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Everything posted by Musclemagic

  1. You can swing a 2h with two arms just as fast as a 1h with one arm, this has always bothered me in video games where 2h's are slower for no reason. But, I agree that while dual wielding you should be able to fire off attacks at twice the speed because you're attacking with both hands. I haven't really been looking at this yet... Can anyone time a few attacks and post the times so we can use it to calculate things like Siphoning Strikes, Force Siphon, or Lifesteal weapons?
  2. Sorry for the DP, but I forgot to include this thought: I actually think that the 3% base regen won't be modified through extra % regen, but that all the +flat regen will be modified by further +% regen. You feel me? 3%+(X*Y%) where X is the flat regen you have and Y is 1+the percent of extra regen you get. For example, if you have 100 stamina you'll automatically have 3/second. If you also have +10 regen from something, then you'll have 13/second. But, if you have something that gives +50% stamina regen then you'd have 3+(10*1.5) for 18.
  3. Is chat broken or is it actually full? :S It currently says 0 people are in chat room, but I get this message while opening it, "The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave." DAAAVIIIIDDDDD???????
  4. Good morning, thanks for giving me something to read when I woke up. If you guys think about other games then you'll realize that you really do need to not only have a specific class tank in specific fights, but even within that class they often need to re-spec for each dungeon in order to overcome specific dungeon mechanics. For the endgame content I do think you'll want full heavy for full mitigation, not necessarily because of the Armor stat, but because the set bonuses for heavy will be geared for tanking rather than damage and such on medium. You can calculate it out right now, but it'll change when we know what the hard numbers on enchantments are. I do agree that medium armor would allow you to keep evasion/immovable up a bit more and that might give you more mitigation in the long run, but with regen enchantments it might not even be necessary. I do think you'll want at least 1 piece of Medium for Evasion though, in which case I'd take 2 that give a nice 2-piece set bonus. I am almost certain that if I'm tanking I'll be using 5h+2m because Evasion is really strong, and taking 1 piece of something when I could get a bonus for taking another where a bonus most likely won't fit in with 6 heavy is probably going to be better than just 6h/1m. DK is the logical choice for damage mitigation. But, for overcoming mechanics (which has always been the most important factor in tanking) then DK doesn't necessarily have better options than say a Sorc who can bolt escape (Puncture then Bolt Escape, repeat until the DPS kill the target. This could be a common necessity.) and then maybe winged twilight will be a nice addition to tanking through a morph. (Seems likely, since Twilight was initially supposed to be tanky.) In another situation it might be better for a NB to stand away from the group while tanking, Puncture and then Cloak. The target would then run toward the rest of the group for 2.5s and then the NB would reappear and the target would run back to the NB for 2.5s (since it's a 5s taunt), meaning that it wouldn't be able to do damage in melee range anyway for pretty much 5 seconds. Like we kind of said before, I don't think that most interrupts, slows, and incapacitates will work on the bigger boss-fights..so that's something to take into account when weighing mitigation. But, we have no idea what mechanics the dungeons will bring us.. this is why I only really care about PVP theorycraft at this point, because that's the only thing we have an idea of what the enemy will be like. In PVP I think that you're right on, irons, that you'll have plenty of mitigation and you'd do better overall by getting more damage and utility as a DK tank in PVP.
  5. Gotta play a sexy lil' girl!! I'll probably be a khajiit at first though...awkward...
  6. I think that if you go 5 heavy and 2 small-pieces of medium, like in my first post on this topic where I said just boots and gloves, then you won't get that much less armor and the potential benefits are possibly greater depending on the set-bonus. And, possibly using Evasion if you're keen on that (like I am).
  7. Yeah, I feel like some of the 3 or 4-piece bonuses will be stronger for certain characters than say 4% damage reduction or +10% spell crit chance for certain builds (although it might be rare.) So, depending on the stats I might even go a 4/3 even though it would lose the 4% mitigate. But, I don't think that the enchant will change based on the item you're enchanting (whether it's heavy or medium, you know?), so the enchants don't really matter for particular items per-say.
  8. I get the feeling that armor sets will give very very important passives. As soon as the endgame armor sets are released with the known set bonuses it will change our builds by a huge amount. Say, there's a two piece..maybe like.. Boot and Glove, so it isn't something with super high armor values... from a medium armor set that gives you increased melee power, and passive movement speed. Combining this with a 5 piece Heavy set might be better than taking 7 pieces of heavy. That's just one example, but I think it'll be very similar to the Diablo series in this regard--where item combos are really key to finalizing a good character. So, my question is, does anyone have a visual of any endgame sets yet? Of any armor type?
  9. Good question.. If it is true and I go Temp Heals, I'd go 30MP : 20HP. Or, I'd go NB melee with 30MP : 20ST. Pure breads for the win.
  10. There might only be 303 spawn points for soul shards, but they've been adamant about being able to unlock every ability so I think you'll be able to get them multiple times from the same spawn points.. In fact I'm pretty sure I heard that in an interview...That they'll be randomly spawn at points throughout the world and anyone can pick them up. I did for sure hear that you can change your morph choice later on--you're never stuck with anything except the race and class choice you initially made.
  11. Even though it's subject to change, please do include the current resource and damage numbers, even include the rank that it's known for. Otherwise we have no direction for the spells. At least the information that's on the G-Sheet, the more the better please.
  12. Yep, new skill bar, just like when you turn into Emperor. Except, I don't think Emperor will have a weakness passive. I also think that you'll still be able to use Emperor skills though, on any bar, after you've been Emperor once--except they'll be weaker. It was either that sexy little girl Maria... or maybe just Paul Sage who said that. XD
  13. This was the question I had too. I get the feeling that at level 5 it's considered "done", like you said. Another option would be if we're only able to decide if we want to change the morph to the other option once every 5 ranks (at 5, then 10, then 15, we're able to switch the morph--and it takes longer each time to level, so you don't really want to do this--kind of makes speccing even more focused rather than being able to swap morphs too easily..even though it does cost a soul-shard already.) This is something that doesn't bother me though, I just want to know the potential morphs already so I can start c-c-c-comboing! :"|||||||
  14. My guess would be werewolves are ST and vamps are MP.
  15. At least we're coming up with a lot of cool ideas. Even if not all of them will apply directly to the game, some of the theories behind them still will. It's all for fun though..nobody's peer pressuring you into trying to decide anything right now. Edit: There's no meaning to the world, but being a nihilist is no fun!
  16. I meant a pure caster, so like...someone who wouldn't be using a 2H or any ability to really close gaps. EDIT: I do understand that you can Bolt Escape to get close and then use Encase or something to keep them from getting away as a Sorc, no matter what weapon you're wielding, but being able to spam something like Fiery Reach would definitely be better to keep someone in 12m Radius for Magelight, so it's not that effective while playing a typical caster build that would want to kite someone within 12m Radius to begin with. If you're talking speed for pursuing then a NB with Cripple to drain speed as well as Path of Darkness would be better.
  17. I think he meant at like 17:10 in that link where the NB healer was using his DW bar instead of Resto bar, he must have been Cloaking multiple times to stay invisible for more than 2.5s. Or, like you said, it could have been a higher rank where it has a longer duration.
  18. At first, all my builds took Magelight. But when the tooltip was leaked it was disappointing. The radius is so small that it's practically useless for keeping stealthies away, they can still get within 12m (which is closer than needed for almost every ability that's not melee...and since, unless it's a NB using Invis, you can see people sneaking when they're really close anyway--it's useless against a NB in Invis.). It only lasts 15s, I thought it was going to be always-on. Right now it feels like the only thing it realllllly counters is when a NB is going to use Consuming Darkness to run away, and even then..as soon as they're 12m away it doesn't work anyway. Also, a NB will be able to run away from most casters with ease because a caster isn't great at chasing...they're better at kiting..and the magelight will probably only be worth using on some caster builds if they change it to increase magic damage like they said they would (and they did on the Summoning abilities for Sorc, which was the same time they said they'd give Magelight a damage buff when it's out as well, so hopefully they do this.) It's just not that good in it's current form yet, but with a little bit of tweaking I'd really like to take it on my Temp healer. Although..if I go NB melee then I hope it doesn't get buffed! HAha
  19. Ooh, okay, so when the ability levels it doesn't even get stronger? It only gets stronger based on cLvl? That's a simple way of making it balanced, I like it. EDIT: Irons, you said that when you switch bars the Ult also changes, right?
  20. It's something I know through a'priori knowledge. This discussion could turn philosophical very quickly, but if you want to know if I've seen this happen the answer is no. Everything I've ever posted on this site is opinion based.
  21. Using game mechanics to your advantage is key to being good in any game. Nobody "knows" anything (not without breaking the NDA they agreed to adhere by.) I'm not claiming to know anything, I even said that it was just an opinion.. Are you offended that I like discussing potentials, which is the only thing that any of us are here discussing to begin with? Do you realize that everything could completely change by beta anyway? I'll continue to reply to posts until a mod tells me not to, because it's all fun and it's constructive in the sense that it gives us some game-mentality even if it won't directly apply to ESO when it's live.. This post of yours, on the other hand, isn't constructive in any sense. I like your other posts, but if you have a personal problem with my posts, please continue this discussion in PM's.
  22. If you cast Regeneration on someone else, then switch weapons, it'd stay. Blessing of Protection probably wouldn't, it shouldn't if it does! Force Siphon surely would, it's a timed applied effect rather than something that occurs passively within an ability. Edit: That was in regard to this build, right? Khajiit – NB – Heavy Armor – DW/Resto Resto (Power)- [*] Mark Target - pvp and solo pve (Agony in Dungeon PVE) [*]Force Siphon [*]Blur [*]Evasion (Unlock this by using Medium Armor before switching to Heavy Armor) [*]Regeneration [*]Consuming Darkness DW (Lifesteal Daggers)- [*] Teleport Strike [*]Flurry [*]Haste [*]Siphoning Strikes [*]Immovable (Cripple in all PVE) [*]Death Stroke
  23. Did those ranks have a lower resource cost? This could be a pretty epic exploit until they patch it! You just started posting, but I'm loving how your mind works! EDIT: I get the feeling that skill costs will be tied to the character as a multiplier, but ranks of the ability increase the ability's base mana cost... So at lvl 1 something would cost 20 and then your cLvl @ 20 would multiply it by say.. 2, every 10 levels it doubles or something.. Then, when the skill levels it costs a base of like 30 but since you're cLvl 20 it would cost 60. That's the only functional way I can imagine it working.
  24. It's my opinion that any build using 100% ST or 100% MP won't do very well unless you are using an ability that turns one stat into another stat, such as dark exchange or restoring aura.
  25. I just had an interesting idea: With only 1000 stamina, if you make all of your enchantments +ST Regen, and wear Medium Armor, then your ST bar will fill extremely fast... If you're a sorc, this would allow you to use Dark Exchange pretty much any time...... Medium Armor passives beyond the +ST Regen are also pretty good all-around, meaning that if you make a Casting-Sorc with Medium Armor, not only will you have an infinite resource of health/mp, but you'll also have a higher base-armor and the other benefits from medium armor. You won't have the +Spell damage things, or the lower cost of magicka abilities.. But, if you're going to make a Healer-Sorc, rather than a DPS (that would be better with the Light armor passives), then I think Medium armor with an +ST Regen build could be really really cool!!
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