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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. wtf, 22 hours, he must have just played the main missons, besides thats 1 story, there are hundreds of different storys/choices to be played/made throughout the series, and it was ME2 that was brought out late on ps3 and honestly its a bad port, better on PC by far
  2. IT IS GODLY!i love this series, can you tell?
  3. spam, not that the forums are active anyway
  4. http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/forums.ws?254,255,119,63164459
  5. why are you lying about this, you are on black ops everyday i see you
  6. Daniel

    Feel like Poo

    idk, wasnt my hand i was feeling it with, but the topic needs to be changed back now
  7. Daniel

    Feel like Poo

    WHO CHANGED THE TITLE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? PUT IT BACK TO !! NOW
  8. Daniel

    Feel like Poo

    idk, feel like shit, make me happy, talk to me or something, or just ignore me and make me feel like shit.
  9. i believe the correct spelling is Shaun, so you are both wrong
  10. nope NEVA!!.. >: (
  11. Daniel


  12. /me steals rush tee shirt, MIEN NOW /endmeand is that your bro to your left in the picture? if so he is hawt x and are you wearing pj bottoms?
  13. that was jackwootten, you 'want to get in contact with him as he is a badman, he hacks peoples accounts now, and is in the black market on rs,
  14. Daniel


    make your own too
  15. Daniel


  16. all of them basically ^
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