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Hi, I'm Tim.I'm not really the most confident person, you could probably thank years on end of video gaming for that. I like retro gaming (namely the Sega Megadrive, or genesis as the americans call it).I play a lot on the PC, but not many consoles.I'm crap at most sports, except Rugby.I play a lot of Synths and my favourite synthesizer is the Korg R3.Played Runescape on and off with 2 previous accounts and made my current account when I was about 7 or 6 (hence the misspelling of "Thomas").Not sure what else to say about me

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Welcome to TRR!

I also play some rugby, what position do you play?

Glad to see your application was accepted and hope you enjoy your time at The Runescape Rebelz.

Be sure to stay active on the forums though because it's just as important to stay connected here as it is IN-Game.


~Stuart :P

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Welcome to TRR!

I also play some rugby, what position do you play?

Glad to see your application was accepted and hope you enjoy your time at The Runescape Rebelz.

Be sure to stay active on the forums though because it's just as important to stay connected here as it is IN-Game.


~Stuart :)

Thanks for the intro.

I play inside centre.

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