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99 Fletching goals and Questions!


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So starting off, I just want to 99 a skill.I've generally heard that fletching is the easiest, or one of the easiest to do. Its boring as hell, but sitting in the GE buying all your raw materials and selling them, making 9gp profit off each bow with just clicking the mouse a few times doesn't sound all that bad. That's what I've heard. My question is, is fletching a good skill to 99? Or would you recommend another? Thanks in advance guys!

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what??This is probably the best prestigious 99 cape AND fuking feats great for the first 99!!

This is true, but The best Prestigious 99 cape to me would have to be Summoning since it rely's upon an item that is only dropped 10% of the time from killing monsters and only come in a pack of one per drop. So in my opinion, Summoning 99 Cape = 1stRC 99 Cape = 2nd
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This is true, but The best Prestigious 99 cape to me would have to be Summoning since it rely's upon an item that is only dropped 10% of the time from killing monsters and only come in a pack of one per drop.

So in my opinion,

Summoning 99 Cape = 1st

RC 99 Cape = 2nd

Oh lololo I forgot right it's that!!! Nice reply Posted Image
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Having done fletching at one of my first 99's, I have to say that I used to really like the skill. Not so sure how much it's changed since I did it, but I know at least today "string x" is available.

I used to make yew and magic longs for a majority of my xp and then alched the bows after to make money and to get 99 mage. I don't know if you can make money doing that today, but at the time I was doing this it was my primary income source and my way to feed the mage skill so I kept going even after 99.

If you decide to make bows and want to increase profits, you can do some of the boring but easy things yourself.

[*]One I used to do was to pick my own flax and make my own bowstrings for craft xp. Yes, picking flax is one of the most boring things out there but picking your own can save you a ton of money when you are making 10's of thousands of bows. I once picked 10k flax without taking breaks to work on anything else, how I could stand it was by watching movies at the same time (it took three movies by the way). Pick flax in Lletya for the closest banking.

[*]I also used to cut a lot of yews and magics myself rather than buy them. Today that's even more useful than when I did it as yew and mage logs are a lot more expensive these days than they used to be. Even if you only cut 1 or 2k of your own logs out of each batch of 5-10k you fletch, you'll see a dramatic increase in your profits. The bonus is that you'll get a lot of wc xp too while doing this, cutting logs for fletching is how I got 99 wc. My favorite places for cutting are the yews in tree gnome stronghold and for mages, the spot just outside of Lletya in the Elf area.

[*]Lastly, nats are so cheap these days you might not want to bother making any of them, but obviously each one you do make yourself can save you money on materials. I used to buy my nats and they were actually a lot more expensive than they are today (used to run 300gp each normally), but every bit you do yourself gives you more profits. If you do make nats, craft them by using the abyss to get to the altar fastest.

If you high alch yew longs you'll get 768gp each, mage longs 1536gp each so you'll have to do the math to see if you will actually make money or not.

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Yes, I think fletching is a great first 99, decently fast, makes profit (in my experience), and in my personal opinion I like the cape and emote. My advice which I'm sure has already been given is to watch movies, tv shows, etc. Another piece of advice is don't worry about profit, worry about loss. As long as your not loosing your good.

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