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Hello everyone. I came to check out your boards since crazycow73 stopped by on our boards to suggest an alliance.

I like the setup you guys have on your boards, especially the awards section, really nice.

Anyway, just saying hello and will probably lurk a bit to see how things work over here at TRR.

Zepherusbane <-that's my RS name too, I never bother changing it.

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Hey guys, I'm Deadboy13 or Nich, also from Malkavian Scourge. I'm part of the clan's Primogen (or what most other clans usually call Council). I've been talking with Crazycow and T Ranger and they both seem like great guys. I really look forward to having some joint events and getting to know members of your community. You guys should check out our forums too!Start here!http://z11.invisionfree.com/Malkavian_Scourge/index.php?showtopic=6602&st=0Best regards guys.

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Hello, I'm Brian and I also come from the Malkavian Scourge forums with Dale and Nich [Zepherusbane and Deadboy13.] As some of you may or may not realise, Crazycow and T-Ranger have both joined our forums and created a topic proposing an Alliance. For that reason, I have signed up for your forums both to familiarise myself with your clan and also to encourgage you all to sign up for our forums as well. In order to begin posting you'll need to register and receive the validation email. [Carbon Copy of the process for signing up for these forums, it is straight-forward-]The reason you could not view that thread was because you don't have a guest account. I'm sure there are forums that I myself cannot view here, but once you have a guest account you can see the clan public forums. [MS Public]Crazycow and T-Ranger have also proposed we have joint events, which does bring me to my next point. I am one of the three Event Keepers of Malkavian Scourge, so I have the added intentions of working with your clan to make sure that there is proper communication and fluidity when we are having joint events. Unfortunately I am not as active as I would like to be due to my real world responsibilities, but I do look forward to helping our events go smoothly and creating a healthy relationship between these two clans, I am going to take the liberty of posting our first joint event shortly.To get started on joining our forums, please click the below link.http://z11.invisionfree.com/Malkavian_Scourge/index.php?act=idxOnce there, register and once you're validated you will have access to the MS Public forums, and therefore be able to read the topic Crazycow posted. It is titled 'Clan Alliance'Hope to see some more of you on our side, and I will work to do likewise for you. Take care, we'll be in touch. My RSN is Merlin_2595 if you have any questions, or you can join our clan chat.Hail Malkav.

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Haha, kudos for the Rick Roll! ^^Hi! I'm Trym. I'm also one off the three event keepers. Though I'm not as active as I should be, I hope this will change. Atleast in some periods.My RSN is "Lt Trym" and my chat is always on, so just hit me a PM if you wish.I hope this alliance can be a good experience, and the start off a long and smooth collaboration. And that we can find new and good friends across the clans. :)

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Hello guys! Im Perestroi or Brian, I am the Master Updater for MS. MS is the only clan i have really been part of and it will nice to see how other clans run things! My schedule is always up in the air since i work in the coal mines, so somedays you may not see me for a while. But my goals in Runescape is to make friends and get my total up. I would love to reach the maxxed level but i doubt that would ever happen. Hit me up whenever! Best of luck to you guys as well!

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