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Everything posted by Blargenflarg

  1. Well there IS proof that they aren't able to actually attend all contracts.If you break into the black briar meadery basement, there's a note where Maven complains that she has performed the ritual yet has received no answer for a long while.In the case of Aventus, it sort of happened in the reverse order.Astrid said that the first thing she heard was that "a woman got killed in her own Orphanage? Half of Skyrim knows".So FIRST she heard about Grelod dying, THEN after that, rumors spread that it was the dark brotherhood, Astrid probably traced the information to the kids, asked them, they likely mentioned Aventus who then likely mentioned you and well, badabing boom.http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:To_the_BrotherhoodThough I'm not too sure about this letter, it implies that this complaint happens AFTER she has already contacted the brotherhood about the contract. But yeah, I think they definitley were getting them through rumors spreading of people performing the black sacrament.
  2. I find the sight kind of hilarious. Mostly because the thief isnt fighting back nor running away with any kind of finesse.He just randomly runs in a circle with 10 something guards on him going "I'm sorry, I surrender, nooo!" and they just whack at him until he dies.You are literally the only one in skyrim to ever have been taken to jail at some point, everyone else either dies or was born in jail.
  3. So I have a mage with 100 enchanting, 100 alchemy, like..50 smithing and no smithing perks.I tell you, having that with only the ability to craft iron stuff is horrid.BUT, a few things I've found that you might like. If you ever get stuck in that kind of a spot, you can:1) buy a truckload of iron ore2) transmute ore via the spell3) craft gold necklaces, or even jeweled ones if its available, they have a high value, thus give more exp.ankle weights are required.
  4. ^Lol'd.I married Hroki through the console and only get "well rested" myself. I'm not itching for the extra 5% too much though...then again I've yet to try leveling alchemy.
  5. I've used the search function and looked through the first couple of pages, so hopefully I didn't just skip right over answers that were already there, if I have, sorry about that, I want to finish this post before I forget.1. When enchanting gear with magic resist, how does it stack on itself and on top of the Breton Blood?Is it additive such that 25% Breton Blood+10% magic resist on a ring=35%?Is it multiplicative such that 25% Breton Blood+10% magic resist on a ring=27.5%?If it is additive, then I can reach the cap just by enchanting a few stuff, if it's not then I gotta squeeze the hell out of it.2. Does magic resist affect a dragon's fire/ice breath shout? Or do I need raw fire and ice resist?3. Is it worth taking 5/5 ranks of the initial tier heavy or light armor perk? I am a light armor stealthy character, but I'd like to toughen him up a bit, some enemies still hurt me quite a lot and I'd like some physical damage resist.I'm using ancient shrouded armor, upgraded to legendary. I don't know my armor rating, I need to check it.4. If the perks are not worth it, is it worth putting fortify light armor on enchants?I'm asking this to try to figure out what enchants I want to put on my armor, so far I want to keep two sets of armor. One for non-stealth melee combat, one for stealth.I was going to do this.Set 1- No Stealth, melee combatHead-Restoration(emergency healing); ArcheryChest-No clue, health regen I guess? ; RestorationHands- 40%one-handed; ArcheryFeet- 40%one handed; ArcheryNeck- 40%one handed; Magic Resist(Shield of Solitude)Finger-40% one handed; Magic Resist(Shield of Solitude)Shield- Magic ResistSet 2-Stealth combatHead-Archery; Fort illusionChest-Illusion; ?Hands-One Handed; SneakFeet-Muffle; One-handedNeck-Archery; one-handedFinger-Illusion; SneakThat was very roughly thought out, I just quickly slapped it together, if I'm going overkill on something or if I should have more of something else, please tell me.These are only combat sets, other things like smithing armor is a separate and already taken care of.
  6. Uh, well my character is a DB/Thieves guild Stealth so..1 dagger for silent kills(Ebony)1 Bow(Nightingale)1 Daedric Sword+Nightingale blade for dual wielding1 Dragonscale shield...I used it to stunlock dragons back when they were harder, but now my dual wield power attacks hit pretty hard, I might just put it in the bank(read:small sack in breezehome with at least 900kg of stuff in it waiting to sell.)Hmm..I think I have a soultrap bow to get rabbit and chicken souls to powerlevel enchanting, just got enchanting to 100 today though so I'll dump that.That's it really, not sure if I need anything else. I suppose I'll replace Nightingale bow, Nightingale sword, and Ebony Dagger with Daedric weapons and custom enchant them.EDIT: ^|Dat mindsync.
  7. Thanks :) the guides here saved me a lot of time, if I find anything useful I"ll post it for others in return. Well, so far I'm trying to come up with a route to fill petty gems fast for the enchanting leveling, for those who don't want to use the companion glitch.

    1. David


      Sounds like a good idea. :) I'll eagerly await your findings.

  8. It doesn't take much to bring them out really, people will accept any "new ancient land found/un-buried, Dwemers still living there!"But yes, I'd like to have TES6 out at least before I'm too old and busy having my colon irrigated.
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