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Everything posted by Thal

  1. Hey guys,I've been following your comments about various possibilities for Tanks and want to throw a couple ideas your way to see what you think. With what we know so far I'm leaning toward either a DK or Templar tank. I also intend to duo tank with a replica set up for my brother. I want to use both stamina and magicka in my builds but I believe that stamina needs to be preferenced as the importance of blocking cannot be undervalued and despite cost reductions to it - blocking will still require significant stamina to maintain in long fights or fights against multiple opponents.Before I type out my two suggested builds, I just want to say I have also made a big decision to include the heavy armour active skill "Immovable" for both builds. I believe the extra mitigation and CC immunity is vital so long as it is possible to maintain the effects constantly despite the fact that it will chew through huge amounts of stamina. Most DPS is going to be done to a tank when you are stunned/disabled because let's face it - there is nothing to stop a tank being chain-stunned and dps'ed down. Plus when you're disabled/stunned you are unable to block or even dodge which means incoming damage is naturally increased and everyone, I mean everyone with half a brain, opens up with their big combos and skills on a target once it is stunned as they know their skills will land for certain.Hence these are my two proposed builds (both attempting to keep "Immovable" active constantly when in combat):Note: These builds are for PVP and the Templar build is meant to be used as a duo with another templar who has the same set up. Ultimates are not being considered here as they are not reliable as finesse can be gained and lost in battle and therefore are not skills that are certainties TEMPLAR TANK:Race: RedguardEquipment: Sword and ShieldArmour: Full Heavy armourStat distribution from leveling: Stamina maxed; rest on magickaStats on armour: Primary stat is health; secondary stat is stamina regen (though not sure how many stats gear can have at this point)Skills: 1. Low Slash. 2. Shield charge 3.Rune focus 4. Healing Ritual 5. ImmovablePassives: 1. Heal line for templar passives (especially Focused Healing!!!) 2. Sword and board passives 3. Restoring Spirit 4. Redguard racial passivesWith two Templars using this set up, both have CC immunity, both have a slow and a charge skill with 2s stun, both have high mitigation, and if both stand next to each other and routinely use Rune focus followed by Healing Ritual, not only will they not be able to be stunned or interrupted, but thanks to the heal skill and the Focused Healing passive, they will both receive huge huge heals from this combination which takes 2 seconds to execute and will have 30% extra mits while executing the heal. The passives which reduces magicka cost for healing ritual and relatively low magicka cost of rune focus makes it a relatively cost-effective use of magicka for heals as well as not requiring heals to often thanks to mitigation supplied by immovable (20%) and heavy armour + sword and board. The question is whether stamina regen can keep up with use though redguard passives ensure greater stamina, stamina regen and stamina on normal attack use.Note: if stamina regen was not sufficient to maintain Immovable constantly: use the following instead at the sacrifice of much less effective heals: 1. Low Slash.2. Shield charge3.Rushed Ceremony4. Restoring Aura5. ImmovableRushed ceremony has less effective and more costly heal that does not best utilise the heal line passives, but restoring aura may provide much needed extra stamina (as well as health) regen.Dragon Knight TANK BUILD: Race: RedguardEquipment: Sword and ShieldArmour: Full Heavy armourStat distribution from leveling: Stamina maxed; rest on magickaStats on armour: Primary stat is health; secondary stat is stamina regen (though not sure how many stats gear can have at this point)Skills: 1. Low Slash. 2. Shield charge 3.Spiked Armour 4. Obsidian Shield 5. ImmovablePassives: 1. Draconic Power passives 2. Sword and board passives 3. Earthern passives 4. Redguard racial passivesAgain with this Build for a tank - there is CC immunity. However, with the DK tank there is significantly greater mitigation thanks to Spiked Armour and Obsidian Shield. Both skills use magicka but are relatively cheap to use, especially since Spiked Armour only has to be used every 17s. The DK class passives add to mitigation and stamina return also. However, the big disadvantage is the lack of heals. I could trade out Obsidian shield for a heal but the DK class heal skills seem expensive (in regard to magicka cost) and don't give too much in the way of heals. Of course, not an issue if I'm running around not only with my brother but with a dedicated healer too (in which case DK passives will help with incoming heal anyway).In Conclusion:As I said, I want this to be a PvP intended Tank and want to run as a 2-man self sufficient squad with my one other player who uses a similar or exact copy of my own set up.I have not included a Secondary Weapon Swap as I will most likely use the Weapon Swap for a ranged weapon (Bow most likely) for situation when literally MUST stay at range, e.g. on the wall of a friendly keep.If you guys see flaws with either builds or better alternatives, PLEASE feel free to be as critical as you wish. I am open to all comments on these builds and welcome feedback. Even if you can suggest opponent set ups that could cause trouble in PvP for these builds. And yes, I really do love the idea of CC immunity given how many classes will rely on being able to CC others in PvP so I am not too willing or keen to give up on the idea of a sustained use of "Immovable". :PThanks guys!(P.S. Sorry for the enormous post)
  2. Contrary to what I just said - I just realised there are already 2 more "physical" classes, one magic class and the templar which can go either way really since it has such a heavy heal skill tree. So perhaps warden could be magic-based after all.
  3. Warden Class? Sounds interesting but honestly I've only ever heard about it way way back when ESO details were first being given. So early this year was the last time there was mention of "warden" and I thought they had scrapped it. Is there recent info to suggest they're going to bring it back? No skills or passives were ever leaked for it because it was way too early back when it was first mentioned, but if it is anything like what wardens are like in some other mmos - then I would be guessing a solo, self-sufficient, half-tanky type. Lord of the Rings online had a class called "warden" and it was a medium armour tank with self heals and decent range attacks too. But then again they could go a whole different direction and make it super-tanky or even go the "ranger" style because, after all, "warden" is a very broad term and does not really connote any paticular style of fighting (though I would doubt it to be a "magic-based" class).
  4. "VRs do improve your character’s power by granting stats and the ability to equip better gear, though the increases are smaller than the ones you’ll gain through normal leveling."All I have to say to this is: "Oh wow". This practically means lvl 50s will differ in raw stats and not just a stat difference due to gear. So in other words, to be as powerful as possible in PvP, I now need to make sure to do all the content including all three factions' content to make certain I am as "geared" as possible to be a at my character's greatest potential.In some ways I don't mind this because it will be a good excuse to cover all the content, but it means a hefty grind if you plan on a number of alts (thankfully I don't). After all, to be considered to have a great character build it will be expected by the more serious pvp players and guilds that you gain maximum VR for the stat increase.I think I may like this as it will reward dedicated playing of all the content and not just racing to lvl 50 in the least possible time and being at the same level as people playing the game for months/years (assuming you've also crafted the same level gear). However, being the type of person who doesn't like to pvp until they feel they're character is "at its best", this does mean it will probably be a long while before I pvp given that the content is said to take anywhere between 120 (with buffs and boosts) to 180 hours for each faction which means an average of 450 hours (not including other stuff like crafting) before I'm "pvp-prepared".I do also wonder, if VR changes base stats, will PvP rank (or "alliance" rank) increase base stats too?
  5. It worked, thanks for the advice! Was quite interesting to see end-game base stats with the point allocations. Tried to see what the info under some of the gear was that they flicked through quickly near the video's start but was hard to make out the text. Will probably try again later.
  6. Thanks for the link, but for some reason the site won't load for me. Anyone have any ideas why?
  7. Thanks a million for this. Makes assessing different options a hundred times easier!
  8. Hey all,I've seen the breakdown of the active and passive armour abilities from previous posts, but while it seems we've been provided the exact number of pieces of any particular armour required to earn a character certain passives (e.g. 5+ medium armour pieces are required to give the passive "Dexterity"), I cannot seem to find any information on how many pieces someone has to wear to use the active abilities.So the above made slgihtly more concise: does anyone know how many pieces of any type of armour we will need to wear in order to slot that armour type's active ability on our skill bar?Is one piece of heavy armour enough for me to wear in order to slot "Immovable" even if the rest of my armour is medium? (So long as I have unlocked the active skill by getting rank 21 in heavy armour, of course).Cheers.
  9. Thanks for the vid. Some of those skills that were screenshot cost over 300 magicka to cast. Makes me wonder what amount of magicka someone can expect to have at level 50... Especially if you're not a light armour/magicka-heavy build.
  10. Hey, thanks so much for the update on the likely racial passives and traits! Have been waiting eagerly for all of them to surface!A quick question though just to clarify: I noticed the Robust passive for orcs give a 7% increase to health regen but other racial passives seem to give a raw 7 as an increase - I was just wondering whether this meant the others got a raw +7 extra stamina every second and that the orcs are meant to only get a percentage increase instead and not a typo? Thanks!
  11. Well, I don't know for certain but if other games are anything to go by and just logic - I think quite a few people are taking the +4% regen to mean something different to that intended.+4% regen can only equate to a raw extra +4hp/s if, and only if, your base regen is 100hp/s. Otherwise it is just 4% larger than whatever your base regen rate is and I very much doubt the base regen with no equipment is anywhere even remotely close to 100hp/s.So, I'm a bit confused as to why we're all assuming that if every character gets 12hp/s, that a nord somehow gets 16hp/s when in reality given it is 4% increase they would only then get 12.48 hp/s compared to others at base value.Perhaps I've misinterpreted the data myself but would like someone to point out where I've gone astray if my assumption on the mathematics here is incorrect.So if that is the case - the inc heal increase does beat the regen, however, I don't think anyone knows what mitigation percentage 50 armour equals at level cap so no certainties on which is the better tank still.
  12. Got to watch out for those velociraptors. Nothing worse than raptors. ;-)
  13. In that case, definitely the argonian out of the two of them. But yeah I hope we get to see the other racial traits/passives soon too - I'm not keen either on playing Ebonheart. Thanks for the link!
  14. Well, the 7% inc heal is hard to step past. If you get stuck in water (especially in pvp) you're going to love the benefit of being argonian.You're probably right about the extra 50 armour perhaps not being a great deal of an increase to mitigation and the +4% health regen may not be much to brag about unless it fits in with a health regen build (if that is even a good option). But then again that depends on what the end-game heavy armour total rating is going to be. If it is somewhere around 500 - well 50 more might be a small but somewhat considerable boost.Hard to say so early on, but my personal choice off knowing what we do so far is to go with the incoming heal benefit and therefore the argonian. There are skills to boost mits at the moment (Immovable and Spiker Armour for example) but I don't think there are any that boost inc heal and in other mmos it would be my choice as well (not that other mmos may be anything to go by for this one).By the way, any chance you could link or post the racial passives/skills? I haven't seemed to be able to find them yet and would appreciate it. :-)
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