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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. You go down to the cow field in Lumbridge and kill all the cows you can, lmao.
  2. Although it sounds stupid, cow wars is actually pretty good. I remember going to these, good ol' iSponges events. xDI should be there, but tell me on IRC, I'll forget. Haha.And I think I believe the times are correct.
  3. Damn, nice pics bro. I remember watching some video with woox16 on Youtube, didn't know he was the best boss hunter. :)Pro.
  4. Ah. But still, were the other 6 clues from a different monster/place or what? If they were, that's still epic. Haha.
  5. I later realised that the higher your alchemy, the more your potions are worth so yeah. It's not great profit, but it's definitely not something that would drain you for all your gold when you're done.Wheat and giant's toe seems to be the best method, but getting giant's toes are too hard because of the time needed for giants to respawn. Then I tried going to an alchemy store, buying every ingredient, making random potions (I used some site that showed how to make all the potions, so just searched [ctrl+f] an ingredient and it showed the ones that go with it to make potions). Which I think made my lose a very small amount of gold. :)This is why I gave up at like level 40.
  6. So Brad, stop training this or what?
  7. Fergal


    Then I guess the only way to get this to work is to make events (not choice polls that never end up happening...) that people want to go to, such as King Black Dragon. This event itself doesn't require many people to the event, so it's perfect.Don't host things like "parades" that people don't want to go to and will fail if less than 10 show up - you know?Just something to keep in mind.
  8. Ranger boots twice in a row, from clues in the same place? Wow, you're lucky bro. xDWonder what I'd get if I ever did clues, I did one before and got fuck all after all my hard work.
  9. Interested* Lmao.I can't for the life of me remember what wildy survival is, but I would imagine it is teams of PKing or some free-for-all etc. In welfare gear of course. Not sure though.
  10. Alright, more apps please, especially on EC. I've a feeling those who applied for EC will be demoted because of their lack of knowledge about their promotion. @_@
  11. Looking good so far. Remember to sign up for warring, and we'll help train everyone! http://trr.eldersouls.com/topic/1407-message-for-people-wanting-to-war/
  12. What type of event were you thinking about? I'm rather interested, would be fun.
  13. Didn't actually read most of it, but well done David. Amazing guide, amazing length.
  14. Fergal


    I know hardly no one has been going for EC, and anyone that did get promoted is doing hardly nothing. But even if the events were there, who here would actually show up?Would you be like, "sure, lets get everyone to go!" or "meh, I'm too lazy/busy and not that many people are showing up - maybe next time".Just be honest, if events are worth hosting, I will probably go ahead and make a load of events. If no one is going to show up, then I doubt it.
  15. A huge good luck achieving these goals, keep it up!Love the "mini progress" bars too.
  16. Hehe, I should make a guide on this since it's been asked so many times. xD Firstly, you go to the Clan Chat tab (near inventory etc), not Friends Chat. Towards to bother right, you should see three different coloured squares, click the middle one. From there, go to the bottom left, click on the green icon thing, and type in "The Rebelz". This should help: (the green icon is where the red one in the following image is, so yeah)
  17. Welcome to the clan, Spo0ky! Nice intro. ^^You should considering making a Goals & Achievements thread btw, since you've already started here. xDOh and, we don't use the citadel anymore, however, to join the clan you must be invited (clicked on by an admin), so just join the clan chat as a guest first and you should find someone then!
  18. Ts Bellman, if you remember him, our Swedish moderator from Team Sweden/Brutality.
  19. Didn't even realise people used the gallery. Some luzly comics in there. xD

    1. Fergal


      5 seconds later: You have reached your bandwidth limit and can not view this image

      Wtf David.

    2. David


      Should be fixed.

    3. Blake


      I like the Dar Ma one. But I hate the meme face ones. I have spoken

  20. Y NO ONE VOTE?! FERGAL ANGRY NAO.But srsly, pick it up.
  21. Fergal


    Since no one else is posting...Okay, so instead of talking about my boring enough day today, I'll tell you about my weekend planned? xDToday - home from school, gonna be going to TaeKwonDo to kick some people's asses! > Tomorrow, I have Gaelic Football training, which I don't plan on going to be because I need rest for the Munster (Provence in Ireland e.g. 1/4 of Ireland) Championships for TaeKwonDo. Then on Monday I'm going on my school tour, which should be awesome.
  22. Time to find out who in TRR are rich, eh? Post away! I don't think I'll bother since my bank is awful at the moment, spend most of my cash on mage months ago. Haha. Here's an example I just found looking at LoL's (Legacy of Legends - my old clan) old topic. (Spoiler'd because of size - oh and this is uber-organised!)
  23. Good to see that you are continuing this, well done! Can't wait to see more facts, learning a lot from these already. xD
  24. Fergal


    I've seen this topic in the past on other forums (I think it was Nexus), good idea. Usually it would be considered a Spam Topic/Forum Game, but since the posts are usually generally detailed/long enough, it's best that people's post count go up for this one.Basically, you can come on any day and post how your day want, particularly if it was an excited or terrible day!
  25. Yep, there you go. You can also award people now that you are Council (which would also be yourself, but I've it done now) in their forum profile.
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