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Alright, I am not going to lie to you about making money online and say that it is easy and quick and pretty much will get you anything you ever wanted in life. The only thing you will be making will be pennies a day, unless done correctly, then it will be paying out roughly 10-20 dollars a day. NeoBux is a TRUSTED site, I have had friends get paid,and I have been paid before. It is a PTC site, which stands for Paid to Click. Basically, the idea is to log in everyday, click as many ads as you can in that day, and then log off. There are roughly 6 to 7 ads a day. Most ads pay $.001 which is a tenth of a penny. Don't worry because there is usually 1 or 2 other ads that pay a penny each. And that is it.

Now there is no way you are going to be making 10 dollars a day with tenths of pennies. This is where the tricky part lies. You must invite people to the site. Let's say you have 10 friends and all 10 sign up. Everyday now, you get the same amount that they made for the day. Beautiful, isn't it? More friends = more referrals = more money. The only problem with that is though you must click everyday to earn their credits too. Now let's say you don't have any friends. You are still in luck. You can purchase "rented" referrals. These referrals last a month, but cost to renew. The trick here is though that the longer you rent them for, the cheaper it is. So having only 3 referrals, but renting them at a year at a time is much cheaper than having 20 referrals each month. Losing referrals, and not paying for them results in a penalty fee which also puts your income lower.

I know Membership can cost a little bit, but this really helps offset the cost and lets you make some money on the side. It is real easy to do and takes about 2 minutes everyday. Very easy to do while you skill/chill out in RS.

If anyone has any questions, please just contact me and I will be happy to help.

The website is located here: www.neobux.com.

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I have some things to say about this....The first is that neobux were a great way to make money it was with it that I earned like 15$ online, It was the first time I had earned money online but to do this I took almost a year and I donated it in the total to the clan in old foruns and some in these foruns... So neobux were great I found realy well about referals and I started to buy alot wich improved my profit, that was great... Till a month were administrators sad that there were going to be great updates in the month and well some shit were realy great but the last update was horrible... for the normal clicks were you had like 0.01$ ( these were tons a day and you could have a great money and click hard for example while fishing WC mining cooking...... etc) so I would save time :P but then new clicks came out and the normal clicks of 0.01 changed to 0.001 and ppl started to make much more clicks and there were much more clicks... Well those 0.001 clicks were much more but they didn't did so much money in the same time as the old 0.01 so alot of ppl quited neobux... ppl like me, so I don't use it anymore... But TBH if you whant to know it and if you whant to make serious money out of this to the clan you should do this( idk if david or some ppl will agree): If you earn money to later buy refereals.. if your referals click you will gain much more money.. but if you start a new acc you wont make much money only if you invest.. so as I know that david have other sites to earn money he could like invest like 5% or even 1% in neobux and the buy referals.. He would get his money back in like 2 weeks and then the acc would start to make realy money and have more and more referals and then the clan money paypal would have very money and we would have one more way to make money..Point 2 there is other thing essential to make good money is be active so what you should do if you start this methood is give the name and the pass of the neobux acc to mono david and kaiden because they are the highest in positions in the clan and they would spend just like 5 10 mins daily clicking and if they whant to spend more... even better so that would be good to make realy money..I took 15$in a few months with not much referals and I sometimes were sticked to the PC all day long clicking but if you have like 3 or 4 guys running the acc and if you invest in referals you will get the money back and then you can start making profit to our foruns xDSorry about the big post but this is a important matter to talk about...

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