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Posts posted by Terravilla

  1. I remember this being a hotly contested subject back on the old forums. Personally, I'm not sure what to put. I think there should be some sort of requirment, but not so much of a combat requirment, but something that garuntees actual participation in the clan. TRR has been struggling with that for a while now it seems.The only problem with this is that there really isn't any sort of requirment you can make that would only filter through active members. I'm at a loss for ideas on that one.Kaiden also has a valid point, I also enjoy high levels, and lots of 'em. However for the time being I say we try to build our ranks up again before we start imposing limits on who can join.

  2. I'm at about 700 logs myself. we need 12k to access tier 2, and along with each tier, we can expand with

    more skill plots, such as mining ores, making food, and summoning minions.

    Some of the really nice options require over 40k in raw materials, just to make a single object; and that's not even counting the default requirments for upkeep and upgrades. So, when we say we need every available member to come help, we really, really need everybody to come help. In order to upgrade to higher tiers, we need a certain number of people to come to the citadel every week and work on the upkeep; or the whole thing starts to degrade. It really only takes about 20 minutes a day, but of course more than that is very much appreciated.

    And on top of all that, the citadel really is a great place to chill. Muscle's pictures don't quite do it justice because they aren't in high detail, but this place really does look beautiful. Here's what it looks like run at max settings:

    Entrance portal:

    Posted Image

    Outside the citadel wall, with the clan announcement board:

    Posted Image

    Courtyard just inside the walls:

    Posted Image

    In-between the courtyard and the castle wall:

    Posted Image

    It's a long way down:

    Posted Image

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