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T ranger101

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Status Replies posted by T ranger101

  1. TRAAG Corporation has grown by 260% since it was established. Hope you bought early!

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      *Notices how Mono's stock is worth more than Traag Corp.....*

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I think Traag actually expects me to post an application. Oh hell naw.

  3. So 6 days of Being the leader in the arcade..... Go to work?

  4. People keep beating my high scores. :C

  5. Yes ranger, I am out for your trophies. :o

  6. The more trophies i win, the more awesome I am, yet the more it shows that my childhood i had no life and just played games constantly :P 9 TROPHIES!


  8. Is now a 71% shareholder in the COMM stocks. Oh, and did I mention TRAAG stocks have given investors a +6% return in the last week? MSTR stocks, meanwhile, have plummeted -2%.

  9. I want to be a billionare on runescape, so freaking bad xD

  10. It's now possible to "Like" TRR status updates. And so the Rebelz war machine rumbles closer to Facebook and world domination.

  11. after watching crazycows video of him and illini, i REALLY want a rs best friend :P

  12. Hopes that when school starts and when the kids of our clan are not on all the time because of school. Wondering if we will become a slow moving clan :(

  13. AL Video up! Woohoo! Finished with a TRR intro too! Check out my Youtube Channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyCow73?feature=mhee

  14. is semi coming out of my break. if you havent noticed already

  15. been rocking the world since '92

  16. 28 hours of work = 350 dollars.

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