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Snuggles last won the day on September 19 2012

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About Snuggles

  • Birthday 12/06/1989

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    Riiiiiight here!
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    Gaming, anime, anything adorable!
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  1. In a perfect world, you're right. Different nations have different types of government though, and different rules. From what I've read, I see no problem with the guy. Although I live in another country so I'm obviously not seeing the full picture. He just has very extreme views ( like... very extreme. Reminds me a lot of Ron Paul here in the states ) but isn't actually harming anyone. I actually agree with quite a few things I've read about him too. The people who hurt someone. Are breaking the law, and should be dealt with accordingly. Whether they believe in free speech or not is irrelevant. Kind of like racism. Someone can be racist all they want. Once it becomes violent or begins to effect other people it becomes an issue.
  2. That goes with my point of 'human rights'. A human as an individual should have the right to choose their clothing or what they want to do. The thing is though, it doesn't go both ways. You don't see people running away from their country to live in Afghanistan or another middle-eastern country ( That I know of anyway. Although I live in America so information usually sucks ). They all come to the places where they have freedom to do as they please.
  3. IN COMMUNIST BRITAIN, CLOTHES DRESS YOU! So maybe they don't like the style? Who are you to decide what someone wants to wear or not? I honestly don't care about any country. What I do care about though is the right for every human to do as they please. As long as it isn't hurting anyone else. This, times a million. I can understand if you are visiting, and you can't speak the language. I can even understand if you can't make 100% coherent sentences. As long as you know the basics and can somewhat communicate then I'm ok with that.What I do HATE is being at work, and having a Mexican come up to me and speak in a language I don't understand. Then look at me like I'm the one who should know what he says and not the other way around.
  4. Same. Never simply playing RS though. My most recent all nighter was last night actually. Played and beat Borderlands2 at a friends house then went to work at 6am today.About to pull two more in a row probably. Just be fun
  5. Cheerleading takes no physical exertion? You try doing a double somersault after someone THROWS you into the air while landing on your feet. Sounds pretty physical to me. In fact it sounds more physical than some Olympic 'sports' you see at times.Also, how much physical exertion is needed for it to be a sport? I mean, I know I get physically tired after playing Battlefield for a few hours. My fingers hurt, my eyes hurt, my heart rate has risen.Also, for the record. Pro-gamers are called athletes last I checked. Since they are playing what is considered an 'e-sport' by the general public now.
  6. Colorado is one of the biggest horse states in the US. You can't drive five miles without seeing a camp or people with their own personal horses for shows. They take it very seriously too.Lets look at the definitions of a few things here Activity involving physical exertion. Horseback riding does fit into that category. Skill, that's a check. Individual or team competes against another or others. That's a check too. So Horseback riding would fit under the category of a sport. Proficient in sports. I guess this means if you aren't good you aren't an athlete. I can accept that, lol.So this makes me ask, are pro-gamers considered Athletes? Is MLG technically a sport? How about people who play competitive Chess? It may not be much physical exertion but I bet they lose plenty of calories sweating out each move. I'd really have to say the only part of the 'sport' definition I disagree with is the physical exertion. That's because I like the idea of video games being a sport though, lol. Skill is the most important thing in any sport. I also think that exertion of the brain is just as difficult as of the body. As for being an athlete. You're either one of the best ( an athlete ) or you're just a random it seems.
  7. Dear Feminists, MRA, Racial activists, Gay activists, religious activists and all other ignorant people of this world. What I am about to say comes from the bottom of my heart, so please realize that every word is important... Please go kill yourselves. You are counter-productive to the human race as a whole. You are conceded hypocrites who only care about their little 'group'. You claim to want equal rights. To get those equal rights, you will step on and suppress the truth just to m...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      ^^ Lol

      Also, I think when a religion says gays can't marry, fine, then they should get married without that religion. They've already stepped away from it when they go against it's teachings.

    3. Jake


      I agree with that. My dad was talking about that a little while ago. Homosexuals should be able to get married from a legal standpoint, but not from a religious standpoint. That should make everyone happy.

    4. Snuggles


      Bah, this stupid thing cuts off all my messages. I guess I'm limited to a certain amount of characters. It's not like they can't have a traditional wedding either. They just can't have the term 'marriage'. Most of them can probably even get 'married' in a church if they wanted to. Not all churches go against gays.

  8. As for perks, you get a total of 80 throughout the entire game.
  9. Pretty sure you have to buy a special keyboard made by Microsoft to use with the Xbox. Which is stupid.Last time I tried playing Street Fighter on a keyboard it couldn't recognize it as a device. I do know there is a way to mod a normal keyboard to work on the Xbox360 though. Just never cared enough to actually do it. I would rather just spend the $200 and buy a Hitbox.
  10. If you want to get technical. The gamepad came first in the world of gaming.I do agree though, I like my keybindings and my mouse. That's personal preference though. The consoles have found ways around the fact they have limited buttons to give you enough hotkeys for almost everything. Why would you spend all that money on a nice video card just to play your game in windowed mode? You are giving up the quality of your game so you can watch YouTube videos? I'd also LOVE to see someone play Starcraft while watching YouTube videos and do well. Bricks would be shat. >PC Consolelolwut? I think any computer gamer would be insulted to hear that their PC was being called a console. I know I am. Also, PS3 has every problem you complained that the Xbox360 has. If you're going to hate on something be consistent. Also, last time I checked the YLoD was almost just as common as the RRoD since the Xbox Slim was released. Xbox also gives you a warranty plus an extended warranty if the cause of death was the RRoD. Last I checked Sony only gives a one year warranty even if you get a YLoD. no u <3
  11. You just have to start leveling skills you never used. I played with a Bow my first character. Maxed it and Sneak before any other skill was even 75. Then I went to One-Handed weapons so I could continue to level. It's a bit difficult at that high of a level but not impossible.
  12. I know, but I figured I might as well, lol. Pretty sure it's impossible on the 360 and the PS3. I've searched several times on quite a few different websites and found nothing.
  13. I've searched and can't seem to find any actual way to remarry on the consoles. You can however use the console commands for the pc to remarry. Then wait 24 hours. You should be able to remarry.For everyone playing the Xbox and PS3 versions you are most likely out of luck. Unless you can somehow get to the console commands.
  14. For guides, I much prefer Mobafire. I know some of the top players in the world go here, and they have been around before LoL even existed. So I know the people here know what they are talking about. They also have detailed guides with several different ways to play each Hero. Plus basic lingo guides and exact times for neutral monster respawns/waves/etc.edit - After really browsing mobafire, it doesn't look like the same website I remember from the original DotA. Still a good site though, lol.
  15. Loved both of these games. Never knew quite this much backstory though. Very interesting read. Thank you for it :]
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