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kung pow

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kung pow last won the day on March 26 2012

kung pow had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So I haven't been on Runescape In at least 20 days now and even when I played I was AFK training as many skills as I could. The game got kind of boring to me but since i'm hopelessly addicted to this game i'm about to start playing again soon. Anyone who's stopped playing Runescape for about a month knows how confusing things can get when you come back which is annoying sometimes. So has anything important been going on in Runescape or the clan? Don't leave me behind lolP.SI know I've owed a lot of people money for a looong time now... you'll all get paid. Eventually
  2. Yeah I think the new combat system seems alright for the most part.. hit and miss here and there but overall.. pretty good I guess
  3. You would congratulate yourself wouldn't you?No but still.. congrats XD
  4. wow 3 people are already at 1m+ xp? yeah i'm not gonna win..
  5. Only 14 applies to me because I don't even use facebook anymore Also 7
  6. Str cape ftw! Even though everyone has one...
  7. What the hell... I come back to TRR and this is the first thing I read? Get back in this clan now!!!!!
  8. It was a hard decision but I just chose to leave the clan. I've been in TRR for nearly two years, had a lot of fun getting to know all of you and going to all the events we used to have. Idk what happened but recently clan activity has been really low to the point that it's hardly even a clan to me anymore. I'll still come in to see what's going on in the clan sometimes but i've officially left TRR. Good luck to all of you and I hope the clan grows back to what it used to be one day... I'll miss this clan
  9. Thanks blue! Now lets all try to get TRR back up
  10. I'll try to help with that Traag lolIt would be great to see the clan as active as it used to be
  11. Its a funny movie and I was watching it when I made my forum account lol
  12. My RSN is o_Oranges, been in TRR for almost 2 years now and i'm on all the time
  13. By dead I mean there's never anybody in the clan chat. Every time I log in i'm the only one there and it's been like that for 2 or 3 weeks. I'm thinking we should have mass recruiting events weekly or something... I don't want this clan to die
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