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Everything posted by Deus

  1. Can i get 130+cmb 200+ qp, and a 99 hp award?
  2. OHHH YOU TOOK A PIC OF ME!!!! Yeah, ill surely be there for your 99 too if you tell me when youre getting it!
  3. both agil and rc arent bad at all. My least fav has to be farming though, its up there with mining and hunter.
  4. we are all dirt bags david, you have the right idea. Rs = filled with lying cheating dirtbags! lmao.
  5. Deus

    Dun dun

  6. nuuu the topic is all wrong, its in general, not about me! I was a tad drunk when I wrote this lastnight, so lulz
  7. Why trust the people you think you know? I mean, even if you put a little trust in them, and they 'show' trust in you for a small fraction of time, it comes around to a false sense of trust. I personally have loaned out countless times, and have not recieved anything back, I have looked upon other peoples words to do things that they say they would do but never do. I have seen a friend hack my acct after asking for a small bit of help. I'm just curious, why is RS so scandalous? Why are people so un trust worthy? And even those who are, why dont other trust them? Even when the trust is proven? RS. Related Only
  8. Deus


    Damn bud, sorry to hear that. I was wondering why you disappeared. Hope youre doing better. Trr and Community are doing well.
  9. Only my cousin, brother, and my woman know I play this silly game. I wouldnt tell anybody else though, I would feel like a geek.
  10. Lies tyni, you lol over everything. >.>
  11. I play because of the people for one, and another thing that keeps me playing is the constant set of goals that some how keep coming my way. I get addicted! lol
  12. Deus


    You sir, are an it!
  13. Nice guys! Any more updates? And yw apollo!
  14. So I busted my ass on bxpw and went from 94 to 99 range in just a little over 10 hours. Chinning is umm easy. My eyes burn a little but eh it was worth it. I called a few in the cc to come for a small short notice 99 range party, and some people came!!! YEAH HELL YEAH I popped a xp lamp and killed a couple city guards and booom I hit 99!!! Ha well it was fun. CrazyGangstaNinjaOrangesThanks for coming!!!
  15. Well guys I just got 99 on bxpw!!!!!!!! 99 RANGE WOOOT WOOOT! 94 to 99 in just a little over 10 hours worth of work. Was fun times.
  16. Deus

    Mighty Banshee's

    Nice guide tyni I went there a few times, it is good xp. I would have to vouch for this.
  17. Awe the 17th is the day I have to go help my chicks parents build their barn Garr mate
  18. verac narbs! Looked like a lot of fun!
  19. What are you training on bxp? Name what youre training, and your start level/s. Then update your post, or reply again with the outcome of bxp weekend for you! Im training range, my start level is 94.
  20. You do know traag, that he cannot make any forums You should have known.
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