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Monthly Drop Party Reflection


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Well, due to me being an hour late and people having different time frames, this month turned into a rewards trade more or less. I am basically splitting up what I bought for the drop party and trading to people an equal amount. They deserved the reward for being active and so they get it. Now it wasn't quite as fun as a drop party would have been, but this month its how it worked out. The only person that was fortunate/unfortunate enough to actually get to go to the party room was Superman. That was a lot of ballons he had to pop, and not to mention a few of the drops disappearing including one nice one. Next month, I hope to actually be able to have an all out drop party. I will look into who qualifies and or will qualify a week in advance, and try to come to a time frame that EVERYBODY can make it to. GRATS EVERYBODY ON YOUR REWARD! Thanks for showing to the events, hope to see you next month!!!! p.s. Dont forget to post pics of your rewards.

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