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Image Comments posted by David

  1. Wood you belive how mean this is?

    I thought the joke was in "belive" and stared at it for a good 40 seconds with a stupified expression.

    I have to admit that was pretty (Dova)kiin of me to make that pun.

    Idungetit. "kiin"? Is that a word?

    I'm dragon these jokes on too much.

    Okay, you got me. That was worth a +1.

    At first I was :unsure: and then I clicked on this image and I was like :huh: and then I read your puns and was... :ermm: ...until I read the last line by which time I was just :no:

    • Upvote 1
  2. I would change the cover image if I knew how, the gallery is kind of horrible from a Mod standpoint. Apparently there's going to be a shiny new version released in the next month or so, though, that is going to overhaul a lot. I'm not getting too excited but at worst they'll be a few new things they'll add/fix.

  3. 9gag has 0 original content anyways so they just took this from someone who you don't hate and applied their ridiculous mark on it.

    We actually have a setting for our own watermark. Would be hilarious to see how many these reused images get after a lap around the interwebz.

  4. This makes the lines between Zelda and Link even more confusing. 60% of Zelda fans think they play as Zelda instead of Link, and now we have a female heroine wearing his clothes in Skyrim? I like where this is going.

    Also, my first thought: "Wonder what the stats on those are."

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