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Status Updates posted by APOLLYON

  1. Finally bought skyrim, any words of advice/tips for this newb?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      ^ha, hmm i think i might go sniper:P bow and dagger, with an orc ha.

    3. Jake


      In my opinion, Orc assassins are the most efficient builds in the game. It sounds ironic, but their Berserker Rage skill leads to backstabs that other races could only dream of.

  2. I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to, move it,*music starts*

  3. Black Ops2, ps3, 11pm-4am eastern time, Sgt_Miko

    1. Blake


      My penis, Raleigh, All day Eastern time, Blake



      ehh from what tynisa told me, blexun has a freakishly wide penis, yet its only 2 inches long, its a cheese wheel

    3. Blake
  4. Borderlands 2!!!! Sgt_Miko ps3 hmu, play 11:30pm - 5:00am Eastern Time

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      sounds good.. let me know how it is i wanna buy it..



      Still playing haa



      not bored of it yet

  5. Just let out everything how I feel for my older brother and I feel so much better. Was a bad night at work, was sleep deprived, over heated, nicotine withdrawled and was constantly being bothered every 5mins while trying to sleep. So I lost my temper when my brother tried to use my truck even though I told him no. Afterwards we were forced to confront each other by our father and I angrily told him how I had absolutely no respect what so ever for him and was waiting for him to get up in my fa...

    1. Jake


      It got cut off. I'm left at a cliffhanger.



      face so I could break his damn jaw. If given another chance I would not hesitate to do it all again but with a hell of a lot more insults and more provoking. We will probably never speak or see each other as brothers anymore but I do not regret any action I took and feel damn good.

    3. gotab0ner4xmas


      oh brother.

      if it had to be done, so be it. good for you. everything hppens for a reason

  6. Just let out everything how I feel for my older brother and I feel so much better. Was a bad night at work, was sleep deprived, over heated, nicotine withdrawled and was constantly being bothered every 5mins while trying to sleep. So I lost my temper when my brother tried to use my truck even though I told him no. Afterwards we were forced to confront each other by our father and I angrily told him how I had absolutely no respect what so ever for him and was waiting for him to get up in my fa...

  7. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. gotab0ner4xmas


      lol/ the wieghts are different, so its more or less that same. no comaprison to straigh blades. and sir, youre not retarded. i give you permission to procreate

    3. Jake


      Even if it doesn't look like you posted multiple times, you did. Just hit the button once, even if your message doesn't appear.



      lol lag got me, and yesh i ordered foam and wooden ones at same time, gonna buy cup tomorrow.

      Yesh Blex, I believe it would be much wiser to practice movements with the foam ones so when I practice with the wooden ones I have less chances of hurting myslef.

      However if my friends want to try em out I will let let practice with the wooden ones ha

  8. We should change the 1-10 rating of women/men of their attractiveness. It should be 0-10. 0 being the higest and 10 being the lowest. The logic behind this. The rating goes with how many shots of liquor you need to actually have sex with her/him.

    1. David


      What about people that can't hold liquor?

    2. Blake


      @Traaginen I don't see how armless people relate to this discussion.

    3. gotab0ner4xmas


      agreed with blex. thats why god gave man straws.

  9. Don't Forget To Show Some Love To Your Moms Today

  10. so i see they use pink letters for banned people now.

  11. addicted to zynga poker again

    1. Blakelington


      nice. im addicted to online risk (the board game)

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