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What's your PC Specs?


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CPU: AMD FX-8350 (8 cores bro)

Motherboard: Asus M5A99X Evo R2.0

Memory (RAM): 8GB (2x4) LP Corsair Vengeance

GPU: 2-way SLI - nVidia GTX 660s (Asus and MSI branding, because you know, variance is awesome lol)

PSU: XFX 750W Bronze Certified

Storage: 128GB SanDisk SSD Boot Drive and a 1tb mass storage drive @ 7200RPM.

Case: Cooler Master Storm Scout 2 (Meh, don't know why I got this, it's pretty decent)

Keyboard: Ducky Zero Shine (Mechanical is too good.)

Mouse: Cyborg RAT 3 Gaming Mouse w/ Steelseries QcK mouse pad.

Monitors: 3x BenQ GL2250 (1080p, 21.5", pretty terrible, I just need 3 for efficiency and they were cheap)


I play a lot of varying titles tbh, usually graphically intensive, but older games are awesome too. If anything, I'm moving almost completely off Windows because the OS thought it would be funny to play games and make me delete my hard drive by accident, so that limits my games a little. Gonna leave a partition to play ESO and some other games along with Photoshop and stuff.


SLI is just terrible, and even though I added the card ages after, still feel like I could have left it where it was. I am in need of some upgrades anyway, peripherals - Want to get a Korean 1440p monitor some time and a pair of audiophile grade headphones (Audio Technica AD900X's had my eye a while ago) to replace this utterly useless gaming headset.


Apologies for the slightly lengthy post.

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Stealing Ferg's template.


CPU: Intel 4670k

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD4H

Memory (RAM): 16GB (2x8) DDR3-1600 G.Skill

GPU: GTX 760 - MSI Twin Frozr

PSU: Rosewill Capstone 750W Gold Certified


  • 128GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD (Operating System)
  • 1TB Seagate Barracuda (Storage)
  • 2TB Toshiba (Storage + Backup)

Case: Corsair 500R

Case Accessories: 4 Phanteks F-140XP Fans (+2 extras after an RMA mishap)

Keyboard: Some Dell keyboard from a retired 14 year old desktop.

Mouse: Performance MX

Monitors: 24" Dell U2412M


My next purchase is probably going to be a second U2412M monitor. My friend has tried talking me into getting a mechanical keyboard next, but the only one I actually like aesthetically is $150 (Corsair K95) and doesn't come in browns. I want browns. Not reds. Boo.


Since I'm not a hardcore multiplayer gamer I think a second monitor would give me way more utility for my money. 


I play a lot of varying titles tbh, usually graphically intensive, but older games are awesome too. If anything, I'm moving almost completely off Windows because the OS thought it would be funny to play games and make me delete my hard drive by accident, so that limits my games a little. Gonna leave a partition to play ESO and some other games along with Photoshop and stuff.


Wait, what do you mean delete your hard drive? I don't see why that would limit your games since you can just format it.


SLI is just terrible, and even though I added the card ages after, still feel like I could have left it where it was. I am in need of some upgrades anyway, peripherals - Want to get a Korean 1440p monitor some time and a pair of audiophile grade headphones (Audio Technica AD900X's had my eye a while ago) to replace this utterly useless gaming headset.


SLI does seem like a money trap. I bought my 760 partly because it's allegedly good in SLI and would theoretically outperform higher end cards for the price (in SLI) should I ever go that route. The thing is, after the card is old and in need of an upgrade/SLI you're probably further ahead just to buy a newly released card anyways. BUT REMEMBER TO BUY ONE WITH POTENTIAL SLI CAPABILITY FOR FUTURE UPGRADES!!1one 


And the cycle repeats...

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My next purchase is probably going to be a second U2412M monitor. My friend has tried talking me into getting a mechanical keyboard next, but the only one I actually like aesthetically is $150 (Corsair K95) and doesn't come in browns. I want browns. Not reds. Boo.


Since I'm not a hardcore multiplayer gamer I think a second monitor would give me way more utility for my money. 



Wait, what do you mean delete your hard drive? I don't see why that would limit your games since you can just format it.


Well I already had my 1tb harddrive partitioned for Windows and a mess around Linux setup. Because I have SLI, and 3 monitors, Linux isn't very ideal to get working so I was just switching to stock Ubuntu because that's the only one that seemed to work properly, not my favourite of choices but oh well. Just scraped the Linux partition and added it to my Windows partition, all fine. But it decided to show up as 2 seperate partitions, which in actual fact were the same partition, so deleting that again, which I had thought was empty space really happened to be my full hard drive. I can recover, but I just cba at this stage.


It limits my games because Linux' game libraries are limited. Meaning I don't want to devote to games just on Windows besides ESO and Battlefield.




Why is the K95 the only like, there are loads of them, surely there is some one that you like other than that. And considering a lot come with more than just those stupid red switches... Never ever really liked Corsair's keyboards really, and I don't even use my keyboards backlighting, which I HAD to have when I bought it, but the novelty seemed to have worn off in a matter of a week.

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Why is the K95 the only like, there are loads of them, surely there is some one that you like other than that. And considering a lot come with more than just those stupid red switches... Never ever really liked Corsair's keyboards really, and I don't even use my keyboards backlighting, which I HAD to have when I bought it, but the novelty seemed to have worn off in a matter of a week.


I haven't seriously researched mechanical keyboards other than the top 3-4 companies; I'm sure there are others out there I'd like. What's wrong with Corsair? They make good stuff. 


I don't think I'll get one soon soon so debating the current models is probably moot. Rather have the dual monitors.

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I haven't seriously researched mechanical keyboards other than the top 3-4 companies; I'm sure there are others out there I'd like. What's wrong with Corsair? They make good stuff. 


I don't think I'll get one soon soon so debating the current models is probably moot. Rather have the dual monitors.


Nothing wrong with Corsair, they make solid products. But keyboards, mediocre. Do not live up to standards of Ducky, Filco, das Keyboard etc.

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Hey everyone, just wondering what everyone's pc/gaming specs were and what type of games you run.


We're still waiting for your specs/games ;)


Nothing wrong with Corsair, they make solid products. But keyboards, mediocre. Do not live up to standards of Ducky, Filco, das Keyboard etc.


I think Corsair's keyboards are aesthetically much more pleasing than those brands. I'm a fan of something fairly minimalist that doesn't scream "I'm a 13337 gam3r l0l." Things that I wouldn't feel ashamed of professional company / parents / girlfriends seeing. A lot of Filco's stuff is just tacky as hell. I mean...






... Let's be real.


Ducky has obnoxiously prominent logos all over a lot of their keyboards. Don't really know anything about Das Keyboard. Again, these are just my personal design preferences -- I have heard a lot of great things about their build quality.

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Those are just coloured keycaps, those could be put on any keyboard. I would never get them, I was referring to their more minimalist designs.


If I could have afforded a Filco, I'd have gotten this. Of course there a model with regular key printing.




Ducky, perhaps, it's not that bad, Cooler Master seem to be worse for it. My Shine Zero however, just a single small logo on the front of my space bar next to the Zero lettering. Nothing on the windows key besides 'Win'.


Das Keyboard if you Google image search them you will find they are even cleaner. Never liked the shape of the top-right though.

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If I could have afforded a Filco, I'd have gotten this. Of course there a model with regular key printing.


See, in my opinion that keyboard looks really cheap. Even the logo looks like it's a sticker or an iron-on clothe patch. For $200, I just don't see the value.

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We're still waiting for your specs/games ;)


I haven't gamed on a PC in a long while D: last time was probably 2010, I sometimes game on my laptop...but the specs are not even worth posting LMFAO


I only started this topic to get a general idea of what people are playing and what they're using to play.

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I haven't gamed on a PC in a long while D: last time was probably 2010, I sometimes game on my laptop...but the specs are not even worth posting LMFAO


I only started this topic to get a general idea of what people are playing and what they're using to play.


I say we collaboratively spec-out a PC for you to build. :D

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Has anyone used mechanical keyboards with the Cherry MX style keys?


They are going to be by far the most common. And of those cherry keys, 4 are common. Others like the clears and greens aren't as common.


Blue - Tactile, clicky/loud. Best for typing, but not if you type during the night a lot or in an office where you annoy others.

Browns - Tactile, non-clicky. Out of these 4, best mix of gaming and typing. Feels great, not too loud.

Reds - Linear/non-tactile, non-clicky, really sensitive. Best for gaming, but ahh, I wouldn't personally ever go near them unless I was a professional gamer or something.

Blacks - Same as reds, but require a lot more force. Meh, these have their fans, but not an awful lot.


I have browns, love them. Of course they are almost as loud as blues if you bottom out your keys, but otherwise, pretty quiet and o-rings can solve noise problems. :P

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I revisited this thread and wondered what my total cost was up to with the more recent additions... Ended up updating the PCPartPicker build profile with all of the prices I actually paid. It was depressing to see how much the drives (especially SSDs) have come down since I bought them a year ago, but oh well.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (Purchased For $199.99)

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (Purchased For $29.99)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD4H ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (Purchased For $150.00)

Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (Purchased For $73.00)

Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (Purchased For $124.99)

Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For $69.99)

Storage: Toshiba 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For $40.27)

Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 760 2GB TWIN FROZR Video Card (Purchased For $256.00)

Case: Corsair 500R Black ATX Mid Tower Case (Purchased For $69.99)

Power Supply: Rosewill Capstone 750W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (Purchased For $69.99)

Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer (Purchased For $5.00)

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit) (Purchased For $89.99)

Monitor: Dell U2412M 60Hz 24.0" Monitor (Purchased For $260.00)

Case Fan: 4 x Phanteks PH-F140XP_BK 85.2 CFM 140mm Fan (Purchased For $57.65)

Mouse: Logitech Performance Wireless Laser Mouse (Purchased For $44.99)

Total: $1541.84

My target budget was $1000...

How would that compare to prices in Europe?

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Prices in Europe suck, if I'm honest.


If newegg shipped to Europe at the same cost with the same shipping fees, I would have a system that is considerably more powerful. I actually met my budget (well a tiny bit over), but since then additions have brought that up.

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