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Everything posted by Thal

  1. You are missing something, and that something here is huge:Poison Arrows is lvl 1 value here, but SIlver Bolts here is listed as it would be at lvl 6. This is why both their stamina costs and damage amounts seem strange compared to each other. The real value of SIlver bolts is 16 damage for 42 stamina. And poison arrow is 9 damage, with extra 8 damage over 10 seconds for 32 stamina. Not so different now hey?
  2. 100% miss chance on one target or 40% miss chance if using AoE morph (Sparks only affects miss chance for physical attacks though) Other blinds in the game usually come with the miss chance in their descriptions and affect all types of attacks - blinding light for example for Templar is 50%.
  3. It is channel time, but also with ranking up the skill and morphing it - it becomes 4 seconds. Channels, as far as I have seen in-game and are aware, cannot be interrupted by bash, though likely by stuns, except mist form states immunity to control effects (which may mean snares and immobilises or even mean stuns as well)
  4. The answer to your question is: YESE.g. you could have a resto staff out with one set of skills, swap to another resto staff and different skills on your bar.
  5. I was wondering this too. Having to find thousands of books, while you can do it as you quest, still sounds ridiculously onerous. Hopefully that is not all there is to leveling the mages guild.
  6. I love the look of Imperial Heavy armour.Wish I wasn't going light armour...
  7. I wonder what the "nerfs and buffs" to class skills are going to be.Collision in PvP would be fantastic. I hate how people simply run through other people making real life strategies simply ridiculously impossible. This could add a very new and unique twist to PvP if ever it does get implemented.
  8. Mist Form is ridiculously cheap if you happen to be in stage 4 and also in full light armour. It is also instant cast and therefore is not interruptible.But I agree in general that it is a tough decision as to whether this skill is worth being a vampire for...The extra mits when you drop under 50% health as a passive is potentially very useful and so is the +10% stamina and magicka regen.
  9. Thanks to the soft cap on stamina regen, this becomes an issue. The regen soft cap for magicka is the same as that for stamina except that magicka is not drained by basic game mechanics.As such, regardless of your pool, stamina regen in late game is not sufficient to fuel both a lot of cc break, dodge, block, etc as well as a skill bar that has a greater number of stamina skills than magicka.
  10. Breton Templar. Light armour + restoration staff + destruction staff. Heals/support/buff bar and AoE dps bar.
  11. Thanks for the information guys!That's a real shame then. Seems like we'll be juggling weapon/skill bars every time we hand in a quest to try to evenly level everything as we pve to 50...
  12. Hey all, I did not pay attention in the last couple betas as to how this works, so thought I'd ask everyone.When you have weapon swap unlocked from lvl 15 onward, how does levelling the skills on the different skill bars work? I mean normally when you hand in a quest it provides exp toward each skill line that is represented by a skill you have on your active skill bar when you hand it in. So does exp still get provided for skills and skill trees for the second skill bar that does not happen to be active because it is not the weapon you have out when you hand in a quest to an npc? Thanks guys and hope the question made sense.
  13. Those 5 skills are meant to be situational and used efficiently in times of appropriateness rather than forming the mainstay of your dps. As others have said before me, your dps most of the time is likely to come from light and heavy weapon hits instead of the spamming of skills. Those skills are there to be used in reaction to certain contexts and to complement your normal light and heavy attacks and battlefield decisions (e.g. do I block, do I want to retreat, dodge, etc) rather than be the dominating focus.
  14. As we all know, stamina fuels the basic game mechanics - dodge, block, sprint, cc break, etc. So as you've worked out, even stacking into stamina stat still does not leave you a great deal to use on active abilities.This is because stamina is not really there to support a skill bar that predominantly uses stamina-based skills. All stamina skills are common skills that any class can use. As such any build in this game that relies heavily on stamina for their abilities is generally a poor build for two reasons. Firstly, they do not make much of what is unique to their character by relying so heavily on common skills. Secondly, they will not have good resource management and will either sacrifice not using the basic game mechanic moves or their skills while playing any battle that lasts more than 10 seconds.ESO as a result seems to be a game which pushes you away from just relying heavily on stamina in your builds for skill use. Don't misunderstand me, stamina is still really important - but it is not there to support a 5/5 stamina-based move skill bar. It is there for good reliable use of block, sneak, dodge,etc in support of your class abilities which are all magicka with the occasional use of a weapon skill or Immovable/Evasion. So if your heart was set on a skill bar with mostly or all stamina skills - go ahead and use it but it will be a disappointing build as far as I can see because it does not make use of the best resource management that the game has to offer.I agree with Gannicus about CC.And to answer one of your initial questions. Generally, weapon skills are used in most builds and fairly often but definitely not spammed from the pvp and pve I've seen so far. (There are some exceptions like Twin slashes)
  15. Yeah cannot see anything new. In fact, seems to be missing Imperial race.
  16. Happy to help!They were the values that were shown when I checked veteran rank 10 gear. As such I assume they are maximum.I am sure that weapon speed trait is twice the amount on the two-handers.See example below (sorry for poor quality but had to make file less than 250kbs to upload):
  17. Thal

    ESO crafting traits

  18. Sorry!It only effects the chance to crit. Nothing else.(Hence why they reduced it from the high original values)
  19. Hey all, To update you from the February Beta test: 1. The crit values on weapon traits were ridculously high. They were changed and nerfed down to +3% as a result so don't worry. 2. The attack speed bonuses were too high as well and were nerfed down to around +6% and I think +12% for two-handers. Hope that clears things up for you!!!
  20. http://elderscrollsonline.com/en-uk/news/post/2014/02/18/ask-us-anything-variety-pack-13Not much in the way of any real info however there is one important piece of information:You will have access to your horse and the imperial race if you pre-ordered the digital imperial edition during Early Access. This is contrary to rumours which were going around from a couple weeks ago that you would have to wait until 4/4/14 for the imperial bonus content and would not have it before then.(You will also be able to play any race in any alliance for pre-ordering during early access and not have to wait for 4/4/14 either).
  21. Hey guys, Skills and passives for Imperial race, lycanthropy and vampirism are available on a newly updated google spreadsheet. Don't know what their source is but seem to have coincided with NDA lift, Have fun:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArII4nGY0Yf3dC0xM0YtQ3phVnNjUVdCbkJkaUl3VWc&usp=sharing#gid=0 P.S. The weakness/disadvantages that Zenimax onced talked about are not made apparent on the spreadsheet but I assume are still in the game. So don't automatically assume there are no weaknesses to turning vamp or were. Cheers, Thal.EDIT: Sorry if some of you have already seen these! I didn't see a recent post about it so I thought I'd make everyone aware. Weaknesses are listed in notes section.
  22. Hey,As far as the healing goes, it seems like you will be relying on regeneration and strife as your mainstay for healing with occasional use of blessing of protection since it is a more costly spell than the other two. This build could work well as a support healer but in my opinion I do not see it providing sufficient heals to be a main healer for an entire 4 man group. Especially considering strife at best can only heal yourself and one other player but not your whole group.I also noticed that your ability bars are heavily magicka-based: your dps bar is 4/5 magicka skills and your heal bar is 5/5 magicka skills.This would lead me to believe you would choose light armour to support your build or at the very least be stacking up on magicka and not placing as many points or enchants into your stamina pool. So dps'ing with a bow may not be best if that is what you were hoping for because of the fact that your bow damage will be scaling off your stamina pool. Since your magicka pool will be greater to support this build, perhaps a destruction staff would be more appropriate for your dps bar.Anyway, that is my 2 cents worth. Hope it was somewhat helpful...
  23. Hey, nice screenshot. I really like that armour set bonus. It could do with an armour trait so wonder if we'll be able to craft the same unique set-bonus armour with traits... I mean enchant would be as simple as putting a glyph on it which is good.
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