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Everything posted by Deus

  1. Updated my starting cash pile and equipment for armadyl.
  2. Yeah its going to be fun, and you are more than welcome to fill in/tag along.p.s. Thanx tyni!
  3. Here is my starting gear, cashpile, and materials *For Arma*. I also have food and whatever. But eh. My ranged level is 94, I have 3k chins left which will bring me to 95 range and almost 96. My prayer level is 71, and herb is 61. My goal of no lifing, duo/solo Arma is to obtain turmoil, ovals, and around a 200m cashpile after those are paid for. 12
  4. Too bad it didnt work out. Gl wherever you decide to go. L at henry.
  5. Next year or the year after ill go to college.... From home.
  6. Btw, that was my recruit, and Kaiden stole him from me!!!! (if he joins)
  7. Nice pics it was fun stuff. Thanks for capturing my typo!
  8. Yes, yes you have. I'll get back up there soonish. You just watch. Im coming for you ranger. Im coming. *evil glare* RAWR!!!!
  9. Deus

    hi people

    Hey man welcome to the community! Tell some of your friends about it, its some uber awesome funz!! yippie!
  10. You didn't apply for council as far as I read, you were applying for warlord. I know you've expressed wishes that you would like to see more wars and such. And believe me, we will have our fair share of wars. You are relatively new yet, I was talking to you the other day in pm's about your app, and I told you that you need to be active and you were still new to the forums. You're doing a great job of it thus far, keep it up and who knows what could happen bud.
  11. Gangster is right, none the less, I agree Yeld. Everybody I come across while training I tend to try and talk into joining. Most just add me in case if they leave their clan they are currently in.
  12. Deus


    You can check out photobucket. That works great.
  13. Hey man, gl in your application.

  14. ranger, you sir are a bully stealing my trophies like that! :D

  15. Deus


    Lol Hey now, you said three hitman! There was 4!
  16. Edit: You took 2 trophy's from me!!!!
  17. Ranger bud, one more trophy and I got first Ive been working on frogger.
  18. I keep hearing about this minecraft.. wtf is it?
  19. Deus


    I better be careful. Investors might try to put a hit out on me to protect their investments is what you're saying? Its a monopoly!
  20. He is. I know it, and so should the rest of trr. Thanks for pointing it out delly
  21. Oh yeah, boxxy was the name. Funny shit some of it.
  22. I have one, but i dont remember her name. Starts with a b. Pretty funny.
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