at the moment. And for now I am going to excuse the gnawing feelings that there won't be as the unfortunate result of Zenimax focusing so much on presenting the basics of the game as it expected of mass target audience advertising.Additionally, interviews from the past I have seen talk of unique armour sets and these were hinted as having stats or effects that alter abilities or even passives and not simply possessing usual stats. So I think there is reason to stay optimistic that acceptable degrees of variety will occur.Alliance balancing will be difficult no doubt as you mentioned, MuscleMagic, but given how long to launch - I'd say they are likely to have sorted it by April and especially in time for console release. Though I still think that anyone playing Daggerfall or Aldemeri are going to shy away from fire abilities knowing that whenever they face Ebonheart opponents there is a good chance there will be dark elves that are naturally extra resistant to such attacks. No degree of balancing can change that fact I believe since it is simply one of their innate passives. :POn a different angle about stats and balancing - I have noticed in videos so far that Spell Resistance and Armour Rating as stats have been a little odd. Given that one is magical mitigation and the other physical mitigation, I've been curious as to why I have seen all characters on videos so far have higher Spell Resistance than Armour Rating. And that is regardless of race as well as seen in characters wearing heavy armour. The latest video from Zenimax on Character Progression actually is a good example. At least two character stat panels are given in the video. Both have higher Spell Resistance. I've guessed that perhaps Armour directly and equally adds to your Spell Resistance with the addition of any extra Spell Resistance from gear or, more likely, class or racial passives.To me this seems to indicate it will generally be more likely that characters have more mitigation against magic attacks of any kind than they have against physical. Especially since light armour contains passives for increased spell resistance. So in the eyes of balancing, I wonder if magic attacks (whether from class abilities or weapon abilities) will be innately stronger than physical attacks of the same cost to balance the higher widespread spell resistance compared to armour rating.If not, all my attacks may focus on ones that deal with physical damage...Could have misinterpreted the info so far and cannot say I know the precise mechanism behind armour rating and spell resistance so still just speculation - hence anyone feel free to correct me.
  8. Haven't seen 3 enchantments on a particular item as of yet. Was really just wondering if someone had encountered one so far. Only seen 2 max personally but that's from random Jap and russian videos (all of which seem to have disappeared by now) as I have had no beta access so far.But on the topic of 3 stats or enchants on one item - I do remember an interview with a developer stating weapons/items that are craftable were made with as much as three ingredients and ingredient types determined what the stat output of the weapon/item was - labelling stats as "primary" and "secondary" in classification. He then gave an example with three ingredients stating that each would lend a different stat to the final output of the recipe, so I assume that the stats inherent on an armour piece or weapon ( so I mean stats on the pieces that are independent of enchantments and the direct results of their initial crafting) can come in up to at least 3 different stats.Mind you, there aren't a particular large amount of stats in this game that I've noticed so far. All I have seen listed are: power, crit, health, magicka and stamina; then magicka/health/stamina regen; and the other values seem more like enchantments rather than stats (e.g. block mitigation/cost reduction). So I am wondering how much variety in weapon and armour stats we are going to really see....
  9. Another theory:Santa does not actually make it habit to deliver to every household on every Christmas. Instead he picks a certain minority of households each Christmas, only for his own special reasons, to which to make a delivery of gifts. Said parents in the movies may never have had their Christmas presents added to by Santa in their past experiences and hence do not suspect anything when it finally happens that their family is picked by Santa to receive some gifts directly from him. Where in the past, like most people, they have simply had presents only provided by other family members.All I can think of as a reasonable explanation at the moment...
  10. Thanks guys for those answers! Really appreciate the help. :)Guess I'll probably be looking to put both +X magicka regen and +X stamina regen on every piece that can have the two of them, and I'll work out what to do with the other armour and jewellery pieces that cannot have them in time.I do have another question though. I've seen people talk of the mundus stones/stone signs. Any list of what these do? Perhaps very similar to previous TES games?
  11. Not sure if this has been covered already but...1. With the enchantments on armour, how many enchantments currently can be placed on any individual piece? I think last time I checked it was two only tops but wanted to see if anyone knew it had changed.2. Also, I'm hoping that Heavy Armour is not limited to the health enchantments and it is possible to put any combination of enchantments on armour of any type, e.g. A heavy armour helmet with both +50 Magicka and +10 Magicka regen.3. And, finally, is it known whether, like in Skyrim, certain enchantments can only be placed on some items. As a theoretical example, if +X magicka regen could only be placed on boots, helmet and chestpiece but not on other armour piece types? Or can you have all 7 pieces of armour be enchanted with the same enchantment. Say if you were terribly keen on maximising stamina regen and were attempting to put +X stamina and +X stamina regen on every piece of armour you wore. (Note: not actually wanting to do that lol )Cheers!!!P.S. If you feel by answering you may break NDA - PM me please, thanks!
  12. Anyone know if the HOT from the Blood Craze morph option on Twin Slashes stacks? Or if for that matter any HOT from abilities stack rather than just having their timer reset. That HOT could be quite useful in PvP if you could stack it since Twin Slashes hardly costs much stamina at all.
  13. Transformation into a werewolf will give you a completely different skill bar as far as info goes to date.It will also give you passives (including at least one weakness passive) when you are not transformed. There is no leaked or confirmed info on what these passives will be. Fire is a confirmed weakness for vamps.
  14. I'm really just summarising what MuscleMagic has already said but:1, You have your own character level2. Each Class skill line and weapon line has it's own independent level 3. Each individual Active skill has it's own levelYou can be level 40 overall, with level 50 in the Draconic Power skill line, with a Obsidian Shield skill at level 4 and wielding a sword and shield who's skill level is 20. Morphs only happen once at the current stage in development - they occur at level 5 of your active skill level for each skill but what subsequent levels do or even if you can level past his for individual skills is not leaked yet.Passives and Actives are unlocked by skill points from either character levelling or soul shards once you are the required skill level in that skill line and not in overall character level.That's all I know so far...
  15. ^ This.Looks like my GTX 770 won't be "optimal" either. But hey, who gives a sh**, after all BF > COD when it comes to modern multiplayer shooters in my opinion.
  16. Well, the more interesting fact on top of all of that is that each Active has two different Morph options so two people who slot the same Active may not have the exact same ability as some of the morph options seem to make somewhat substantial changes to their skill. I personally cannot wait to see the full list of every morph option for each Active, both class actives as well as the weapon actives.I also wonder, while I am fairly certain they mentioned you being able to change the distribution of leveling stat points once you hit lvl 50, I have not heard if it will ever be possible to change what morph option you decided upon.
  17. Is it just the updated Soul gem/steal Actives and Passives? Or have I missed some more subtle changes? I see a couple fixes to the racial passives - notably the Breton ones.
  18. I had assumed that Marked Target not only meant you bypassed spell resistance and frost/fire/etc resistances but that it also meant you ignored Active skill damage reductions/resistances and also bypassed Armour rating. After all, not only does it have such a high cost but it does come with the hefty disadvantage of allowing the opponent to bypass your own "resistances" which is why I assumed it bypasses everything... But pure speculation to be honest and, since ESO developers have been adamant that there is always a counter to everything - I thought this was the only viable counter to heavy armour characters who spam skills like Immovable and Spiked armour.
  19. Yeah fair enough. Some magic does count as "projectile" in form but you're right; it does seem as if magic has a distinct advantage. Makes me think that most bow users will be fairly poor dps except for a few exceptional people who make it work. "cough" Marked Target before using bow skills "cough"
  20. This is a really good question which I unfortunately don't have the answer to but will effect the results of fights and builds heavily. From what I can see, there are three types of mitigation: 1. Mitigation to all damage provided by passives and actives (e.g. heavy armour passive -4% inc damage; 30% reduction to all damage from Spiked armour, etc 2. Armour rating 3. Spell resistance What is really unclear to me so far is whether or not Armour rating provides any mitigation against magic damage at all or whether it exclusively protects against physical damage. Spell resistance will almost definitely solely provide mitigation for magic damage but if no mitigation is derived from armour rating toward reducing magic damage then a Heavy armour tank may have less mitigation vs. magic than a light armour mage as at least light armour provides a passive for additional spell resistance. I would hope that armour value contributes some percentage toward mitigation vs magic otherwise magic damage in PvP may be a little OP because there are not many ways (if any) to derive extra spell resistance without either a racial passive or light armour passive. then again perhaps spell resistance will be acquired through enchantments...
  21. Yeah I hope they change it as well.Most skills, with very few exceptions however, cost exactly 7 times more stamina/magicka at lvl 50 than what they cost at lvl 1.E.g. Rune Prison costs 48m at lvl 1 and costs 336 at lvl 50 which is exactly 7 times more.There are a couple notable examples which don't follow that rule, such as Encase which costs 50m at lvl 1 but scales up to 560m at lvl 50, but most skills follow the x7 rule regardless of whether they cost magicka or stamina.Therefore (at lvl 50):Immovable will probably cost 420 stamina to use (or I like to look at it as costing 52.5 stamina/second).Obsidian Shield will most likely cost 280 magicka to cast.
  22. As the beta events keep occurring we're going to need whoever has access to keep an eye out for ways to fill this list out with more detail, but its definitely a pretty good start.I'll be interested to see people's perspectives on Power vs Crit. Power we know increases damage as well as healing by a reliable rate, but then again given the passives we've seen in some class trees, we also know Crit not only gives you a chance to do more damage by critical hits but most likely also gives you an increased chance to get a critical heal. I foresee quite a few arguments as to how to balance Crit vs Power and which gives the better damage output and heal output.I also wonder if, like most MMOs, a critical hit means a hit that does 2x the damage of what a normal hit would... (without crit damage multipliers of course) And whether we have a base crit chance of 0%, 1% or if base crit chance is determined by something.
  23. Yeah, I agree that we probably need a new thread for stat-based stuff. It may overlap with certain aspects of "build" discussions but there are many points about stats and gear that aren't "best build" related.I saw your new thread on it and I think it was a particularly good idea because at least there we've got the known aspects of stats/equipment immediately in your intro which will save a lot of questions on what we do and don't know about gear/stats by everyone.And yeah the "missing health" bit ruined the skill for me too when I realised it was not a flat 25% of total health.
  24. Overall, I've gathered from people's posts on this thread that:1. There is a maximum of two stats and one enchantment on pieces of armour and perhaps even the accessory pieces. 2. stamina/health/magicka regen are available as enchantments and are a flat +10 at lvl 50 3. There is the usual 49 level points into your three main stats with a cap at no more than 30 points into one stat4. With level points and gear with a main stat, you can achieve somewhere between 1800 - 2200 of a main stat at least (possibly more with better gear when better gear is available than "superior" quality) 5. Without spending any points or having any stat toward a main stat on gear - you still have at least 1000 of a main stat So with this information, if you ignored health, power, crit and enchantments that are not stat-based (e.g. reduced dodge roll cost) and focused your level points and two gear stats on magicka and stamina with enchantments that were either magicka or stamina regeneration - you would then have a build that may not hit as hard or have as much health but would have both high total magicka and stamina and significant regen of both stats. With the numbers I've calculated, assuming this is all correct of course, this equates to:1. Characters that can spam low cost magicka skills without losing total stamina (especially cast time skills once you calculate regen during the casting and MOST especially when discussing Templars who have by far the greatest potential for stat regeneration) 2. Stamina regen on a high magicka character that is high enough to sustain the use of "immovable" every 8 seconds and still have high total stamina with excess stamina regen to cover normal moves such as blocking and dodging (though this will depend on how often you intend to block/dodge and how expensive it is to do so which is not confirmed)3. You can have high magicka and stamina with high regen of both while NOT USING MEDIUM OR LIGHT armour passives. These numbers are based off purely using heavy armour and therefore no armour passive benefits to regeneration of stamina/magicka. Using the armour passives would give even higher regen (but perhaps even unnecessarily high).The sacrifice for such stat allocation and enchantment choices comes down to 2 major criteria that I can see:1. Low health. Only having 1000 health or a little higher. 2. Less damage output due to no stats/enchantments toward raw Power or Critical ratingHowever, the counter to point 1 is that while having low health - you do have heavy armour mitigation, defensive skills and if you have a self heal or a healer in group you do not have any worries about a lower health total. A good example is that a DK with Immovable and Spiked Armour constantly on plus heavy armour mitigation is not too worried about having lower health than other characters.The only counter to the second point is that: 1. Maintaining defensive skills and heals means you're in the fight for longer and therefore do more total damage over time 2. More importantly, you can use your offensive skills more often (perhaps even spam depending on the skill) and maintain this throughout a fight equating to more damage anywayRandom aside: DK's have best self heals? I am not very impressed by the cost of Dragon Blood (80m at lvl 1 and likely 560m at lvl 50) and the fact that it is not a flat 25% of your health but of your missing health which means if you had half health when you used it and were at about 500-700 health - then the heal you'd get would be 0.25 x 500-700 which would only be between 125 - 175. Unless I've misunderstood its description...And Inhale seems unreliable as it depends on huge numbers surrounding you. In a 1 vs 1 or smaller group fight - you may not get much out of the heal especially since it only has a 5m radius, I would think? They do have the best defensive skills though.P.S. I have not given any calculations/numbers in this lengthy post but happy to provide examples of build numbers as proof if anyone wishes to see. It's stuff I've done on paper and not typed up as of yet. And calculations are done without factoring any stats or enchantments one could gain from accessories or weapons. Just based off 7 pieces of armour that have 2 stats and one enchantment each.
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