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Promotions Announcement

Congratulations to the following members on their promotions!



Event Coordinator - note that you guys are required to make at LEAST 1 event per week, or you'll be demoted back down.



Timber Wolfs

Nelly also applied for Warlord, but that requires a trial period before a promotion. Nelly - find some wars and we'll see. You should get approval by me/Mono before scheduling though.

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So exactly what ranks do we have? cause as i understand ALL clan members should recruit when and however they can? Sorry if I sound rude, Id just like to learn the ranking system :) is there a link to the system? :D

Hmm, we had a Ranking System post back on the old Forums. But, lets be honest, normal members don't go to the bother of going on to fan-sites and bumping topics, posting on topics ect. Thats what I do, and David and Delly (LIES).I shall write up the ranking system and link you later, unless there is one that is there that I am unaware of.
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The official ranking is posted as following:Diplomats - They are the chief recruiters of the clan. They make it so we can have a fresh stream of new rebels in our clan so that fresh faces are always present at events and clan gatherings. Without them, our clan would have no members!Events Coordinators- They plan events. They make it so you all have a fun time with your stay at the Rebels. They make an impression on the new members showing them that we are a great clan and you should totally join.Diplomats and EC's work together in making events that can also recruit people into our clan.Moderators- These are the old Council members who usually step down from their position but want to remain in the clan. These people are the ones who scan the forums making sure everything is in working order and that everyone is upholding the rules of the forums. They still have responsibility but not as much.Council members are like a mixed treat bag. They do a little of everything and are the glue for the clan. They make sure that the clan leaders are satisfied and are the faces of the clan. They take your complaints, and turn them into a working machine. They make sure that clan members get along and that the clan is running smoothly.High Council- Just another step closer towards the clan leader rank from the Council rank. The High Council is usually a person of the Council who has been very active in their duties. High Council is voted on and is a real honor for all those who have achieved it. They do the same things as Council members but also work much closer with the Clan Leaders to help connect the Clan Leaders to the Council.Clan leaders are the engines for the clan. They keep it running from backstage and occasionally pop their head out and ask how things are going. They are the true driving force for the clan and are always there for help. They work in conjunction with any other rank. It takes many years with the clan and dedication to achieve the title of Clan Leader and only those worthy enough are awarded the title.Founder - Traaginen. He was the one who founded the clan, he is the only one who gets the title. Enough said.

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ok diplomats - I like the wholse recruiting thing, andd they recruited me through Tipit forums so good job, worthwhile rank.  Event co-ordinators are also neccessary, however I havent actually seen an event made by an event co-ordinator yet "/ and surely the diplomat should be in charge of making new recruits welcome seem as they in turn, recruited them?   Ok I dont know how many of each rank we have, because i cant seem to find the list :') but from what ive seen we dont have many active council+ ranks, correct me if im wrong.  SO the council members and high council members seem to do the same job which in my opinion is not neccasary, as there aernt a lot of things that can go wrong in a clan other than other ranks not performing, through my past experience (I helped run Legendz for over a year on High Council "/).  Given there all neccessary ranks but I dont know if we have enough active members on the forums/IRC or in game to hold all hese ranks together? So maybe merge a few ranks together? so more people are recruiting/making events and so on?

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BGS has been making loads of events ever since he got promoted. Dunno about the others. I've made an event, and I plan to make more, since Tragic thought it would be a nice idea to make me make events too, so I can do all the stuff Event Coordinators can do, l0l.High Council isn't really needed I guess, but nonetheless, I like the rank, since members get voted from the Council to High Council by the regular members. And there are a few more things they can do, which I explained in my Rank System post.We need a new Council, methinks, or at least more Council members.Oh and, Diplomats welcoming and showing new members everything wouldn't be easy, since recruiting is already hard enough. Maybe a "Mentor" rank. You get assigned one once you join, and you ask them anything you want ect? Idk, just an idea.

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My fellow Council mates have bugged out. I am the only one left. Event Coordinators just made a ton of new events, to view these, head over to the community event section of the forums. An event should be happening soon, a House Party. High Council does mostly the same thing as Council but is more of a recognition of heightened achievement. They have put the extra effort in. And they also have the ability to accept members into the clan while the Leader is absent. They both still play a vital role. As with the Council members being promoted, we currently just got a fresh batch of people, so new Council members will be postponed until we weed out those who qualify. Many active people have become inactive lately due to school. Time will run its course.

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erm maybe some of the diplomats could be the mentors? like the ones that are able to be more active? But at the end of the day its everyones job to make them feel welcome :DYer seems like we need more active staff to me only seem to have about 1 in each rank? atm.But then we dont want a clan that has no members and everyones staff 0.0 a problem for the high council? :)Oh yer i totally agree Crazy they should be left in, but its whether we have the members to fill them?

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